Greetings, boys and girls. Stay awhile and listen
I wish Median and its community the very best, I love this mod - been playing it since 2009 or so, and with Sigma 3 on the horizon I've decided to finally make this thread. The main goal of it is to list some (arguably stupid and/or crazy) ideas that I had over the years, some concepts, some redesign propositions and so forth. Needless to say, by definition, I am subjective and biased about things - just like everyone else. Feel free to leave feedback and constructive criticism.
My main stances on game design
» The more variety to builds there is in the game, the better
» The more customization possibilities of your character there is in the game, the better
» Sometimes it's true that "less is more", but only sometimes
» If an item has seen near-zero use in over a year, it should be buffed / reworked / removed to make space for something better & more interesting. Same for skills and character skill trees
» I prefer buffs to many weak/underused things over nerfs to a few strong/overused ones
► On the subject of Game Balance
On the subject of game Balance
Now on the hard subject since people love throwing the word "Balance" around
» Balance in PvE games is.. not very important. Yes, I said it. It's relevant in extreme cases such as when a build outshines all alternatives in its category by a mile - and it feels pointless to play anything other than that version of the build. But even that seemingly justified feeling is a purely psychological thing, we do it to ourselves. We spend a lot of time minmaxing a build, then look at someone elses minmaxed build, see that it kills a big boss 69 seconds faster, an emotional crybaby wakes up in us and goads us to go tell developers their game sucks, spam sarcastic "nice balance" comments and ask them "next patch when"
Or - which is true for many people - they just jump the ship and copycat the more powerful build. And that's how metas are formed btw. People flock to what was proven by top players to be working in endgame. It's all purely psychological. Very often we cannot force ourselves to play and experiment with something less powerful knowing something more powerful exists. Ignorance can indeed be a bliss.
» Games are not about balance. They are about people willing to play them. To challenge themselves, to enjoy their time and to have fun. It's about exploration and experimentation, about the journey. Not about developers trying to numerically match all existing builds for your crybabys' sake in their attempt to tame this mythical beast called "perfect balance".
In fact, if you were to somehow achieve "perfect balance", you've failed as a developer. Yes. Because at this point it's like as if all food tasted the same. It still takes different amount of time and effort to cook different foods, but if they all taste the same you just pick the easiest one to make and never try anything else. Because why would you? It would be the very same thing just with extra effort.
For me, the actual meaning of "good balance" is when meta is diverse, when it's hard to "solve" it quickly, when builds are diverse, when they have strong and weak sides to them. Pros and cons. So that you have reasons to play different types of archers, different types of summoners, of tanks and so on. When you as a player are given many reasons to try many things, the more the better.
Edit for those who understands: Speaking of solved metas, if you see Tofu running around claiming that he reached nirvana, knows everything there is to know - and telling people left and right what works and what doesn't, it's a good time for a patch, it's a good time to shake up the meta. To shake it up hard.
I love crafting, I genuinely adore making my own items. In Median I've always preferred custom-made rares/honorifics over preset uniques - if they fit my current build and are competitive with SU alternatives. Correspondingly, I prefer oskill builds over the "normal" ones. There is a big similarity between orthodox skill-tree-based builds and children's coloring books: they already have outlines prepared for you - you just fill in the colors.
I always gravitate towards doing my own thing, straying away from the path of "intended" play. In fact, I often try to isolate myself from reading any balance feedback on the latest patches because I want to explore stuff by myself, without anyone telling me, "Oh hey that thing you're doing, it's not any good right now". I'm fine with trying and failing.
By extension, I don't like playing meta builds because I don't want to be yet another clone in the legion of people doing the same thing. And generally speaking: the more established, solved and rigid the meta is, the faster the new season and hype for the new patch die down.
Which brings us to the cornerstone of long-term success for any serious ARPG out there:
Variety and Customization
The more of those there is in a game, the more I enjoy playing it - and the more I want to explore new things. And I believe that is objectively true for most people. One of the biggest parts of customization in ARPGs is, well, crafting of course. Crafting in Median has 3 parts to it:
» Shrinecrafting system - allows creation of custom rares, it is very random, but shrines are plentiful and thus you get many-many tries bruteforcing the mods you're looking for
» Mystic Orb system, which btw I see as one of the best systems ever made in any game - it allows you to take a unique that you've been leveling with and prolong its life by 30-60 levels, maybe even push it into endgame. That system allows you to add pricesely the mods that benefit your build the most, that fix your breakpoints, resists etc
» Luck / Lottery / Corruption system - that one is minor compared to the other two, it's random-based, but there are some huge potential highrolls associated with it
► Shrinecrafting
Well, how does it work atm?
It is essentially Chaos orbing from PoE that rolls 4 random mods + 1 guaranteed mod from shrine itself. We take a rare base and reroll it again and again until we hit a combination of mods we like. If we're looking for a particular oskill, we just reroll until we hit it.
Once the combination of mods suits us, we use that item / stash it and procede to craft on new bases trying to do better than our previous best. And that's pretty much it - there's no real skill to shrinecrafting, the only arguably skillful thing you can do is train your eyes to indentify the desired mods - so you can reroll faster.
I would like the process of shrinecrafting to be more deterministic, to remove a considerable chunk of RNG from it. Also, as someone who plays PoE since 2012, I'm used to rares being a much, much bigger part of the game. In Median I would want rares to be more competitive with unique items. Mind you, I don't want them to overshadow uniques, but definitely to be better than they currently are. If overshadowing requires 10 abstract steps, I'm only proposing doing 2-3 in that direction.
Proposed updates to shrinecrafting
» We remove all oskills from the pool of things normal shrines can roll» We create a new special oskill Shrine - instead of rerolling a crafted item, it adds a random oskill to it (or rerolls the existing oskill if item already has one)
» At this point the droprate of normal shrines can be reduced, since you wouldn't need such enormous amounts of them anymore
By separating oskills into their own crafting category, shrinecrafting would no longer be about mindlessly rerolling an item from one oskill appearance to the next. Every reroll becomes an actual roll to consider.
Also, this way we go from 5 mod crafted rares to 6 mod ones with the ability to (eventually) hand-pick an oskill of our choice. It can be a build-defining skill, a generic damage buff or something providing extra utility that people can add to their builds.
The biggest questions here is, how hard would it be to implement all that - and how hard would it be to keep the item-type oskill restrictions on top of it.
► Lotteries, HP squish and why 2 is a weak number
Lotteries, HP squish and why 2 is a weak number
Humans are peculiar creatures, we are often obsessed with round numbers, numbers that come from events in world history, urban myths and legends, our culture, and those "special" numbers that mean something to us personally. Edit: Oh, and numbers that come from memes, of course

