BAAL Complete Trophy Farm

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Lava Lord
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So I decided to upload another video to show what a real trophy farm on MedianXL looks like.

The endgame in median looks like a wide variety of extremely time consuming grinding

of many various zones, one of which being the bosses which need to be killed on average over 40

times each to get 1 trophy to upgrade their charm for even more power.

Here I'm farming BAAL in Hell to upgrade the charm he drops with +10 elemental resistances

which will enable my character to make more powerful gear for the hardest content in the game.

I'm using my 5 day old bowzon boosted with charms and trade gold I earned on another character

I made at the beginning of the season, so keep in mind this character has effectively taken me

almost an entire month of constantly playing day and night just to get to this point. ... -full.html

It takes me just an hour with one of the fastest characters in the game to get the trophy, but for the perfect charm to upgrade with it it will probably take me several more hours not shown here. I had to reduce the video quality because lossless quality creates a 300 gb file for an hour long video which is too big for youtube. And then I had to make a new account to upload the video on rumble because youtube wont allow people to upload videos longer than 15 minutes without phone verification.

edit: rumble says the video is undergoing "monetization processing" so it should be visible in an hour after this posts time...

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Lava Lord
94 | 2
Okay the videos up now xD

now i have to get back to farming for perfect charm

which might take another two three hours
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Weird choice for the fastest boss killer :mrgreen:
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Lava Lord
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Well m not saying its the fastest

im saying its one of the fastest chars

in fact ele bowzon is like a mega fast farmer for bosses/everything all the way up till like t9 labs where enemies have a flat 50% damage reduction to elemental damage and without perfect/expensive gear innate builds tend to fall off at that point

im not a havoc sorc with essentially a delete button skill, bowzon is a very active character u have to use a lot of movement

to dodge attacks and even position your own attacks to do higher damage
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my suggestion is to keep all your videos in a single thread instead of creating a new one for each boss
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Lava Lord
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well i dont think ill be making any more videos i think im out of content to showcase xD
Edited by sappersummoner 1 year.
Monkey King
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I liked your videos so far as they are a good showcase of a more "normal" gaming experience, instead of "lvl 150 perfect gear meta build deletes hardest boss in game in 3 mins" showcases. Feels like they fill a gap.

They show a part of the game that is far more approachable, like, having 1h (which is still quite fast for a trophy grind on baal) trophy collection, which happened in the other showcases as well, but its invisible.
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Lava Lord
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thanks i wanted to actually show how to get a trophy on this game
cause I spend a lot of time helping new players, and was once a new player myself,
and things like how to make a trophy are totally unknown to new players, not to mention
a lot of different aspects of the game broadly, like the fact that we are playing a diablo mod
and leveling up interesting new character types, but this game is different, and we are
expected to grind out so many different things to progress and level up at a certain point
which is extremely time consuming
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Lava Lord
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I made another video of my 141 bowzon on MedianXL farming Baal in 30 fps mode and in 75 fps mode to demonstrate the dramatic difference in the games performance between these two different settings. Frame rendering has a wide variety of different effects on game mechanics and player interactions with those mechanics in every video game, and on MedianXL they play a prominent role in determining how to develop characters to get the most strength.

It's such an important discrepancy to understand in depth, that I went back to farm Baals trophy a second time in 30 fps mode, which with about the exact same drop rate, took me a full hour and thirty minutes at least compared to running him at 75 fps, which took me an hour.

You've got to manually select the 1080p option under the settings menu and quality settings to see the full details I tried to capture with this video. The games animations and the players interactions with those animations are sped up twice as much simply by increasing the frame rate the game is rendered in from 30 fps to 75 fps which is enabled by the glide wrapper which is specifically made for this game.

In every video game improving the frame rates changes the speed by which the game creates animations
and how fast the player can interact with those animations which creates unique mechanics gaming enthusiasts
attempt to understand in depth. Just a small example: in the first call of duty modern warfare changing the frame rates
of the game could make your character jump higher, or farther forward, and alter how guns were fired, at different frame
rate settings, which players spent days and weeks testing to discover the full limitations, and differences between
different frame rate settings.

In MedianXl it's no different: higher frame rates are relative to faster animations, faster attack, cast, and hit recovery speeds,
faster running, hell, sometimes my character jumps forward like half a cell, and these effects are altered by the complex interactions
between items we choose, and the underlying games settings, with frame rates, being one of the primary factors in regards to
speeds across the board.

30 FPS = 1 and a half hour Baal trophy farm

75 FPS = 1 hour Baal trophy farm

For me what makes MedianXL fun is testing out and playing with all the different items and settings to discover new effects
based on the underlying complex of various systems.
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So not only do you not understand the difference between the renderer's frame rate and the game's tick rate, you can't even be bothered to review your own footage and compare the 0.20 seconds it takes to reach active frame on wyrmshot with 30fps rendering to the 0.20 seconds it takes to reach active frame on wyrmshot with 75fps rendering.

Mate, unmodded Diablo 2 has unlocked frame rate in multiplayer already and it makes zero difference to gameplay speed. Please spend like 15 seconds fact checking yourself before deciding you've discovered something nobody else has. The game is not capable of running at anything other than a locked 25 tick rate. Believe me, whist has tried.