Claro cuando abras el launcher fijate que en la parter superior derecha hay como un engranaje dale clic
y desmarca RUN THE GAME IN WINDOWED MODE seria todo
Ventrell wrote:RequiemLux wrote:Endzeit86 wrote:Hi all! How can play in fullscreen? Spanish translation in the future?
For fullscreen try this: MXL launcher → Settings → open Glide Settings → 'Settings' tab → Turn off 'window-mode' → Set 'static size' to 'no' → Check the 'desktopresolution' box → Uncheck the 'keep aspect ratio' box → Close, re-open and then launch.
For the translation: maybe
Endzeit86 wrote:alguien sabe como jugar en fullscreen?no puedo ver la pantalla completa en la parte de abajo, alguna manera de pantalla completa?