Is it possible to have a cooldown counter or similar on screen

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Dark Huntress
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A QOL mod that I used to play for vanilla diablo 2 called basemod, had a big message on the top of the screen saying when a certain skill expired, and you could adjust what skills were listed through an ini file. Path of diablo (Diablo 2 TC mod), in the last update announced a skill cooldown animation which blacked out the skill icon when it was on cooldown and made it white when it was off cooldown (casting skills with quickcast means that you dont see the skill icons though).

The current method of having a tiny icon in the bottom left of the screen is not really reliable as a lot of the times you miss it, especially when you have buff skills with really short cooldowns. The major reason is the purify skill battles, would be a lot easier if you knew the exact moment the skill went off cooldown, other games have a visual indication when something is reloaded so to say, like a gun is reloaded, but there is nothing really except for a noise that can be easily missed with all the other noises playing.
