Short Questions Thread

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Bone Archer
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Tesseract wrote:
Fluffiganka wrote:Hi im trying to progress in labs, can somebody shed some info on what the necrobots and the warped master(the lasher one) does. currently have
31 PR (after debuff) and 90 Max Resists and around 13K hp

Their main thing is ignoring your defence, so they always hit until you avoid.
Otherwise just high phys (and ele at T8+) dmg as usual
They probably hit you hard enough (more than 1/12 your hp) which sends you into Hit Recovery animation

Wait what, mobs in labs ignore defense? Is it real?
Pit Knight
102 | 6
finally fought the halloween event boss, but like how are you supposed to fight him with infinitively spawning enemies that are that strong and in that magnitude?

i watched some vids people posted but for some reason they had a clean room with no infinite spawns? any info would be appreciated. thanks!
Son of Lucion
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From where do you get amatoxin scroll ? random reward drop at halloween or halloween boss ?
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Pit Knight
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Ruubel wrote:From where do you get amatoxin scroll ? random reward drop at halloween or halloween boss ?

you need the halloween chest for helms, there the scroll can drop
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HeaT_ wrote:finally fought the halloween event boss, but like how are you supposed to fight him with infinitively spawning enemies that are that strong and in that magnitude?

i watched some vids people posted but for some reason they had a clean room with no infinite spawns? any info would be appreciated. thanks!

* You need strong char to fight at mobs, while have one group of mobs untouched. When you get 16900, run to those first lvl zombies.

* Boss are immune and becomes vulnerable, when he cast on of his circle spell, which reduces resists by 45 for him and for you. He cast it when you outside of melee range. Also mobs applies -20% res. So stack 65+res overcap, run from him and wait when he cast spell, then hit him. Repeat until he dies.

He is not very strong, but you need to summon him in weak mob pack and overcap res.
Pit Knight
117 | 9
imngocson wrote:
akbugger wrote:Does Flying Kinzhal only drop in Bremmtown and just how rare is it? I've ran it for two dozen runs and not a single one dropped.

Yes Bremmtown only. I got one weeks ago, if you still need it contact me.

Thank you, I'm on single player and kinda want to farm one - just curious about it's wherabouts and drop frequency.
Dark Huntress
12 | 0
imngocson wrote:Wait what, mobs in labs ignore defense? Is it real?

I suspect that's what Necrobots always do?.. Even in Fauzt
Pit Knight
102 | 6
felix0808 wrote:
HeaT_ wrote:finally fought the halloween event boss, but like how are you supposed to fight him with infinitively spawning enemies that are that strong and in that magnitude?

i watched some vids people posted but for some reason they had a clean room with no infinite spawns? any info would be appreciated. thanks!

* You need strong char to fight at mobs, while have one group of mobs untouched. When you get 16900, run to those first lvl zombies.

* Boss are immune and becomes vulnerable, when he cast on of his circle spell, which reduces resists by 45 for him and for you. He cast it when you outside of melee range. Also mobs applies -20% res. So stack 65+res overcap, run from him and wait when he cast spell, then hit him. Repeat until he dies.

He is not very strong, but you need to summon him in weak mob pack and overcap res.

i really appreciate this response, thank you. wasn't aware that you need to manipulate the level of spawns.

i have another question in regards to this mod on the Disturbance Helmet
"Hammer of Zerae: Lightning Spell Damage Applies To Added Lightning Damage At 50% Efficiency"

what does this mean or how is this math played out? like if i have 100% lightning spell damage and i have 10-100 light damage, does that mean the new flat lighting damage is 15-150?

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Sand Maggot
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I suppose the 15 magic res pierce actually works, just wrong stat on d2s panel?
It seems working.
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Bone Archer
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Do relics still drop from random monsters? I'm lvl 139 and haven't seen a drop yet besides the one from hell Baal