2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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Cow Ninja
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Please buff Oskills, so that with investment can be endgame viable.
I love this game, and am very appreciate to the devs and the community. It sometimes feel like I am pigeonholed. Not many builds are high octane endgame and can farm and do single target. I basically have to play searing glow, for the playstyles I enjoy. Its really the one viable endgame build. Its powerful yes, but it requires alot of gear investment which I like/enjoy.
There should be a relationship between build investment and power. Many oskills like ice bolt nova and armaggedon can be endgame viable if buffed.
So please consider buffing oskills.

Thank you for reading feedback and all you guys do:)
Monkey King
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ngoisaoptv wrote:Maybe this is a bug . I'm not sure . At 30 sec . My buff Laz challenge was removed . But i don't get any damage from Black Hand Totem ( my bad english )
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not a bug unfortunately, you took too long to kill him, the challenge buffs disappear after 10 mins (check your game time). that's a time limit that will most likely go by unnoticed except in the laz fight. its very possible to get him in 6-8min tho with some efficient gameplay.
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Quov Tsin dies super fast to wereowl.
I suspect he is mistaken set as a regular monster instead of a boss (aka crushing blow works on him). wereowl literally kills him in 5 earth talons with bad gear.
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Ice Clan
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Bug Report: Oil of Conjuration does not work on certain weapons anymore (?)

I am not exaggerating when I say that ALL 15 (yes, 15) Barbarian One-Handed swords I crafted (War Cry) FAILED.

I mean, perhaps this is either: (1) intentional change; (2) a stroke of incredibly bad luck.

I used to be able to Oil of Conj the swords in the past. I feel like some other mechanic was worked in that is causing it to fail for certain item times now as an unintended consequence?
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Sand Maggot
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Suggestion: All honorific boots receive constant 40% movement speed
It is annoying and time consuming to make honorific boots with 40% ms and 1% phys res. Tiered of repeating this painful process every season, I feel this is just wasting time and pointless.
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New bug / skill bug.

Parasite deals half lightning damage and half magic damage. It is doubled when using the SU necro dagger as well.
Azure Drake
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When relic goblin spawns the new notifier states "flying Buffalo error has appeared"
Monkey King
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BoneZone wrote:When relic goblin spawns the new notifier states "flying Buffalo error has appeared"

sounds perfect lol :)
Cow Ninja
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Jackel6672 wrote:New bug / skill bug.

Parasite deals half lightning damage and half magic damage. It is doubled when using the SU necro dagger as well.

Oh, this one is known, Gato and I found it over a year ago while doing some melee necro changes. :mrgreen:

The Lightning Strike skillfunc does a melee hit that's hardcoded to add lightning damage, and fires a projectile that does the magic damage listed on the skill. You see half and half on a target dummy because the primary target takes both hits, but the rest of the skill works fine.

If you put points into Specialization you'll also get 0-5% melee hit damage converted to lightning, because the max blvl bonus happens to use the same param4 stat that's hardcoded as a conversion. :lol:
Monkey King
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duct tape for modding confirmed.