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The emotional rollercoaster v2?
In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by alien-crafted "Machine Lifeforms," humanity is preparing for its last stand. Forced to retreat to the Moon for safety, humans are pinning their hopes on a group of man-made androids known as YoRHa soldiers. Led by the all-purpose battle android YoRHa 2-gou B-gata "2B," the group will fight to take control of the Earth back from its invaders.

As war against the machines rages on, the YoRHa slowly begin to see the first shards of truth underlying the brutal conflict. Facing the harsh reality before her, the unwavering warrior 2B starts to question her very existence and just how much she must sacrifice for the sake of humanity.

Im not sure why I picked this as next anime to binge. I finished the game this year and I dont have fond memory like many other people which probably played it back in 2017. Nevertheless, I having high hope.

At first, the anime tried to carbon copy video game scene in first couple of episodes then it diverted toward many own spin off storytelling that included several backstory for couple of characters. The adaptation also have varied pacing, with fast pacing for action scenes while slow downtime are used for character interaction which used to flesh out the characters. Generally I loved the artstyle of this anime with its clean animation and more vibrant especially during fight scenes.

There are alot of way to hate this adaptation. You know it is not enough to cramp route A / B (20 hours++) into just 12 episodes, so its felt like a speed run of the video game, on top cramping multiple extra story that probably appear in just a text form or from other media. While music / soundtrack good, most of the game are from the game itself. Adaptation also cheat alot by taking 3D models from the game and blatantly put into the anime without any treatment.

If you havent play the game, dont watch this. If you already played the game, i personally suggest wait until whole part 2 adaptation are completed. Hopefully it will be better overall experience.
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Why Im putting myself to this absurdity of mediocre?
A man with a passion for vending machines awakens to realize that he has not only died, but he has also been reborn as one of his beloved machines! Although he is a modern appliance in a fantasy world, he requires money in order to keep functioning. He is stuck in one location until a young girl named Lammis stumbles upon him. Amazed by the drinks and food he sells, Lammis uses her "Blessing of Might" to lift him with ease and take him back to the village of Clearflow Lake. There, she officially dubs him Boxxo.

Despite his inability to converse with the villagers, Boxxo becomes an essential part of the community. His goods provide nourishment, and, as he gains new abilities and products, he becomes a staple of daily life. Nobody is as loyal to Boxxo as his first and best customer, Lammis. The more time he spends with her, the more he tries to help her elevate her skills as a young hunter.

I will be honest to say that im on super slum. I do watch many anime for past couple of weeks but im either become either extremely lazy or Im just not finishing any anime toward the end. I probably watched like 10 anime until halfway and didnt get back to them.

Thus I thought I would be find something to chill. Isekai + comedy is pretty easy way to get good combination especially with fantasy setting. The protagonist who become vending machine is just another absurdity of isekai train, putting protagonist in weird situation where he cant move or speak so have to communicate in limited voice lines. As he learnt more about the world, he will try amaze the people who seem have inferior technology with many of our daily life stuff such as carbonate drinks or food. It get absurd when they tried to beat 1 that big enemy in the middle of the season.

However, because of the slum i had earlier. The mediocre of this anime stick out like a sore thumb. Rarely I watched anime that i couldnt find redeeming point in first episode that i decide this will be another isekai average anime. You thought that with his vast knowledge of vending machine, he could solve many problem much more easily but turned out that he need slowly get more sales as way to earn experience point. At that point, the story always revolved "can i use this simple modern technology to beat that enemy?" followed by "welcome" as yes.

No, just no. Even writing this review while watching final episode doesnt cleanse how bored i was with the series. I have seen many below 7 average anime on MAL that i can tolerate, but this is just not it.
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Goblin Slayer S2

So ive been holding out on the current anime wave this fall because i really just want to binge on anime, im not a "single-weekly-episode" anime enjoyer, i like to have all 12-24-25 eps stored all at once.

In this case i dont think it was worth all the wait for me. Its still a good season for Goblin Slayer, however compared to how awesome the first season was, this second one is mid at best. Too much filler. Too much time wasted on eps in character development and talking about their FEELINGS. Also kind of a spoilerey thing, Goblin Slayer crying at one point? All of that is par for the course with most anime series granted, but the middle to end of the season is where it really starts to go off the rails with characters being introduced in seconds with no explanation given (the final 5 minutes of the last ep is a huge example of this) ; clearly sequel-baiting without actually saying its a sequel bait.

Overall, like i said still decent but i went in with very high expectations after the first season. I wanted "mr. no feelings except hatred for goblin" to just go in, kill goblins, gore/implied goblin raping female adventurers , job's done, lets go. What i got was some parts of that, but with a lot more filler eps.

