In a post-apocalyptic world overrun by alien-crafted "Machine Lifeforms," humanity is preparing for its last stand. Forced to retreat to the Moon for safety, humans are pinning their hopes on a group of man-made androids known as YoRHa soldiers. Led by the all-purpose battle android YoRHa 2-gou B-gata "2B," the group will fight to take control of the Earth back from its invaders.
As war against the machines rages on, the YoRHa slowly begin to see the first shards of truth underlying the brutal conflict. Facing the harsh reality before her, the unwavering warrior 2B starts to question her very existence and just how much she must sacrifice for the sake of humanity.
Im not sure why I picked this as next anime to binge. I finished the game this year and I dont have fond memory like many other people which probably played it back in 2017. Nevertheless, I having high hope.
At first, the anime tried to carbon copy video game scene in first couple of episodes then it diverted toward many own spin off storytelling that included several backstory for couple of characters. The adaptation also have varied pacing, with fast pacing for action scenes while slow downtime are used for character interaction which used to flesh out the characters. Generally I loved the artstyle of this anime with its clean animation and more vibrant especially during fight scenes.
There are alot of way to hate this adaptation. You know it is not enough to cramp route A / B (20 hours++) into just 12 episodes, so its felt like a speed run of the video game, on top cramping multiple extra story that probably appear in just a text form or from other media. While music / soundtrack good, most of the game are from the game itself. Adaptation also cheat alot by taking 3D models from the game and blatantly put into the anime without any treatment.
If you havent play the game, dont watch this. If you already played the game, i personally suggest wait until whole part 2 adaptation are completed. Hopefully it will be better overall experience.