I'm not sure if anyone has already asked this, but I didn't find it:
is there an exact time when the release will happen? I want to play with some friends

Nomi314 wrote:HI!
I'm not sure if anyone has already asked this, but I didn't find it:
is there an exact time when the release will happen? I want to play with some friends
jiallombardo wrote:Hello, I have played this mod a couple of years ago, and now that it has been released again, I wanted to take a whack at it one more time.
However, there are a lot of changes, which I can't find immediate answers to (not https://docs.median-xl.com/, not by forum search). Here is a list of questions:
1. Is it possible to toggle to "vanilla" diablo 2 GUI? (Right now the GUI looks like it's from D1)
2. Is is possible to respec more than once (i.e. somewhere other than Akara's)
3. I recall there was a level 1 quest when you get a Median statuette, and then have to fight an insta-kill boss to farm a class charm -- is that not a thing anymore? Is there a more-or-less comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to play median-specific areas/quests after the update?
If you read thus far -- thank you, I would appreciate any help