If the first season gets a 9/10 from me, the second season gets a 6/10. Still above average, but just about.
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Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia.

This anime isnt as boring as i was predicting it to be, with its tags being "Romance" and thats it. The artstyle is gorgeous and it's actually pretty engaging when you watch characters relationships with each other...for the first 1 or 2 episodes. I followed the "3 episodes rule" with this one, hell i think i went to ep 5 even to see if i could give it a chance, but as it turns out it just seems like an anime where it has nowhere to go after the beginning and has nothing left to in substance. Its just more of the same romance trope, but maybe thats on me because it does have the "Romance" tag on it and nothing else so im willing to take this L on the chin and move on to another.

Like i said gorgeous art, interesting first few eps, but after that it went downhill for me and i dropped it around ep 5 or so. I guess im just not the target audience for these kinds of anime that like to drag on endlessly.
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Think pokemon, but horror... and bloody
Spirits have always been attracted to Keitarou Gentouga due to his strong spiritual presence. A traumatic encounter with one had caused his right hand to be cursed, forcing him to wear a glove at all times. Now a college freshman, Keitarou is trying to live as normal a life as possible. With the encouragement of his childhood friend Eiko Houzuki, he becomes a private tutor. Since he is at the top of his intake class, his first client is the tutoring firm's most promising student, Yayoi Houzuki.

To Keitarou's surprise, Yayoi is Eiko's cousin, and she possesses two pupils in each eye—allowing her to see into the spirit world and purposely seek vengeful spirits to exorcise. Ever since a car accident killed both her parents, Yayoi has been searching for the powerful spirit that kidnapped her mother's departed soul. Seeing that spirits are so attracted to Keitarou, she ropes him into helping her collect other evil spirits that will assist in her future fight. Although her quest is dangerous, Keitarou reluctantly decides to join her, even as each new spirit they meet has him questioning his resolve at every turn.

Again, Im kinda on slum again especially burned out that i cant even finish 12 episodes because i kept watching random subpar anime while im not in mood. I thought watching anime while playing open world game would help, it didnt until i found this anime.

I saw someone recommended it because of quirky character design. The girl have skull (2 pupil) in her eye design where made her able to watch both living and spiritual world. The series started strong because the protagonist which probably you considered as the usual loser, trying to turn his life around. At first they just wanted to visit random haunted location, which indeed very unsettling and pretty well done even for anime form. Back story for 3 main characters are tragic, kinda good driving force for whole anime.

I think my problem with the anime when the girl wanted to collect many powerful spirits (hence the title dark gathering) to fight 1 big bad guy related to her back story. So you will get episodic anime where they will go to specific location, fight the evil spirits, capture them and learn about the spirit back story which usually tragic and lead to being cursed. While generally not considering plot armor, the girl know EVERYTHING about the spirits regardless which new type they met. Using spirits as tool is cool as first, then it just get repetitive.

Personally, i would rate this anime slightly above average but it seem like people at MAL really love it (7.8 average score). Definitely nice addition to horror / unsettling / creepy / gore line up, but i feel like im watching battle shounen anime at the end.
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As i typed a few posts above, im a "full season anime enjoyer" ; i purposefully do not watch animes that are ongoing because i just like to binge on 12, 24 eps in one sitting, sometimes 2 sittings.

However i was given some reasons why i should start watching Sousou no Frieren even though its only at ep 17 as im typing it right now.
The #1 rated anime in MAL, sitting at 9.12 stars, dethroning FMA after it being on number 1 spot for years.

While i agree that so far is a pretty good anime and im very much enjoying it so far i dont think its best anime material at all. Probably not worth being on top 50 on MAL. Hell i dont think its even best anime this season if im being honest. But here's the thing, i remember when the first Oshi no Ko ep was aired everyone and their grandmothers back in MAL started clapping and yelling BEST ANIME EVER. Its just another situation where one should really take MAL ratings with a huge grain of salt.
Monkey King
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Frieren is decent for weekly watching. I usually divide my binge/weekly list into wether I have to think about or rember something when watching or not.
I like to binge the complicated story ones, but for comedy anime or whatever it works fine to watch it weekly.
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Viva la revolution.... not.

Princess Anisphia "Anis" Wynn Palletia has always dreamed of flying through the sky, even though the people of her kingdom consider it a silly ambition. Also at odds with her goal is the fact that Anis is incapable of using magic despite her noble status. Refusing to give up so easily, she renounces her right to the throne, and focuses on developing "magicology" by combining various resources with knowledge from her previous life on Earth.

