The endgame in median looks like a wide variety of extremely time consuming grinding
of many various zones, one of which being the bosses which need to be killed on average over 40
times each to get 1 trophy to upgrade their charm for even more power.
Here I'm farming BAAL in Hell to upgrade the charm he drops with +10 elemental resistances
which will enable my character to make more powerful gear for the hardest content in the game.
I'm using my 5 day old bowzon boosted with charms and trade gold I earned on another character
I made at the beginning of the season, so keep in mind this character has effectively taken me
almost an entire month of constantly playing day and night just to get to this point. ... -full.html
It takes me just an hour with one of the fastest characters in the game to get the trophy, but for the perfect charm to upgrade with it it will probably take me several more hours not shown here. I had to reduce the video quality because lossless quality creates a 300 gb file for an hour long video which is too big for youtube. And then I had to make a new account to upload the video on rumble because youtube wont allow people to upload videos longer than 15 minutes without phone verification.
edit: rumble says the video is undergoing "monetization processing" so it should be visible in an hour after this posts time...