2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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Slain Soul
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momope wrote:Is there a way to lower the volume on some skills or remove/change the sound entirely?

Started a necro summoner and with just skeletons hitting things the audio is incredible, you can hear all the enemies and what's going on.

Then you get an Abyss Knight and the cast sound is loud and full of treble, even with just a single knight casting. It's the loudest thing you hear. Enemy grunts and their skills are like half the volume compared to the knight.

This highlights a lot of problems with the audio for skills, which are too loud and with too much treble and high frequencies, like in the cymbals range. Pounce zon, wyrmshot, magic missile all are horribly loud and very unsatisfying listening to for extended periods of time.

I feel like most people turn (off) the in-game music, and turn (down) the in-game sound-fx, and put (on) some music they desire to listen to. Maybe this will also work for you?
Pit Knight
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Taem wrote:
I feel like most people turn (off) the in-game music, and turn (down) the in-game sound-fx, and put (on) some music they desire to listen to. Maybe this will also work for you?

Haha for sure, just don't listen to the game works too :lol:
Monkey King
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just play with -nosound enabled, except for the few (endgame) bosses that require you to have audio que'd skill telegraphing (sam, deimoss, mayb anomaly)
Pit Knight
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metasequoia wrote:just play with -nosound enabled, except for the few (endgame) bosses that require you to have audio que'd skill telegraphing (sam, deimoss, mayb anomaly)

Yeah muting the game works, but most of the sounds in d2 are awesome. The music, ambient sounds, and voice lines are top tier. Some of the skills sound great, like the Ranger Merc casting Dark Power has a deep bass sound which is super satisfying.

I wish more of the sounds were bass heavy instead of being too loud and treble heavy.

I think just lowering the volume of some skills would go a long long way.
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this scroll also reduces mana regen from potion, in addition, it does not work correctly, even if mana potion has "40% less healing", 200 manaregen from potion -40% from scroll=120%, but potion gives only 40%
Pit Knight
117 | 9
I don't know if this has been reported or if it's a bug, but Maelstrom oskill from those new gauntlets doesn't stack with the skill itself (or Icebird/relic). It gives a whole new skill with the same name instead.
Cow Ninja
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I have tested several Oskills this season, there are so many builds that could be viable with a damage boost .. for example Ice bolt nova (cold sorc), chaotic spark Pally and Apocalypse builds.

Ice bolt nova would bring a farming skill to cold sorc. The mechanics of the skill work, but its woefully under powered. Please think about increasing its base damage by at least 40%, maybe more.. its a fun skill if it was viable.

Chaotic Spark needs a boost, maybe 25%. The real build killer here is the skill stormcall, which is really weak on pally shields. Maybe increase stormcall skill given from 15-20 to 30-40? That way it has a single target skill that actually do enough damage (and be visible? I cant see the bolt come down visually). Just a thought

Apocalypse is a cool skill, and has promise. Its just under powered. It needs a at least a 30-35% damage buff to make it endgame viable. I'd love to use this build if it was powerful enough. Its fun!

Oh I tried forzen orb... way too weak and mana intense. If you're gonna make it so mana thirsty, reward it with power!

This season brought the Oskill gloves, which has been a huge success in enjoyment. The problem is there are so many oskills that are unusable, because they are too weak. I'd love for many of them to get a buff, so they could be enjoyed in late endgame, and have builds around them!
Anyways just some ideas. Thanks again for all you guys do, love the game.
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Parasite phys conversion to mag works strange with Specialization mastery. For every lvl of Specialization the damage increases a lot, even if parasite itself stays at 25lvl. Look at the dps vs dummy. And it's not just dummy bug, i can able to kill elems and red trees in scos with it. Though it still ~twice weaker then carnage and it's huge damage applies only vs single target. Other targets get normal dmg.
Jungle Hunter
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As everyone guessed, this season may last a long time. In order to keep our players active, to make us less bored, and to give everyone more resources, we will test some potential bugs in medianxl. :)
Please add patch 2.10.6
1. Add the three-in-one function of umos and relics. Three umos are randomly synthesized into a random umo; (add to the key, or other functions)
There are too many relics and umos that have no effect. This will give us motivation to farm.
2. Add the function of +200% experience before level 130 of the essence of time.
Leveling is very boring
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1. Maybe instead of reroll useless umo and relics it's better to make them useful? :) Though i don't mind of rerolling umo.
2. Lol, leveling in mxl already super fast. Faster then in any other game, that i played (PoE, vanilla D2, ...).