Due to Anis' nature, responsibility for the kingdom's future is passed onto her younger brother, Algard. Pushed into a political marriage with Euphyllia Magenta, a girl he hardly knows, Algard rebels by spending more time with a commoner girl than his fiancée. After Euphyllia tries to intervene, Algard publicly calls off their marriage and denounces his ex-fiancée as a bully.

After crashing into the banquet where Algard makes the announcement, Anis rescues Euphyllia on the flying broom she is testing. She decides to make Euphyllia her assistant, which the other girl reluctantly agrees to. Although their partnership appears random at first, Anis has an ulterior motive for wanting Euphyllia's company.

Another anime that yuri-freak in my discord keep posting. Thirsting for some cute girls and dont mind for some yuri undertone, i choose to watch this over couple of days. I didnt put much high expectation as i went blind in this anime.

First couple of anime is pretty great, we have the usual cheerful girl who trying to break tradition. She threw her right to the throne, so she can go on adventure and creating magic tools. Simply said that her boldness what made the anime interesting as she seem someone who radiate with smile energy. As the story goes, we learn more about the nobility and the usage of magic as well as the backstory for her assistant. Once a while, anime also threw several of magic scenes that look awesome.

However, i think the biggest issue would be the story part. There are several big arc in the series that can feel rushed, came out of nowhere that seem the fault of anime adaptation itself (according to original LN source material reader). However, as anime watcher personally i just find the stuff i liked about the anime become less focus toward mid-half of the season. While I under the political background of the world itself, it just felt out of place as the resolution arent well done IMO.

Great at beginning, above average resolution. One can say it is a major disappointment. Personally, i felt like they brushed too many important stuff and considered this just ok adaptation.
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Hametsu no Oukoku.

Wow. Theres more character deaths and gore in the first 5 episodes of this anime than in a WoW Hardcore death reel. The gore is the standard for shounen animes, theres no innards and proper GORE like in Genocyber, but theres quite a lot of beheadings and bisections and all that good stuff. A lot of character get introduced, and then 10 minutes later they get killed in very explicit ways. I like animes that arent afraid of going that extra mile of shock valueing us. Big good.

The story is a typical revenge story, but i have to say its done better than most other revenge plot trope animes ; our protagonist goes from innocent kid into villainous protagonist almost zero to 60 (there is a time skip of 10 years tho) ; if i were to compare him to another character it would be Kratos during GoW 1 2 and 3, where he doesnt care about anything or anyone else except getting his revenge no matter the cost, even if he has to kill a lot of innocents along the way (which he does).

A very adult anime, with some sprinkles of shounenism here and there to lighten up the mood. I realise this is a sequel to a manga called "Kingdoms of Caliburn" a very obscure manga even in japan, but luckily they made it so you dont really have to get the plot of Caliburn to get whats going on in the anime.

Yea. Solid watch. Even though there were a lot of stuff that just got glossed over but cant fit everything in 12 eps as usual.
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Expected depression but i get wholesome instead.

High schooler Ganta Nakami has trouble falling asleep most nights. As a result, he is irritable at school, always searching for an opportunity to find a secluded place to doze off. On the other hand, Isaki Magari is a free spirit who is well liked by her friends, but no one is aware of her sleep disorder. She makes use of the school's abandoned astronomy club observatory as her secret sleeping bunker when she needs to get some shut-eye.

As fate would have it, Nakami finds Magari napping in the observatory. When Magari discovers that she and Nakami have something in common, she offers to share her secret sleeping spot with her fellow insomniac. As the two find warmth in each other's company, the struggles they face start to become easier to confront.

After disappointing anime cute anime i watched previously, i thought i would pick a serious story with more toward realistic artstyle. And with title like that (and another anime i watched with similar theme before), definitely it can feel like a self-loathing story.

Im surprised by how good the anime is. Despite the anime started with super depressing scene about unable to sleep, the protagonist had an encounter with a girl that was sleeping in astronomy room. Few episodes forward, this lead to creation of astronomy club where both them together will try to take beautiful stars picture at night. Love between blossoming hard, despite they are more toward a close friend who open their heart to each other. Definitely one of wholesome anime i have watched since many months.

Not much negative to say about this anime, aside people who dont like slice of anime might fight the the story a bit boring. Mostly because of how slow the story progressing forward, despite there are couple of key events throughout the season. There are several supports characters that just bring enough fun energy, but arent main focus of the story. Despite not a comedy anime, there are several comedic jokes that i feel jarring in middle of some scenes. Regardless, the romance isnt the focus of the story either.

Definitely a must watch despite if you are not fan of slow slice of life anime. It is a brooding couple who open up their feeling while chasing for time together in fun activities.