Numbers heavily influence our life and we often make decisions based on minor numerical differences.
When HP squish happened about 2.5 years ago, all HP numbers were reduced by 60%. Numbers on items, charms and so on, everything was cut down proportionally. But I feel like that was kinda lazy approach, some things should have been addressed on a case-by-case basis, depending on how overused or underused they are.
» Example: Not many people were doing armor lottery at the time, trying to nail that 1/33 gamble to get 5% max life. HP squish reduced that bonus to 2% max life and nowadays you don't really see anyone doing it. Most lotteried items are just random finds from Scos boxes.
» Example #2: Yshari Trophy (that has already been buffed back since then) went from 5% to 2% Max Life for a time. It's the only trophy in the game that sometimes rivals Laz Trophy in value, because it takes a lot of time and effort to get. 2% from it felt like an insult.
» Example #3: Dementia is a good endgame belt, but 2% Life on it feels like one of those mods you see on items with a bunch of jewels socketed in them - minor and almost irrelevant
2 in general as a number sounds and looks weak, measly. In 1.8 I've spent half a season lotterying pieces from Psionic set. I don't feel like doing any projects like that nowadays for 2%.
» Lottery chance 3% -> 5% for all item types to increase the lost incentive of doing it manually and make the idea of season-long projects of acquiring a perfect lotteried set of items more appealing. Armor lottery 2% -> 3% Max Life
» %Life on some endgame items increased to be more meaningful, Dementia for instance can have a 3-5% roll on it - despite it already being a powerful item. It wouldn't be the end of the world
» Plunderbird can have 5% on it without rolls, that item is already a huge gamble with its other mods
» Luminescence can have 10% easily as a 2-hander. Although who cares about spearzon omegalol... Kappa. I care

» Books of Kalan (lvl 130 Void Charm) currently gives 25 flat life and 50 flat mana after HP and Mana squish cuts happened to it. Don't even ask what I think about that xD
» Demonstone Blood can have a 1-2 or even a 2-3% roll on it, otherwise it will never be used by anyone, including that one guy who'd come up with the fringiest use example just to prove me wrong
And so on and so forth for some other items.
Mystic Orbs and Effigies
► Freedom of Choice - Effigy

