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School girls in sailor uniform is DA BEST!

Ever since she was young, Komichi Akebi has always adored sailor uniforms, even going so far as to ask her mother to sew one if she succeeds in getting into her mother's alma mater, Roubai Academy. And thus, when she gets accepted into the prestigious school, Komichi is ecstatic. However, much to her surprise, the middle school no longer uses sailor uniforms as its dress code—making Komichi stand out from her schoolmates. Despite this, Komichi is granted permission to continue wearing the traditional attire.

With renewed confidence, Komichi meets fascinating classmates as they experience school life together. Under the colorful shower of blossoming prospects, an exciting tomorrow awaits them!

Feeling burned out, I thought I wanted to chill abit with slice of life / cute girls doing cute things. I remembered this anime for having super cute sisters interaction and well made animation, so i just splurge and binge it slowly.

Animation quality is first thing I can describe about this anime. The story focus mostly on the protagonist who seem always having wholesome feeling to everyone around her. In every episode, we will get to know each of individual classmate where you able to see her "solving" problem while getting closer. As stories go, we will see her and her classmates involved in various activities like going out to malls, preparing for school athlete festival as well as exploring her rural hometown.

Actually there is nothing much bad to say about the series aside from it is a kinda niche slice of life anime. If you arent fan of the genre, you wouldnt able to enjoy this. Even if I compare it to another anime with similar vibes, I felt it lacked in long lasting effect. Maybe from couple of fluid animation at beginning of the series and maybe super positive protagonist, there arent much comedy or drama that give a memorable moment. Actually the "friend of the week" is kinda detrimental that doesnt bring strong core story aside from protagonist itself.

If you fan of slice of life, you can give it a try. Although I would just recommend many more enjoyable from same genre. I kinda struggled abit to watch all episodes in 1 sitting because I kinda get bored / burned out.
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In the year 2045, Internet and artificial intelligence have become widespread in the outer space. Following a massive accident at a space station, a group of children are left behind. Using narrowband and SNS, low intelligence AI, and smartphone-controlled drones, they overcome numerous crises.
I will be honest that I picked this anime randomly from top anime of 2022. Judging it was a sci-fi, that look kinda realistic and seem have nice a rtwork, so I watch all episodes in 1 sitting.

The anime started strong, with a feeling that make you like a children who finally discovering stuff in space. With plausible space / futuristic ideas, there are tons of stuff that make you really want to live in the space like them. There are several characters, which focused on several childrens really bring out emotion, especially the joy of discover. When incident happen, it become like space survival that make you really want to care about them. The story revolved alot of interesting concept, especially about people who lived on earth & live in space.

However, everything was dropped hard around episode 4 when suddenly the story shifted from trying to survive from incident, to weird philosophical mumbo jumbo about rogue AI. While I can accept all the sudden plots part in the beginning, feel like they really screwed up the pacing alot by cramping alot of concept that cant be solved in just 3 hours series. Although I liked the realistic part of space elevator, it become a messed toward the end because it tried to visualize "hacking battle".

Im totally disappointed, because it have potential to be a great / realistic story, only to throw everything out of the window in final half of this short series. I dont recommend the series, despite it checked many of the boxes stuf of what i liked.
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Liar liar.

Its fine but very hung up on the harem triangle thing to me, i could look past it fortunately.
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Cute on the outside but deadly on the inside.
The number of terrorist acts in Japan has never been lower, thanks to the efforts of a syndicate called Direct Attack (DA). The organization raises orphaned girls as killers to carry out assassinations under their "Lycoris" program. Takina Inoue is an exceptional Lycoris with a strong sense of purpose and a penchant for perfection. Unfortunately, a hostage situation tests her patience, and the resulting act of insubordination leads to her transfer out of DA. Not thrilled about losing the only place she belonged to, she reluctantly arrives at her new base of operations—LycoReco, a cafe in disguise.

Takina's new partner, however, turns out to be quite different from what she imagined. Despite being the famed Lycoris prodigy, Chisato Nishikigi appears almost unconcerned with her duties. She drags Takina along on all kinds of odd jobs under the simple explanation of helping people in need. Takina is even more puzzled when Chisato takes down a group of armed assailants without killing any of them. Feeling like a fish out of water, Takina itches to get reinstated into DA—but Chisato is determined to prove to her that there is more to a life than just taking them.

One of the highly rated anime from 2022 that my yuri lover in my discord server cant stop praising for couple of months. Thus I kinda watched this with high expectation & can imagine how the story goes around.

As usual, anime production is top notch especially on several high octane shooting scene. However the focus are solely on the main character and her partner, which was teamed up so they will do assignment together. Main character is someone who prefered to use slow non-lethal method while her partner want a more direct swift action. With her gifted power, they handled several organized terrorist while keeping the public from any harm. Outside mission, the story turned to normal slice of life while working in cafe.

Actually now to think about it, this is pretty much generic story that buddy cop working together under special organization. Then there will be enemy that question the method of what organization is using, making protagonist question betwen her ideal and the world surrounding them. If you arent fan of the yuri-bait, probably this might turned off you abit. I think the tone shift also can be turned off, especially there are moment where you saw several people get shot, but turned out it was nothing.

I enjoyed the series solely on how cute both the main characters. However it is kinda failed as special agent series, especially they brush off the destruction so easily off.
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Seriously, what can be more annoying & obnoxious?
When aliens known as the Oni threaten to invade the Earth, they promise to leave under one condition—a randomly-chosen human must win a one-on-one game of tag against Lum, the beautiful daughter of the Oni leader. The "lucky" person selected happens to be the lustful and unlucky high schooler Ataru Moroboshi. Given 10 days to attempt to grab Lum's horns, Ataru realizes how impossible the challenge is as he is faced with Lum's extraterrestrial powers.

