BAAL Complete Trophy Farm

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Lava Lord
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its the same in every game

thats why on call of duty console players get auto-aim

and pc players don't

because higher frame rates pc players are capable of achieving

are relative to higher performance outcomes

its the same situation here... the games rendering of animations is directly

related to players interaction with the game, neither of which are limited by

the so called "tick-rate" hidden away from us. the difference is extreme

and deserves to be explored further. thats all Im saying bro : D

when I dodge attacks or land more attacks by virtue of higher frame rates

the game doesnt secretly decide to discount them because im interacting

with animations at 75 fps. The clock speed of a game is relative to real time

and that discrepancy is accounted for when syncing people's games playing online.

It's the same with all games.

Higher frame rates grant players varying performance benefits,

this is common knowledge in competitive online gaming ; d

Faster frame rates are literally faster animations, and enable players

to do things faster.
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Lava Lord
94 | 2
to demonstrate the reality of the situation

i farmed baals trophy again just like I did yesterday

it took me 20 kills of baal each time to make a full trophy

here's the numbers which represent the wide variety of effects achieved
by virtue of merely changing the FPS the game renders in

30 FPS = 1 and a half hour Baal trophy farm

75 FPS = 1 hour Baal trophy farm

Try it yourself and see the difference

anyways im going to bed now... Good night ; d
Cow Ninja
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You are absolutely delusional if you think your character is moving faster. The game engine does not magically generate extra ticks just because you play with the renderer. At best, you might be reducing input lag a bit, but I'm not even sure that's the case.

Play your own goddamn footage at each framerate side by side, and watch as the truth is revealed: actions take exactly the same amount of time to complete utterly irrespective of the renderer options. In singleplayer, and literally only in singleplayer, you can slow the game below 25 ticks per second with a slow renderer. In multiplayer, nothing you do client side can change it.
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Lava Lord
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Imagine we're playing online together

youre playing at 25/30 fps

and im playing at 75 fps

both of us playing the game for 1 minute together, is 60 seconds we've been playing

together, the difference is that your game has rendered about 25/30 frames each of

those 60 seconds. My game has rendered about 65-75 frames each of those seconds.

The greater complexities that derive from this situation are where things get interesting...

( in some games the difference is so extreme you can run circles around people, without them realizing what had happened, because u have better hardware / better fps )

anyways like I said im going to bed... good night
Cow Ninja
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The number of frames rendered on each client has absolutely fuckall to do with the state of the game... if it did, multiplayer wouldn't even be possible in the first place, because it would be impossible to keep a consistent game state. That's why every real-time multiplayer game worth its salt has some kind of server update rate (or "tick rate") to synchronize the game state at specific intervals.

Do some more research before you spout bullshit. Your own video proves you wrong.
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Lava Lord
94 | 2
Please respond to this point Siosilvar

I spent a lot of time working on this...

here's the numbers which represent the wide variety of effects achieved
by virtue of merely changing the FPS the game renders in

30 FPS = 1 and a half hour Baal trophy farm

75 FPS = 1 hour Baal trophy farm
Cow Ninja
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Are you familiar with the concepts of variance and hilariously small data set?
Cow Ninja
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Also, if you want to prove something, minimal test cases are the way to go. If it were really true that you could get more precision in breakpoints by adjusting your rendering framerate, you could do this:

1. set renderer frame rate to 75
2. set video capture frame rate to 75
3. get the character's attack speed to just below one of the published breakpoints
4. measuring from the frame the attack animation starts to the frame the wyrmshot missile appears, see if you can get, say, 10 in a row that aren't an exact multiple of 3 frames (at 75 FPS, as recorded). one or two doesn't prove anything, video can drop single frames for any number of reasons. but if it's consistent it should happen every time.

Should take maybe 20 minutes to verify.
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Lava Lord
94 | 2
So windows users even can get better performance outcomes than we can on linux

because someone made you guys a brand new glide wrapper for diablo with new enhanced capabilities

but it's specifically made for windows so only windows users as of right now can use it, and it looks like

they can get even higher FPS with it, which dramatically changes everything to do with the games animations

and interactions with underlying mechanics all over again....


D2DX is a Glide-wrapper and mod that makes the classic Diablo II/LoD run well on modern PCs, while honoring the original look and feel of the game. Play in a window or in fullscreen, glitch-free, with or without enhancements like widescreen, true high framerate and anti-aliasing.

Version 0.99.529

WANT TO HELP OUT? Take the one-question game version poll:

Update July 2021: I have been too busy to work on D2DX for a while, but hope to resume shortly.

Turns the game into a well behaved DirectX 11 title on Windows 10 (also 7, 8 and 8.1).
High quality scaling to fit modern screen sizes, including widescreen aspect ratios.
High FPS mod using motion prediction, bypassing the internal 25 fps limit. Play at 60 fps and higher! (video)
Anti-aliasing of specific jagged edges in the game (sprites, walls, some floors).
Seamless windowed/fullscreen switching with (ALT-Enter).
Improved fullscreen: instant ALT-TAB and low latency.
Improved windowed mode.
Proper gamma/contrast.
Fixes a few window-related glitches in Diablo II itself.

Video Showcasing Motion Prediction

FPS increase in menus, FPS increase for projectiles, monsters, +more
Video Showcasing Motion Prediction

im gonna try to get it working anyways because it will dramatically alter the gaming experience...

getting to 100 fps... 125 fps... will lead to totally new phenomena

its fun to play around with, i might be able to bunny hop forward a full cell or two at 100+ fps...and attack twice as fast
Cow Ninja
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D2DX is old news, D2GL is the new hotness...