Intended primarily for oskill-centered builds to open up more gearing options. But can be very powerful for all builds that scale well with skill levels.
» Some big hits:
+10-11 to Druid/Necro/Soso Skill Levels on staves
up to +15 on Black Ice
up to +8 on Dead Lake's Lady
up to +10 on Bone Scalpel
up to +12 on Fleshstinger
up to +12 on Witch Drum
up to +12 on Elemental Disciple
» 25 to level required might be an overkill for most items and actually not enough for some extreme cases like Elemental Disciple. Ideally it should be "+4 Required Level for each skill level transformed" or something like that. This way it would autobalance itself in a way.
But, from what I know about the transformation effigies, they take immense amount of cube recipe coding already even without such dynamic features.
» Another point I want to make about those 3 extreme cases - those items see no play whatsoever. When a reason to use such an item emerges, I say "good", that's a win in my book - even if the emerged application of the item is above the curve in terms of power level. Would be nice seeing people actually trading and actively hunting highrolled versions of those items.
For now the only thing I'm gonna mention here is making troll mods unrollable on items that do not benefit from those mods in any way (like reduced %requirements on jewelry). And I know, if it was easy to do, that would have been done already. But I'm mentioning it anyway just to create a fake impression that this thread segment is not empty :weirdchamp:
Mastercrafted Items
► 1. Echo Sabre

Core idea: Weapon that allows doubling (or - rarely - even tripling) down on a specific proc - but weapon itself is not going to have any meaningful damage on it really. I crave for builds that are fully centered on procs to be back, that was one of my fav parts of old Median
• Can roll both normal and angelic versions of procs, making it much harder to hit x2-x3 of the angelic proc that you want
► 2. Soulbinders Belt

Core idea: Craftable belt for summoners that can roll things like +1 to maximum Necro/Barb/Pala/Exodia minions, most non-ultimate summon X skills, and generalistic minion life/damage/AR/resistance mods. Summoners often go for a crafted Belt either way, having a mastercrafted base with some potential highrolls would be very welcome
• I'd argue minion mods on rares in general need a revision, with generalistic minion mods added to more armor types, +1 to max Paladin Minions added as a mod to 1 or 2 Paladin bases, +1 to max Barb Minions added to Barb Swords and Shields etc
► 3. Gnarled Bow
This is a Gnarled Staff

-» Bend it -» String it -»

This is a Gnarled Bow

Core idea: A craftable bow for spellcasters and Arcane Swarmers. Variation of an old PoE idea of mine, based on the fact that an unstrung unbent bow is basically a staff
• I went looking in the interwebs for item icons that somewhat represent a bow/staff transformation but didn't find any that would satisfy me. So I went through D2 stave icons, stared at Gnarled Staff for a few minutes, a bit of screwing in Photoshop - and voila! If someone thinks they can do a better Photojob than me, be my guest
• Originally I was going for a bow with combination of 2 mods: "Cannot roll attack modifiers" & "Can roll caster modifiers". But Gnarled Staff basis pushed the whole concept into a slightly different direction
• Has immense mod pool, diluted by a ton of attack mods you generally don't want, so getting combination of affixes you want (primarily +skills/+spell damage prefix combo) should be hard. Tier 1 affix block was added as a balancing factor cause some people would say this is a straight power creep over 4-socket staves because you get quiver stats on top of your craft. I'll tell you what, basically no one crafts staves - even 6 socket ones, they are outclassed by 1-hander + shield setups by a mile. Tier 5 meme builds do not count. It's a problem with 2-handers in ARPGs in general and is a whole different topic for a different time
• Attack Frames: 6 at around 200 AS for all classes. I'm an adept of variety, so I don't mind people being able to build an Arcane Swarmer from any class, I don't like it being basically a Sorc-only build atm. Can always nerf frames for some classes / increase AS requirement
• Cast Frames: same frames and breakpoints as Gnarled Staff because flavor. Also a balancing factor, thus can selectively be made worse for specific characters
• On Melee Attack procs and oskills that require a melee weapon should be excluded from the Gnarled Bow mod pool

-» Bend it -» String it -»

This is a Gnarled Bow

Core idea: A craftable bow for spellcasters and Arcane Swarmers. Variation of an old PoE idea of mine, based on the fact that an unstrung unbent bow is basically a staff
• I went looking in the interwebs for item icons that somewhat represent a bow/staff transformation but didn't find any that would satisfy me. So I went through D2 stave icons, stared at Gnarled Staff for a few minutes, a bit of screwing in Photoshop - and voila! If someone thinks they can do a better Photojob than me, be my guest

• Originally I was going for a bow with combination of 2 mods: "Cannot roll attack modifiers" & "Can roll caster modifiers". But Gnarled Staff basis pushed the whole concept into a slightly different direction
• Has immense mod pool, diluted by a ton of attack mods you generally don't want, so getting combination of affixes you want (primarily +skills/+spell damage prefix combo) should be hard. Tier 1 affix block was added as a balancing factor cause some people would say this is a straight power creep over 4-socket staves because you get quiver stats on top of your craft. I'll tell you what, basically no one crafts staves - even 6 socket ones, they are outclassed by 1-hander + shield setups by a mile. Tier 5 meme builds do not count. It's a problem with 2-handers in ARPGs in general and is a whole different topic for a different time
• Attack Frames: 6 at around 200 AS for all classes. I'm an adept of variety, so I don't mind people being able to build an Arcane Swarmer from any class, I don't like it being basically a Sorc-only build atm. Can always nerf frames for some classes / increase AS requirement
• Cast Frames: same frames and breakpoints as Gnarled Staff because flavor. Also a balancing factor, thus can selectively be made worse for specific characters
• On Melee Attack procs and oskills that require a melee weapon should be excluded from the Gnarled Bow mod pool
► 4. Artisans Gloves

