That Awkward Moment

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I figured we could have fun with these!

That awkward moment when I realize I am so caught up in median that the flying knives are coming from my wife...not tran athulua...
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that awkward moment when people are accusing you of cheating before, and it's true :mrgreen:

Edit: (aimed at no one in particular, we have plenty of people who abused in the past, but some, like whist and King have successfuly reformed and are now contributing members of society. but since this thread is about funny/awnkward, i had to bring it up xd)

Edit2: weee my first red cookie, delicious
"but if it's simple it's not that hard" - Quirinus 2017
"small things like this are not a big deal" - Quirinus 2017
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That awkward moment you get swirlies and transmute furiously but nothing happens... and then you realize you already did this quest but am so tired, you forgot (true story).
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That awkward moment you try to turn a blue sacred ancient armor into white and forget rune.....
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That awkward moment when you shrine bless an item without an Arcane Crystal...
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Slain Soul
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TAM you jerk off secretly in the bathroom when someone walks in on you
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when your fantasy drifts to your naked mother..........again
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Slain Soul
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TAM you fart a foul stench while kissing on your first date
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Spam Gives Me Shiny Lips
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TAM when you call your only female co-worker "mommy."
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Slain Soul
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TAM your fucking your girlfriend and call out your ex's name