BAAL Complete Trophy Farm

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sappersummoner wrote:to demonstrate the reality of the situation

i farmed baals trophy again just like I did yesterday

it took me 20 kills of baal each time to make a full trophy

here's the numbers which represent the wide variety of effects achieved
by virtue of merely changing the FPS the game renders in

30 FPS = 1 and a half hour Baal trophy farm

75 FPS = 1 hour Baal trophy farm

Try it yourself and see the difference

anyways im going to bed now... Good night ; d

All I'm seeing is that the 75 fps looks funky because I'm not used to it but I don't see any speed changes.
if anything I notice is that you need 1 min to kill baal in 75 fps and 30 sec in 30, for a total of a 2:30 min in 30 fps vs a 3 min run. But that's purely because of the luck of the fight (Diablo Spawn, baal teleports). There's also luck in the lvl 2 and 3 worldstone layout. Also, the way you're playing can hardly be considered consistent, and you're using phalax which is one of the less consistent skill of the game for non static bosses.
1h vs 1h30 for the same thing is significant but with what you show it can be explained as simple variance in rng/gameplay (if you even timed properly)
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Lava Lord
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bro im so fast now : D

200 FPS with d2gl

5 second kabraxis runs G-G

edit: responding to Lynderika that just posted yea what happens is the Frame rate changes the animations of the game and alter the mechanics of the game broadly...there's a lot of complexity involved but altering game settings grants better performance outcomes, and some people even try to quantify them..
Edited by sappersummoner 1 year.
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sappersummoner wrote:...and attack twice as fast

Increased visual FPS doesn't mean your actions are faster, they just look smoother.

Thought experiment to simplify:
Your character performs an attack that requires 25 frames to complete, so 1 second in real time since the engine internal speed clocks at 25 frames per second.
You decide to install a renderer that bump your visual frames to 50, so double those shown in the vanilla SP game. What happens?

- What you think it happens:
visual frames = internal frames, so at 50fps I'm attacking twice the time in 1 second.

- What happens in reality:
visual frames != internal frames, you still perform a single attack in 1 second but visually it looks smoother because artificial frames are being shown between the real ones.
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sappersummoner wrote:bro im so fast now : D

200 FPS with d2gl

5 second kabraxis runs G-G

edit: responding to Lynderika that just posted yea what happens is the Frame rate changes the animations of the game and alter the mechanics of the game broadly...there's a lot of complexity involved but altering game settings grants better performance outcomes, and some people even try to quantify them..

ah, trolling confirmed

alright, enjoy a 1 day ban
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Lava Lord
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I'm gonna leave you guys with some quotes to think about, that I was referring to earlier
it's not a simple issue to understand, but it's really interesting thinking about how to make
even more powerful characters!


► Breakpoints
A frame is an image. The game displays 25 images per second. Thus, a frame can also be used as a time unit (1/25th of a second, in Diablo II).
Each animation takes a certain amount of frames until it finishes.

Games are subject to an internal clock, the faster this clock ticks, the more important is your reactivity. Diablo II doesn't require the reactivity of a First-Person-Shooter. Its internal clock is set to 25fps, so any movement and calculation ingame refers to 25fps game clock speed. That is, the game updates monitor graphics 25 times a second.


But, with new technology that has come out the game isn't limited to 25 fps anymore, and for example with opengl being the underlying
framework for rendering MedianXL frame rates can be pushed above 25 FPS to around 75 fps max.

So the "tick" speed you guys are referring to is actually the rate that the game is updating the monitors graphics, aka the fps setting for the game, there's
the oldest standard definition from an ancient diablo-reference library. The phrase "internal clock" is utilized to differentiate between the fps of the game, and your monitors fps rates. So just to reiterate, in short, these are issues worth taking a second look at, and the mathematics are worth going over again.

Of course, there's even newer technology for enhancing the performance of this game out now, and you can get up to 240 FPS in d2gl. These are important issues to understand especially considering that some players will achieve an advantage over other players taking advantage of these aspects of the game.
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sappersummoner wrote:So the "tick" speed you guys are referring to is actually the rate that the game is updating the monitors graphics, aka the fps setting for the game, there's
the oldest standard definition from an ancient diablo-reference library. The phrase "internal clock" is utilized to differentiate between the fps of the game, and your monitors fps rates. So just to reiterate, in short, these are issues worth taking a second look at, and the mathematics are worth going over again.

No, you're an idiot. Tick rate is tick rate, this is standard terminology in every game on the planet. In singleplayer, with default renderers, tick rate and frame rate are locked together at 25 updates per second. In multiplayer or with a different renderer like the Glide wrapper, D2DX, or D2GL, they're not and the frame rate can vary, while tick rate is still 25 per second. Quit the misinformation.