2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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Siosilvar wrote:Oh, this one is known, Gato and I found it over a year ago while doing some melee necro changes. :mrgreen:

Unsure if a bug but appears Sio is actually not dead? :bounce:

PS you’re sorely missed in Discord

**EDIT** Bug report:

- The Ghosts of Bremmtown trophy is missing from the https://docs.median-xl.com/doc/wiki/trophies page
Azure Drake
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When "high threat detected" in labs it would be great to have different color wording for different bosses. Ex. Anonomly green. Abyssal shrines red. Ect. Ect.
Cow Ninja
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altoiddealer wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:Oh, this one is known, Gato and I found it over a year ago while doing some melee necro changes. :mrgreen:

Unsure if a bug but appears Sio is actually not dead? :bounce:

PS you’re sorely missed in Discord

Definitely a bug, I think it's safe to say I'm pretty dead at this point. Haven't really had any urge to come back even though it's been almost a year and I've had a ton of free time due to unemployment the past couple months. I got two hardcore characters to 100 in GD, finished two FF14 expansions, got my first win in ToME, worked on a handful of personal projects... and I've had ideas for MXL but never felt motivated to send them over.
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Some suggestions
* New trophy system is way better then old one. Maybe the most cool part of 2.10 patch. Especially the fact that some high lvl trophies is much easier in coop. So at last we have a reason to play toghether. But some low lvl trophies are too easy - Legacy of Blood (now most people complete it from first enter), The Veiled Prophet (maybe require kill both mages?), Tran Athulua (some timer will be good: 1-2min), Quov Tsin (probably not only trophy should be more difficult, but he himself too).

* remove "2 max res" from Asmodan charm. Reduce max res on Kabraxis from 2-3 mr => 0-1 mr.
Beause even without braindead halloween charm it's to easy to reach 90mr.

* Scrolls also was very cool addition in this patch. Apart from broken helm and not very useful weapons scrolls, all other will be welcome in core game. Can be added as drop from anomaly/lab bosses/...

* Maybe remove max res from pgems? It quite valuable stat, in can be moved to enchanted runes. Also really want to reduce all enchanted runes lvl to 90 (or even 70), to be able to actually use it. For example you can't use 120 lvl Iah, because it ruins lot's of MO space. But it already so rare and expensive, why it has such restriction?
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felix0808 wrote:* Maybe remove max res from pgems? It quite valuable stat, in can be moved to enchanted runes.

This doesn’t work, because then Barbs could actually benefit from Runemaster :x
Monkey King
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altoiddealer wrote:
felix0808 wrote:* Maybe remove max res from pgems? It quite valuable stat, in can be moved to enchanted runes.

This doesn’t work, because then Barbs could actually benefit from Runemaster :x

just scrap barb altogether. mxl needs a robot char anyway, it's long overdue. new class when.
Azure Drake
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Please change what you have completed on the key for labs, starchart 1-4 and others so you see what you completed, as well as please fix if you accidently make a normal game and open a lab to NOT be able to open a lab in NORMAL difficulty. thank you (rant over)
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I've been trying Deimoss 6 shrines over and over again, and the last 3 times I made very good progress, maybe have even succeeded!

However, after ~5 minutes, the 6th shrine (the regen shrine) de-spawns consistently.


:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: BEST PART: YOU STILL GET THE VOID ARMOR UPGRADE :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
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People were commenting in the HC channel of the discord about the low numbers of Sorcs on hardcore ladder and how flimsy they are. I had some ideas to improve Lightning Sorc survivability while keeping the spec in theme and building off the current lategame itemization needs for the build.

Eye of the Storm -> No longer based on life. Now heals based on max mana (could also tinker with the numbers to make it more reasonable - Decent setups could get to 100 HP per Stone pretty easily lategame which is pretty small relatively speaking. Heavy investment could get higher but it's hard to imagine that .5% of max mana could ever get high enough to be too much)

Mind Spark (or new passive/decent duration buff) Deal no Fire/Magic/Phys/Psn/Cold damage. Every X energy above 1500, Mana shield damage reduction increased by Y. And some % reduction in damage taken to mana at full investment. I'm not sure on what numbers are good and what cap if any there should be. I was thinking of something like the Cold passive that has a big penalty to cross spec abuse and improves your defensive layers in the lategame. Spec already has issues with maintaining Mana Shield in the hardest zones without tons of UMOs. The numbers probably don't need to be huge, but the spec needs help in the lategame in the tankiness department. Certainly not enough to facetank everything, but enough to reduce the margin for error between teleporting around. Putting more survivability in energy also makes gearing much easier.

Probably also should make Entanglement a passive rather than a temporary buff. It's tricky relying on casting it every x seconds in encounters that nerf your teleport cooldown (some even nerf it enough that you spend a big portion of the fight without your avoid/MS bonus). The old debuff functionality also has a bug on the cast speed buff (it appears to not count for itself when spamming teleport - probably dispels the buff before start of cast and then reapplies after casting resulting in no cast speed bonus for the teleport itself. Really annoying and requires you to gear up to your cast speed breakpoints and ignore the "benefit" of more cast speed on it for the most part. The old functionality made sense when the drawback was so massive compared to a mana regen debuff that you can mitigate with gear and MO choices, but isn't necessary and has these unintended consequences.

Edit: I'm more convinced a lightning only Energy Shield permanent buff is the best way to go for Lightning. Been playing around with Arcane Fury in a lightning build. Arcane Fury works for hit and run in labs outside Phoboss encounters, but it's kind of lame. Almost invulnerable with it on and too squishy with it off. The mana drain with base Arcane Fury numbers feels close to balanced with a build that isn't tricked out with UMOs. 1% extra damage reduction per 100 energy over 1500 might be a good number. Then probably a flat amount from a hardpoint synergy for the mana discount. I believe 38% discount would get a 4k energy mana shield (50% damage reduction) to the same mana drain numbers as arcane fury. A scaling 1.5% discount would have similar impact. Curious how multiple discounts stack though. Would need a cap too to address weird scaling incentives (8500 energy is max 95% damage reduction and no mana cost lol).

I also have limited experience with cold but the math looks off for the spec. Should be tankier than other elemental casters but theorycrafted setups dont really have very much of an advantage and certainly look less tough/sustain than melee. I think Crystalline barrier could use a change to it's scaling so it has more impactful numbers in late game. It's pretty easy to reach the needed spell damage to reach the cap and 200 flat reduction is change in the lategame outside abilities that it already almost makes you immune to. I think increasing the cap and making the spell damage requirement to reach it much higher would not be too much. (Could also give it a hard point synergy to increase one side of it if there's a big disconnect on average damage packet size) I don't know the base damage of the various abilities in labs/scos to be able to throw out a reasonable number, but 200 is only a 10% reduction to an unmitigated 2k hit. The big elemental packets are much larger than that too (they assume you mitigate by a factor of 5-10 with 80-90 max res). It's an interesting defense design space to explore within the D2 engine, but the current numbers make it great through 120-125 and then it just falls off a cliff relative to melee because of no further scaling.