• Oskill player's dream. Being one myself, I would be all over those gloves
• Immense Shrine sink - it's not easy to get what you want, especially considering roll ranges
• There's a million ways to make this pair of gloves stronger if you think it's too weak and a couple ways to make it weaker if you think it's too strong. Or a balance of both
• Examples to make it stronger:
- ○ -(10 to 20) Required Level as an extra orange mod
○ Less non-oskill mods in the pool
○ Always rolls 3 suffixes and 1 prefix
○ Tendency to roll multiple oskills at once
○ Doubled MO effectiveness
- ○ Only drops in Labs / High Labs / from specific strong bosses
○ Only rolls armor-pool-specific oskills (weapon-specific oskills excluded, another item could be made for those - a Craftsman's Hammer of some sorts)
○ Only has 2-3 suffixes and no prefixes
○ +(10 to 20) Required Level as an extra orange mod
► 5. Vampires Fangs

• IED throwing knife that has some Life on Striking scaling attached to it. Original idea by magz
• Splitting the attribute scaling is what made this concept interesting for me. It felt like basing both on Dex would be too much of a powerhouse and would require the nukening of LoS mod numbers
• Split scaling gives the player additional reason to loose some damage and move more points from Dex to Vita vs dangerous bosses
• Optional: innate damage could be Magic instead - to synergize with Doom instead of the Cold Way

• A more restrictive version, forcing you to put a lot of base points into Vita to gain access to the IED and MR from Anathema
• Personally I prefer the first version, it's cleaner and leaves you more freedom in attribute allocation + gives you a reason to stack %all attribute mods instead of pure dex ones. LoS scaling can always be adjusted if it turns out too stronk
► 6. Scorching Girdle

• Aura grants elemental thorns to you and your minions that deals fire damage. Could have some base damage to add another balancing factor
• Intended mainly for Summoner Paladin and Unsummonzon, very synergetic with their kits. To a lesser extent usable on summoner Necro, can spec into Jinns for fire pierce on minions
• Belt slot chosen because summoners usually go for a crafted belt, it's neutral and doesn't compete for a gear slot with stuff like Redeemer, Vision of the Furies or Dux Infernum
• Would help with clearspeed, might be okay vs some bosses. Numbers are arguably on the low side, currently ~2.5-3k fire thorns is realistic when you take fire pierce of Fire Eles and Servants of Valor into account
• Auras in D2 have very buggy behavior, devs avoid using them unless absolutely necessary. I'm listing this belt concept either way in case those technical issues get resolved one day
Unique Items and special mods
«Let's not kid ourselves, ARPGs in a nutshell are just Barbie doll dress-up games for grown men» © me
I love top-down designs. Top-down design is when you start with an overall concept, some defining idea - and work your way down, eventually filling in the details. Something as simple as a clever item name can be a catalyst for a top-down design. Those are much more interesting to both make and build around than endgame statsticks. Statsticks simply increase your numbers, endgame statsticks increase your numbers by a lot - that is their purpose. I don't mind them, in fact I think their existence is absolutely mandatory in RPGs, but you won't see me designing many of those. I prefer making items that either actively modify what you do and how you do it - or make you puzzle over how to build a character around this thing :hmm:
Or last - but not least - items that are just fun to use, with potential to create some memorable, hilarious gameplay experiences.
Needless to say, the numbers on the items are provisional and are up for debate.
► 1. Remembrance of the Arch-liche - SSSU War Staff

Core concept: Staff that lets you be in Liche Form shooting out punishers almost permanently
» Liche Form (existing skill itself): heavily reduced MS penalty, 15s duration/30s cooldown, actually transforms you into a Liche. Liche Morph has bad attack and cast frames, but excellent fhr
^ While wearing this staff it's somehow automatically cast while you're poisoned and removed when you're poisoned no longer
» Vengeful Apparition: 40s duration, 40s cooldown. Summons a melee enemy, untargettable (like worms in Sam fight), can go through walls/terrain (like those Knights from Pandemonium season). Apparition casts a very long lasting poison in melee + deals some amount of phys damage with that cast. Very slow cast frames, fast MS, AI that would chase you around. Model:
» Gameplay: you summon Apparition, let it poison you and run around firing off punishers. It chases you so you can get repoisoned when needed. Might not need to summon it in bossfights where you can get poisoned constantly
» A lot can be modified about this concept based on codability of its components
► 2. Body of the Forbidden One - SSU Breast Plate

