D2Stats 3.11.1

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Pit Knight
109 | 0
► this is what i have as an error and i run only d2+d2stats reader without anything else sadly and still got this error, but im too noob atm to fix it, for e.x. what is Storm.pdb that i have ,,Storm.pdb not loaded,, is it smth from the Storm.dll

and pls teach me noob what are all those d2 *.dll compiled with i cant properly use reflector on them etc, what should i start with to extract some d2 libraries to study them?

edit: ty for your answer about c++, sadly ive got only c# installed atm (and i read google that all those d2, wow etc uses c++ etc) so ill try again in a while, but if u guyz gimme a link or an explanation about some starting points for me it would be awesome.
but i thought some more rare software was needed

p.s. now its Dlang.dll - there is smth with rights that crashes the game:(:(
Edited by Akak_ 8 years.
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probably written in visual studio c++, dunno what compiler it uses, the intel one?
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what does the clipboard feature do besides show a tooltip?
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oh i get it now, it copies the item text instead of a picture cutout :D
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Shadowgate Totem
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something strange: mana leech% is zero even though lecacy of blood gives 4 mana leech
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Wow, completly missed that. It's fixed now.
Pit Knight
109 | 0
smth is wrong with alt+tab (i got this while being on forum (btw could have accidentaly, no, for sure ive pressed Delete a couple of times!!!) thats it

make it dtop while d2 isnt an active window or so... ty in advance
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Fixed. Sorry for the delay. AutoIt, unlike AHK, doesn't have window-specific hotkeys; if you register a hotkey in AutoIt other programs don't react to it anymore (in this case, you wouldn't be able to use DELETE to remove files). Apparently my fix for that sometimes caused an infinite loop despite the AutoIt docs claiming ControlSend doesn't trigger hotkeys.
Pit Knight
109 | 0
► ty vm for fixing that problem with laggin on forum when using _delete_ hotkey, but still ive got that one after first use ingame, tho its working smooth sometimes without crashes and its totally acceptable, its much more cool than not having this feature at all so dont worry about it much uve did a great job
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Bone Archer
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I downloaded it, but it won't start. At all.

I've set it to Windows XP SP3 compatability mode, and also "always run as administrator".

But it won't start. Any ideas?
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Works fine for me on win10, with or without compatibility mode. What OS are you running on?