whist on Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:03 pm wrote:Exactly one month without any screenshot, been a little busy

Anyways, currently working on the mon desc code. The unit hover code has been finished for a while, except for the mon desc part. Time to finish this. So here we can see the new lifebar style, along with immunities displayed on individual lines (although monsters with more than one immunity are quite rare)

It also gets compacted into one string in the case of immune to all monsters (to avoid un-necessary amount text). There's a little mistake here, the name doesn't display in gold, but whatever.

Anyways this one should have a "boss fight" style bar, so here we go

Also, stuff such as elites, heroics, uber monsters, etc, all have their name colored automatically (this is all set in monstats3.txt). We also have the possibility to define a color for custom monsters or whatever. (still all in monstats3.txt)