Core concept: Chest that allows you to use all 3 elemental trio minion types at once while "disabling" most other attack-based minions by nullifying their AR
» Disclaimer: this chest does NOT require you to have 3 Exodia relics. In fact, Ama and Barb can get access to all 3 minions without relics at all - 2 from class bases and 1 from oskill Gloves

» Replaced "Your other non-ultimate minions are disabled" from the first iteration of this item with "Your Minions have no Attack Rating", which is just a veiled -1500% Minion Attack Rating mod. There is no need to implement functionality of disabling a ton of specific minions this way. Yet it still heavily restricts most non-exodia minions - as I originally envisioned it. Can use those as pure meat shields, I guess
» For those who sees this concept for the first time, this is basically a PoEsque Golemancer chest. You ditch your Barb Spirits / VK Hawks / Servants of Valor and focus on scaling these elementals
» Can totally be used on some hybrid spellcaster builds. I preemptively added -spell damage downside to it because I can see some very powerful things that can be done with this
» Frostwalkers and Fungi need to be added to 1 or 2 Paladin bases (helms/shields/1h weapons). When elemental summons got their rework in 2.2 Pala wasn't really a summoner, nowadays he'd be an excellent match for this build
► 3. Pragmatism - SSU Aspis

Core concept: Psionic Assa got tired of casting spells and found a more practical application for her knowledge. This shield makes her a Cognition-based magic damage attacker that synergizes well with maxed Doom and full Cognition commitment due to magic pierce at 150
» Can be used as a build-around unique for both Clawsin and Throw, but you have absolutely minimal amount of points to spend on attack skills themselves if you want to get your Cognition to 150. Some oskill builds with this are also possible
» Cognition Mastery is a passive that gives "Passives in Mastery tab also contribute to Cognition". Less skill points will feel wasted on spells you do not use from Psionic tree this way
» Optional addition: "3-Mastery restriction disabled". Knowledge is power. To be honest a whole separate unique can be made out of this idea :hmm:
» I originally thought about making the passive give Cognition per points in other Assa trees, but gaining Cognition from stuff like Batstrike and Maelstrom felt too unrestrictive + it didn't feel right flavor-vise
► 4. Last Resort - SSU Short War Bow

Core concept: Bow with On Melee Attack proc for newly reworked Queen of Blades shenanigans
» Originated as a meme concept during 2.9 beta, but it can be totally viable depending on the procs you put on it and QoB cd numbers
» Orange mod is a disguised "You may Only use Melee, Summon and Support Skills", reworded for flavor reasons. Thus, you cannot shoot arrows / use ranged skills with this bow
» I don't think we have any melee attack oskills that are usable with bows, such a skill would be a good fit for this
» Life leech was originally Life on Melee Attack, but sadly it turned out to not work with QoB
» QoB cd reduction number can be slightly higher, but need to be careful with it - currently Assas can get their QoB cd to 0.8s I believe, -0.4 from the mod would result in 0.4s cd = 2.5 attacks per second. -0.5 would result in 3.333 attacks per second, -0.6 would result in 5
► 5. End of Trust - SSSU Mask

Core concept: That thing that is usually not allowed
» Hostility only works on Hell - to avoid people griefing others during leveling on Normal and Nightmare. Morph still works there - so you can be a friendly Phoboss helping people.
» Arguably, hostility should only work in labs... Arguably, it should not even be on the item

» Imagine putting it on mid lab run, trying to gank your friends and failing miserably, randomly dying to their ability spam. That's what I mean by memorable gameplay experiences. If that's not fun, then I don't know what fun is

» Phoboss morph attack frames should be pretty terrible - about 12 frames, so 2 attacks per second.
» Phoboss Arena (ongoing novas of Ice Bolts with a safe zone in the middle) from the item should only last for ~3 seconds - unlike the actual skill Phoboss uses. The duration and 17% proc chance on Arena is balanced around 2 attacks per second - you have to be attacking constantly to keep it up most of the time.
» Phoboss Spiral does huge damage, but has a low proc chance. At 2 attacks / second and 3% to proc you need to be attacking continuesly for 15-16 seconds to proc once. Can be brought up to ~4-5% for consistency at the cost of damage.
» You do inherit the iconic Phoboss Aura while morphed as a hidden mod (aura gives max cold res reduction to enemies, -20 enemy max block, -60 dodge (only dodge, not avoid or evade), +15s to their teleport cds). Without the hostility feature on the Mask the aura would loose some of its flavor, but it would still be super nice vs things like Necrobots and bosses that teleport a lot.
» Hostility turns on when you equip the mask (or join the game while wearing it), notifying other players via the usual "hostile" sound from vanilla. To turn it off you need to unequip the mask and rejoin the game.
» Hostility probably shouldn't work on Hardcore... probably
► 6. Fangless Count - SSU Chain Gloves

