Van's Sigma 3 ideas and thoughts on game design

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Slain Soul
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Bring back PVP, and the abandoned ideas of duel arenas and guildhalls. My understanding from old code is in lobby, you were able to create a reg game or guild game. I imagine a guild would have item storage, in-_game gold membership fee, and I think each guild should have a power which increases in level varying with the "sacrificed" items, for example sacrificing all TUs in the game maybe unlocks a cpl levels, X# of full sets and weak charms for more power, till a point and after that, only SU and SUU's and mid charms can increase power, and finally SUUU or high charms to increase power. This would be per player. They would chose their guild based on skill or players they like. Reintroducing PVP could add more skill possibilities, like "2nd Wind": upon death, respawn with 1% of your life (percent increases based on skill level). I'd also have PVP "friendly" mode so hardcore players can duel without death, and a way to "bet" by placing items up in a trade window before the duel and accepting the duel the whoever wins receives both items in their inventory
Dark Huntress
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Taem wrote:I'd also have PVP "friendly" mode so hardcore players can duel without death

What's the point of PVP then? It's a change that affects maybe few players. If you want to play PVP, then create SC character

About guild bonuses {if something like this is in plans (but i doubt so), the bonus should only be magic find.} Other bonuses = trouble with class/build logic.
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Slain Soul
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JacmaSR wrote:What's the point of PVP then? It's a change that affects maybe few players. If you want to play PVP, then create SC character.

Agree to disagree on this one. In classic, I only played HC. We would do ironman tournaments all the time up to clvl 20 however, it would have been very nice to take those toons and test them against one another without dying to improve them even further, see where the weak spots are. Also, if you were playing a "friendly" mode but betting an item, you stand to lose that item. Might be something valuable. Anyway, I am fond of the idea.
Azure Drake
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Pvp in this mod would be an absolute joke.
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Slain Soul
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BoneZone wrote:Pvp in this mod would be an absolute joke.

You know how in pvp mercs receive +50% more damage? I'd like to see pvp arenas with overall -dmg, to all players otherwise yeah, its basically whoever goes first. My guess is barbs with insane defense and health will be king in pvp in mxl.
Pit Knight
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PvP has never been able to work in MXL for a laundry list of obvious reasons.
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Cow Ninja
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3 new (re)designs:
+ QQ ring
+ un-Buried Hawk
+ Segnitia, Grandfather and 2H Sword frames
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Cow Ninja
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2 Mastercrafted item concepts made it into the game, feelsgoodman)
» Oskill Gloves are amazing and will only get better as more oskills get added to the pool / more old ones get updated into viability
» If IED throwing knife ends up too strong and dominates the meta, you can always blame me :lol:

2 unique concepts born during 2.10 beta:
+ Remembrance of the Arch-liche - SSSU War Staff
+ Body of the Forbidden One - SSU Breast Plate

Moved Cyclops to unfinished sketches since blind works differently than I thought. Item mechanics could probably be changed to some hit chance cap if that's codable
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Lava Lord
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Something I cooked up in my free time and I wanted to share too.
A Cursed Bible, as a phys/magic spell caster offhand/shield.
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- Inspiration:
Valkyrie's Prime
Valkyrie's Prime
Two-Hand Damage: (245 - 264) to (362 - 385)
Required Level: 110
Required Strength: 666
Required Dexterity: 666
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Strength)%
100% Chance to cast level 1 Athulua's Wrath when you Die
35% Chance to cast level 15 Arrow on Striking
+(1 to 4) to All Skills
Adds 150-250 Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+(151 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
+10 to Sky Siege
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 2)%
- Athulua's Determination -
Socketed (6)
Gothic Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (8308 - 9198) to (10078 - 11157)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength:
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+50% Combat Speeds
Physical Resist +15%
Maximum Life +7%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +4%
25% Movement Speed
Adds 15-25 Damage
+(18 to 32) to Stormlord
5% Deadly Strike
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to all Attributes
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
, irl Codex Gigas
- Idea behind: Cursed item that's hard to use, even worthless at first, but turns riduculously OP when fully recovered (by collecting and cubing rare universal drop like Valky's 6 Emblems). Having aura, Morph and access to old LOD skills are all my fav too.
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+ 2 Mastercraft concepts: Echo Sabre and Soulbinder's Belt
both following the oSkill glove approach of Mastercrafts having a custom pool of mods they can roll