I rarely replay back a game that i decided i wont spend any money because it was too costly. But after certain circumstances, I decided to for this long journey (which i will share in the next post).
If the base game was designed for casual audiences, this expansion is truly was designed to bring challenging gameplay to modern era. With various of new stuff now at your disposal, you are tasked to hunt all monsters as usual. Many of old favourite monster made return to this entry, as well as several new monsters that will push you to the edge. The fun part begin toward the end as you will unlock special monster that are designed for once you have decent endgame gears (considered like a raid boss).
Although the game have tons of content, it could be say that the game is kinda a bit excessive grindy in endgame dungeon because each monster only drop 1 specific unique drop. In order for you customize your gear, you will need several different materials, which easily required to farm more than 100 hours just to fully upgrade 1 gear set. If you want to be like me, which tried to play as many different weapons, the grind will take even more time. Hunt that usually go around 10 - 20 minute, now take like 20 - 40 minutes because higher difficulty.
Im not sure why I ignore this game for so long, it is indeed one of the unique experience that probably very hard to get elsewhere. I wish i could spend more time with it, but I just got burned out because i tried to get all achievement within just 2 months.