"The Median Patch Notes" Game

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Create one change to Median, but also introduce a new bug/imbalance alongside with it! Further posts can either patch the bug, or change something else.

Patch 1.1:

+Added even more unique items, and increased droprates of all of them!
-Corner of the Worldstones drop like candy now.
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Slain Soul
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+Uniques weren't unique enough, so added a new tier of game breaking uniques called Super Sayian Uniques that practically never drop for added flavor

-CotW can now spawn with timerless enemy based castable skills, such as deathstrike, earthquake, bpr stampede, etc.
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Kraken Guard
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+Minor health potions (and ONLY minor health potions) have an unpredictable life regen timer now , which ranges from 2 seconds to 15 seconds. Spamming doesnt refresh the first timer.

-%DR cap raised to 95.9%
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Slain Soul
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+Fix %DR cap after mass cheesing. Now maximum is 0.1% up to a potential 1%
-Also due to mass cheesing, raise all monster innate DR% to 50% in hatred, 75% in terror, and 99% in destruction and 101% for all bosses requiring Bane to break physical resistance
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+Made Sorceress' clothes red.
-Sorceress is too sexy.
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+Potions now remove superbeast again. The random cooldown now disables the ability to cast SB until it is gone.

-Potions now remove every buff. Oops D:
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Kraken Guard
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+Den of Evil Hatred now spawns a dragon egg. As per the quest requirements , you have to kill this dragon to complete it. Dragon covers the entire den with cluster mines every 6 seconds after hatching.

-Gold counter automatically fills in 500 gold increments every 1 minute.
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Slain Soul
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+To compensate for potions removing all buffs, they now grant Sacred Armor 1.F9 version for 1 minute
-Due to massive wanking of gold stash being too small, Whist removes ability to stash gold in chest completely to teach a valuable lesson... whatever it is
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+Reverted to 1.F9 due to the sudden flavor change and recent arrival of such odd bugs.
-You suddenly feel younger at this patch revert.... wait a minute! You've been sent back in time to 2009!
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Gore Crawler
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+Wyrd now have 0 second timer when it reached slvl 50

-Sound effect changed to male orgasm sound instead.