Core concept: Item that "transforms" a life sustain mechanic that doesn't work for elemental-based attackers into one that works for them.
» With the removal of old Solitudes life sustain of IED (and flat elemental) characters went from over 9000 to pretty low. Melee toons can at least stack Life on Melee Attack, while ranged ones currently have to rely mainly on the regen abilities from their skill trees.
» This pair of gloves has no defense partially as a joke. Kudos to you if you can figure it out )
► 7. Paradoxica - SSU Scimitar

Core concept: IED weapon that forces you to build IED character in an unorthodox way.
» For all "normal" IED characters you stack one stat as high as possible. With this sword you'd want one of your stats to be as low as possible while keeping the other 3 more or less on the same level.
» You need to increase the gap between your 2 lowest attributes if you want more damage. Essentially it means you have to raise all 3 of your higher attributes without affecting the 4th one.
» Paradoxica is a sword in PoE. Don't really like the sword, but love the name.
► 8. Equilibrium - a mod-enabling mechanic

» I'm using Auriel's Robe just as a model to showcase the Equilibrium mod. Auriel itself needs some kind of rework either way, whatever it might be. I don't care for this version at all, just using it as an example.
» Greyed out mods only work while the condition of all your attributes being equal is met. This condition can actually be pretty harsh for some characters, would require you to constantly keep track and rebalance your attributes while changing gear and charms.
» Another cost of using items with this mod is being forced to put stat points into attributes that you don't really want. Putting all extra points into vita is not an option.
» Due to this condition, you can make the greyed-out mods pretty powerful
» There can be some small leeway to it - let's say 5 points - to cover for the rounding and make it slightly easier to pick stuff like
Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold
Moo moo moo Moooo! Moo!
Required Level: 115
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
+(0 to 38) to Strength
+(0 to 38) to Dexterity
+(0 to 38) to Vitality
+(0 to 38) to Energy
(11 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
-10% Gold Find
(16 to 20)% Magic Find
Moo moo moo Moooo! Moo!
Required Level: 115
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
+(0 to 38) to Strength
+(0 to 38) to Dexterity
+(0 to 38) to Vitality
+(0 to 38) to Energy
(11 to 15)% Bonus to Defense
-10% Gold Find
(16 to 20)% Magic Find
Cold Fusion Schematics
for your character
Cold Fusion Schematics
Required Level: 125
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
1% Chance to cast level 10 Time Strike on Striking
+(16 to 30) to Strength
+(16 to 30) to Dexterity
+(16 to 30) to Vitality
+(16 to 30) to Energy
Required Level: 125
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
1% Chance to cast level 10 Time Strike on Striking
+(16 to 30) to Strength
+(16 to 30) to Dexterity
+(16 to 30) to Vitality
+(16 to 30) to Energy
» Personally, I don't find this mechanic too interesting or pleasurable to build around. But I had it as an idea and, well, here it is as a concept )
► 1. QQ ring

Core idea: Perfect match between item name and its orange mod :kek
Player eventually gets lucky, rolls some great corrupts on it, rips it once, rolls couple more stats, gets greedy, yolos, rips it for good and then QQs in #general discord about how great it was :pepeHands:
» Immense CC sink
» First "rip" would raise level req to 120, so it would still be usable and even have some space for MOs
» Level req could theoretically be removed completely, success/null/rip chances could have unique values for this ring. There could be some extra special troll mods in the pool, that would add to the QQedness

Old QQ ring from 2017
► 2. Unearthed Hawk

Buried Hawk got buried and forgotten. Power of its stats deteriorated over time. Full access to Ultimates became limited by charges. Phys res rolled zero long time ago and stayed this way. While thinking about passing time it developed skill duration... [dramatic pause] ...until eventually it got unearthed :mmyea:
» Rarity: SSSU, drops in 130+ zones, very rare. Alternatively, a rare drop from 1-7 hardest bosses in the game (drop chance scaling with boss difficulty)
» What's the Ultimate Challenge? Idk, you tell me. Many options. But it needs to meet these conditions:
- • It should be more skill-based than gear-based
• It should be somewhat time consuming (like Sam's 11 minute quest)
• It shouldn't be easily/cheaply solvable by TG
» Passive ultimates: either lost to time and ignored or recreated (as separate versions) as buffs that last ~10 minutes at a baseline
» Optional: level 90 and 115 reward skills could also be considered to roll on Hawk with varying charges. Personally, I would love me some Spellbind vs particular bosses :tazoRolls:
► 3. Segnitia, Grandfather and 2h sword cast frames

