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dungeon meshi.

i honestly dont get whats to like about this anime. it was a slog to go through.

in 3 words : boring, bland, overrated.

now watching The New Gate which i already know its a "we have SAO at home" kind of anime so i go in with very low expectations
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waiting for 3rd season of onepunchman
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Gore Crawler
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Let me solo her, bird brained edition.
High school student Rakurou Hizutome has a peculiar hobby of playing poorly made games—ones that are unbalanced or are filled with so many bugs that make them borderline unplayable. The few who share his hobby might recognize him by his in-game name, Sunraku. For his next game, Rakurou is recommended Shangri-La Frontier, a popular and well-received virtual reality game as a breather from the terrible games he has been playing recently.

Once he boots up the game, Rakurou decides to sell off most of his starting gear to gain extra money, leaving himself with only a pair of boxers, a bird mask, and some weapons. He is instantly hooked as he meticulously levels up his avatar. However, after encountering some intimidating monsters, he realizes that he may have underestimated the challenge that a mainstream game can offer. As Rakurou progresses, he must draw on all the skills he has perfected from his previous gaming experience. Before long, Sunraku's eccentric playstyle takes Shangri-La Frontier by storm.

As you aware, sometimes I have problem consuming media whenever I got burnt from playing specific games for too long. However, i remember there were a recommendation to me about this anime, which will be easy to digest.

If you are turned off by the bird head, fear not that it is just our protagonist tried to use simple mask to hide his face. Being expert in other terrible games, he went with armor-less build that focus on killing speed. So whole anime pretty much just a journey of him from starting a VR game from beginning and trying to discover the world. Being fighting focus, there are alot interesting battles in the series although you pretty much know that our protagonist will always find solution to any problem.

For a fan of any mmorpg, this anime is pretty close at home. However there are just too many mechanic that doesnt feel right so you have to toss away any logic, especially how lucky our protagonist with special event. Many times in the battle, he also somehow will able to use / get new ability that will solve his current problem. Personally, there are many things that I feel can be expand especially regarding whole game system itself and maybe lore behind the world, but alas the story only focus on more surface level.

Good anime if you want something like popcorn anime, but dont expect anything deep despite good animation. Pretty much it is similar to other OP isekai protagonist. I guess you can enjoy more if you are bird-brained as well.
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Gimai Seikatsu

Thought i was going to absolutely hate this anime but nope. A lot of people will think its boring and i completely get where they come from with that, but i liked it.
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Nige jouzu no wakagami

Wow. Set in the kamakura period (14th century) this starts off as a lighthearted comedy until it starts mixing in some very different stuff. It was surprising to me how an obvious comedy anime could have that much gore in it. Like ,quite a lot of gore here and realistic too.

I like the animations, even though for a lot of it you can see its cgi and i cgi is kinda cringe but ypu just learn to deal with it.

Yeah, good anime. Premise is ok, animations look crisp.
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Favorite anime: Demon Slayder
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I will be perfectly honest with this one : i thought this anime was boring for the first 3 episodes, then picking up on the 4th and being boring again up until the 7th. The 7th episode tho, that hit pretty hard and it completely turned it around for me and made me appreciate the rest of the anime going forward.

I can see this anime being very polarizing but even though the enjoyment went til mid season for me i really really really really like this anime now.

And holy shit those animations, just chef's kiss.
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Tasuuketsu : Fate of the majority

If "mixed-bag" was a thing in the english dictionary, then this anime would be right there smacked on center. The first cour was 100% dogshit. Bad pacing, weak character development, awful as fuck. This is supposed to be another death game anime with high stakes btw.

I powered through the awfulness and then second cour started and by 13 and 14 it completely flipped on its head, i guess the studio and writer realised how bad shit was and went serious mode, because the second cour of this anime is exactly the opposite of the first : pacing way better, way better character development, really decent plot twists, its like a whole new anime. If the first cour was like the second in expectations it would be an easy 8 or 9 out of 10. However its fuck up cannot be understated so as much as liked the tail end of this anime i have to set it back to a weak ass 5. This weak ass 5 is SOLELY based on the second cour of this anime because otherwise it would be negative 100.
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Katler wrote:waiting for 3rd season of onepunchman

the same
I hope the premiere doesn't get pushed back a couple years again.