Motivated by a promise of marriage from his childhood friend Shinobu Miyake, Ataru manages to catch Lum off guard. He mistakenly grabs hold of her bikini top first, but he eventually achieves his true goal. Although the game is over, Lum misunderstands that she is the one whom Ataru wants to marry, and she decides to move in with him. The poor student constantly tries to shake off the clingy Lum while doing his best to reconcile with his desired fiancée. After Ataru's heroic feat results in such a disastrous outcome, it is questionable whether luck will ever be on his side.

With my ongoing goals to watch all decent 2022 anime before im closing down and moving on more toward 2023, I remember that this famous anime finally got a special remake, which made by David Productions.

I have zero expectation from this anime aside that I need to set my expectation accordingly because this is anime adapting from 80s source material, thus I can say that the studio made an excellent adaptation that seem faithful to original sauce materials. The colour are bright and character design are cute. Watching from one to another episode, you will see more absurd stuff happening especially with variety of characters that came from earth & from space, all with their own quirk & gimmick.

Thats said, I will say that although I appreciated the anime production and this probably felt like watching a time capsule, i think im not the target audience for this anime. Granted, the original source material was for young adult in 80s, so it can feel dated since I already get used to many of the modern trope. For comedy, I would say that punch line missed alot and nothing made me chuckle, probably because I already seen many better anime that done comedic timing properly.

Probably above average anime that perhaps hit differently if you are the target demographic. Either way, this is still half adaptation of the modern remake. There will be another 23 episodes coming out in the future.
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AI no Idenshi

This one was a very weird one, but has a very mature theme to it at least. It's another one of those "can androids have rights and feelings like humans" type of animes, except done in a more grounded way.

Was fine, but the ending was kind of a weird cliffhanger. All par for the course with manga adaptations i suppose.
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Went for holiday, thus couple of short reviews.

1. Season 6 of Boku no Hero Academia
Big bad fight of the series. Super high stakes and high intense fight in majority episodes of the season. Then everything ramped up as the series transitioned to its final arc that kinda ended in high hope. Probably season 7 will be the last season.

2. Weathering with you
A makoto shinkai movie. The usually "wow everything so beautiful". Despite there are many good moments in the series, im just baffled with many story / plots decision. People said there are metaphor for some about society, but personally i feel like it is just selfish teenanger chasing his own dream.

3. Attack on titan Final chapter special 2
The 1 and half hour episode that finally tied whole series in excellent large scale battle. If you read the manga, you know there are some vocal fan kinda against the ending, thus some slight change were done in anime and I think it was done pretty well.
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I slept on "Hai to gensou no Grimgar" for too long. It has its flaws for sure, but now that ive finished watching it, it might just be my favorite isekai anime so far.

Most of the voice work here is also decent but the voice actor who voices Haruhiro (the main character) is on another level, really conveys the emotions of the character, especially when he's angry or losing his shit.

Good stuff. Not for everyone tho, the pacing is really bad on quite a lot of scenes, but the good outweight the bad for me.
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Pretty decent. Yep. The artstyle can be a bit inconsistent, sometimes you can clearly see they went "ok lets make this particular scene have RTX on frames" but most of it is pretty still, and in some cases really really bad character designs, uneven faces and all that. Maybe its part of the style idk, but it was very uncanny on what i consider the worst parts, animation wise.

Regardless, it is a very solid anime with a good premise, even though the plot twist on who the killer is, i gotta say is veeeeeeeeeeeery predictable by around mid season.

Honestly i just cant believe my luck. 2 really good animes back to back first Hai to gensou no Grimgar, and now Erased. Fingers crossed on going 3 for 3.
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Why cant i watch anime with a normal girl and strange boyfriend instead?

Ichirou Kuga has suddenly found himself taking on the responsibility of caring for his two younger siblings after their father's untimely death. To make ends meet, Ichirou rents out rooms in the apartment complex he inherited and works full-time as a shoujo manga artist. However, his manga sales are low, his assistants have recently left, and deadlines are fast approaching.

As stress threatens to overtake Ichirou, salvation comes in the form of an extremely competent novice artist, Shiori Goshiki, who becomes his new assistant. With her skills, they are able to tide over the difficult situation, and things begin looking up. But in a bizarre accident, a supernatural experience unfolds between Ichirou and Shirou, which leads her to declare them engaged.

With this seemingly innocuous action upending his life, Ichirou now has to manage his new and peculiar relationship with the mysterious girl, all the while following his own passion and fulfilling the duties that rest on his shoulders.

My amazon prime video free trial almost run out, so i just binged couple of anime quickly. Earlier i finished Trigun Stampede, but i already wrote review for original Trigun not long ago. So I push myself to write this one instead.

As I get older, i feel like I having hard time to enjoy slow / chill anime. So i was skeptical about this anime at beginning. The best keyword to explain this anime is : Wholesome. Protagonist need to take care of 2 younger siblings, while falling love with each other because of supernatural reason. As they enjoy their daily life, they realized that their feeling toward each other are mutual thus lead to many embarassing moment. 2 childrens character definitely being more joyful to the whole story.

However, the series is what i considered as flat. While i already watched couple of anime about couples, it can felt cringe and annoying when 2 adults acting like teenager who just learn about their feeling. There are not much comedy, nor drama thus it felt flat from start to the end. Despite there is potential for confrontation, as both are forced to "supernatural dating contract", it was solved anti-climaticly. While animation is clean, there arent much playful or memorable scenes.

The score on MAL is 7, which is pretty low average by that website standard. I think it above average, but only if you specifically ok with this "adult romance". Felt like other anime have more excitement than this.