Core idea: Huge phys damage body armor that is designed specifically for skills like Fortress/GT/ATMG/Disco that use CS instead of AS
» Been in its current state for 5 years. Heck, Median 2017 version of it is basically the same. Trade & auction logs of this item are miserable and tell everything there is to tell. Has no niche, outclassed by other endgame phys armors by a mile. No build wants it, no build uses it
» After I googled what "Segnitia" means, turned out it's latin for "disinclination for action", slowness, sluggishness. Negative speeds on the updated version properly represent that
» Update is meant for builds that use cast speed based WDM skills. Negative CS is the actual downside to overcome. Huge negative AS not only prevents its usage on normal attack builds, but can also be a big upside when comboed specifically with
The Grandfather
: it allows using Wolf Stance on Barb, maxed Spark of Hope on Pala + some AS buffs and passives on other characters
The Grandfather
Great Sword (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (219 - 254) to (336 - 396)
Two-Hand Damage: (312 - 347) to (423 - 483)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 1340
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
+400% Deadly Strike
-5% Deadly Strike per 1% Attack Speed
Adds (75 to 110)-(180 to 240) Damage
(150 to 300)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+200% Enhanced Damage
+(30 to 40) to Ancients' Hand
+50 to all Attributes
Maximum Life +(5 to 7)%
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
Great Sword (Sacred)
One-Hand Damage: (219 - 254) to (336 - 396)
Two-Hand Damage: (312 - 347) to (423 - 483)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength: 1340
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
+400% Deadly Strike
-5% Deadly Strike per 1% Attack Speed
Adds (75 to 110)-(180 to 240) Damage
(150 to 300)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+200% Enhanced Damage
+(30 to 40) to Ancients' Hand
+50 to all Attributes
Maximum Life +(5 to 7)%
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
2H sword cast frames
» Important for cast speed based WDM skills - ATMG, GT, Disco etc. Other groups of weapons like mauls and 2h axes could also use an update
» Current Cast frames from speed calc for chars in alphabetical order: 9 / 8 / 9 (7 while DW) / 8 / 6 / 6 / 7
» Proposed Cast frames: 6 / 7 / 7 (6 while DW) / 7 / 6 / 6 / 7. Arguable, needs discussion. I went over all character trees to see what support they have for WDM CS playstyle and based those numbers on that
» Has been unchanged since 2019 apart from %max life reduction during global HP squish. Trade logs not as miserable as Segnitias, there was a popularity surge when GT + Fortress were fotm, but as of right now it mostly just collects dust on mules
» If sword cast frames were to be changed + big Segnitia synergy, might not even need any numerical adjustments
» Ancient's Hand replaced with something else - it does not fit. Orange mod yet again screams WDM CS playstyle. GT / Fortress / maybe even "Fortress Cooldown Reduced by Xs" mod. Some neutral passive like Ama's Balance is also an option
► 4. The Point of No Return

Core idea: SSSU that makes you more and more powerful based on the time spent in boss arena, but draining your life faster and faster
» Entering a lockable boss arena while wearing this staff or equipping it inside one causes a (near)instant lockdown. Leaving the area (or dying) resets the buffs to 0 and disables them until new lockable boss arena entry
» Numbers are very debatable and depend on the time step between checks (every second / every 2 seconds etc). Scaling numbers need to be balanced around top-end bosses like Samael, not Butcher and co
» Might need +1-2% all max resistances mod on it to relief gear choice pressure on other pieces (gosh I hate low socket endgame 2-handers without max res on them)
» Optional alternative for scaling mods if this is not codeable / too hard to implement: basing the scaling mods on the time-spent-in-this-game counter, with lower numbers (retroactive in case player equips this staff 5 minutes in). So you'd need to be fast after entering a new game to get where you need to go before you start really dying. Possibly could be used to speedfarm some areas this way
► 5. Xiphos

Goal: Breath life into this long-forgotten short sword. Buff it and make it more customizable to open up more things players can do with it
» Mod allows all Mystic Orbs to be useable on it, including armor and jewelry ones
» Lowered level req by 10, changed AS to combat speeds to fit the "universal" theme of the sword, added minor SD as a nudge for those who'd want to make something proc-based with it. Buffed damage numbers slightly, ditched proc and CB
► 6. Return of Buzzbomb in SSSU form

