IronMan wrote:Hope this wasn't already asked, but is there an easy way to notify for "any combination of X out of these Y stats" in one line?
Example: How do I set it up so I only get notified when 2 out of these three stats are on one Belt/Boot?
"(Belt|Boots) \(Angelic\)" {[31-40] to Maximum Damage|[41-50] to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} rare purple
Many thanks in advance
This line won't work in the first place. D2stats uses regex, one of its quirks is that you can only do single digit ranges they way you did. So instead [31-40] there should be (3[1-9]|40). This line should look like that:
"(Belt|Boots) \(Angelic\)" {(3[1-9]|40) to Maximum Damage|(4[1-9]|50) to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} rare purple
As for how to do that in one line, copy-pasting entire curly bracket should do the job:
"(Belt|Boots) \(Angelic\)" {(3[1-9]|40) to Maximum Damage|(4[1-9]|50) to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} {(3[1-9]|40) to Maximum Damage|(4[1-9]|50) to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} rare purple
I'm not sure if it's intended for code to work like that but I remember it working for me. May be accidentally "fixed" by somebody in future