Core idea: Buzzbomb returns, becomes ultra rare and goes from Red to Green

» If you don't remember the old Buzzbomb, it used to be this very thing, but it was fire-based and the key mod on it was "3% Chance to cast level 50 Flamestrike on Striking". Judgement Day is that skill Kabraxis and Anomaly use, basically a green poison + phys damage version of Flamestrike
» Flamestrike procs from this thing were known to cause some FPS issues on slower machines, going from 3 to 2% proc chance should feel better in that regard. In terms of power level 1% would probably be enough... But I envisioned it as an SSSU, so I'd want it to be super cool and a bit broken, sue me :weirdchamp:
» Speaking of Judgement Day itself, I'm one of the few people who played with it thoroughly in 2.8 (Pandemonium) patch when it was available from a relic. I've killed Samael and 0% Difficulty Deimoss with it. Aye, it's strong. But no, it's not really broken. Like, you can never do Regen Shrine Deimoss with it no matter how much you min-max it, it simply doesn't do enough damage to outpace regen. Power level of Jday as a proc can always be adjusted via proc chance and level
► 2 Boulder-utilizing item designs that no one asked for
2 Boulder-utilizing item designs that no one asked for

Do you care about The Boulder? If you do, there's probably something wrong with you :kek: Last time someone cared about The Boulder was in 1965.
» The main goal here is to showcase that even such an unused thing as The Boulder can be made useful. Items themselves are more like sketches, a lot can be changed about them
+ While brainstorming the great maul I found a holy grail of design space: oskills that are charge-limited and only rechargeable under certain conditions / via special cube recipes. In older patches (before item durability removal) that concept was impossible because players could just refresh charges by repairing the item at a blacksmith in town. Second post of this thread will contain more on that idea.

» What does Rock Shatter do? Idk, you tell me) Maybe some alternative ST skill for Earthshaker Barbs, maybe scaling off total character Strength or Crushing Blow, I dunno. I'm just showcasing charge-based nature of it. Max number of charges depends on the power level of the skill. More power = less max charges = needs to be recharged more often
» Boulders are consumed by the recipe, so they would actually gain some trade value
» Name is an obvious reference to Large Hadron Collider. Hedron is the ending of all of those tetra-deca-hedrons and basically means face, so you can kinda treat the item name as "Face Smasher" :kekeHands: More conservative names: Rock Grinder, Stone Crusher (hello, vanilla d2)

(Assuming current SBS can be renamed / moved to another base. I've always been annoyed by the fact that current SBS has NOTHING Strength-related on it, despite bearing such a name - it's just a pretty straightforward endgame statstick for phys builds. Hate wasting names with so much potential flavor)
» Kaom's Heart vibes. Basically a body armor that doesn't have many lines of text, but those it does have give a ton of what they give
» That orange mod is uncodeable right now, maybe in the future, who knows. But just as a concept for Boulder's sake: you put 6 Boulders in + 2 Sigils of Absolution + 2 Lodestones -> a literal ton of Strength. If 100% is too much, can always be halved / toned down. Out of 4 attributes Strength is the least offensive one to stack in terms of balance imo
» Lottoed Boulders :stonks:
► Meme items

» Flav's iconic weapon. He smacks you with it a couple of times and then bans you for posting gifs

» If you die in one of those boss arenas while wearing this, a wild Ben- appears laughing and diagnoses you with "skill issues"
» Runewordmaster works same as Runemaster, but scales with the number of runewords you're wearing. Also boosts chance to find runes by 33%
Unfinished sketches
► 1. Cyclops - SSU Helm

Core concept: I've been craving to play proc-based builds for a long time. This helm is a proc build in itself, but it has a blinding twist to it

» Being Blinded hard locks your chance to hit to 5%, so that seemingly broken 100% Rock Shock proc is actually 5% and that 20% Tremor proc is 1% on practice. On top of that, blindness guts your leech, life on striking and all other procs you might have, so helm procs do need to be powerful
» So... how powerful is Rock Shock? I tested it a bit (it exists on Hellmouth SU Gloves) and... it kinda sucks, but my judgement is inconclusive. But it's a WDM skill, so it should be able to proc itself on striking... But being a WDM skill, it also only has 5% chance to hit, so it shouldn't cause a cascade of self-procs... idk. Rock Shock itself could use some improvements. Needless to say, this concept and proc choices are highly experimental

» Flavor-wise, this item is an obvious reference to the Cyclops who was blinded by Odysseus. Shaking the ground (Tremor) fits the concept pretty well, also after Heroes of Might and Magic 3 I will always associate Cyclopses with rock throwing
» Icon used is one of the heads of the Biclops from vanilla D2 (I believe you can still meet them deep in Yshari). If someone with better Photoshop skills than me could make a visually fitting helmet out of it, would be cool. Otherwise, normal Helm image is good enough. Would be the first SU Helm btw, there are still no SUs on that base.
My previous thread with custom unique items (might rework Divinity at a later date since I was pretty clueless about Ice Lances current state when I designed an item for it)
This thread is going to be updated over time, I will be adding more things to it when I can