The TLDR 2H Barb

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Jampula wrote:Jumping.

:bounce: :roll:
but why using / wasting 1pt for it when you have teleport up from the begining ?
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Jumping is funnier, nostaltic and timereless. :)
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nobrainnopain wrote:
Jampula wrote:Jumping.

:bounce: :roll:
but why using / wasting 1pt for it when you have teleport up from the begining ?

100% avoid or invulnerable dodging 1 hit ko spells?
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im kinda strugeling the first act with this build, im now in act 4 and got the tu weapon and armor. the dmg is somewhat ok but my sustain /defence really sucks hard. if there are more than 10 enemys on screen im kinda insta dead especialy if they are ranged. is there a noob guide that shows put 1 pt if ur lvl 2 into this skill and 5 pt in this stat points? i mean like for real noobs cause i see the finished tree and i spend points like litte here little there but it does not rly work well so far
Stygian Watcher
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it seems like that build benefits a lot from warmonger skills. I tried warmonger setup (bloodthirst+mighty vigor+aptitude) but it need to sarcefice some good chunk of useful stuff, in cost of that combo i refused from tectonics bonus proc (at full 10 points proc chance about 20-22%), 14 runemaster skill points, and a half of wolven guide. I cant say the difference of that change on enemies, but dummy says that damage become HUGE
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Which is the order of skills to put the points?
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aerial wrote:I've been playing around with the build, made it to scosglen on ssf run.
With max immortal and weapon RW, this totals 55% dodge, which is pretty high, paired with our huge defense (effortless 1.5m thanks to shield).

Isn't Immortal avoid working only when you're standing still?
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You have to stand still to deliver damage.
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Looking at patch notes, finally a lot of changes for earthshaker tree:

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As far as Earthquake goes, significant buff, not sure if it needed it, it will be absolute steamroll for leveling with 200% aftershocks being spammed, from level 2. Heart of stone. AR bonus will be noticeable, crushing blow was high enough, shouldn't feel much different.
Main thing is SOR changes, and it is difficult to tell how it will perform without trying. From description it seems like it was adding lot of extra hits that were unaffected by damage modifiers, so removal of that, is compensated by reduced delay. Does this change makes it stronger or weaker in the end, hard to tell.
As for tectonics, instead of getting inconsistent proc chance, we get consistent procs (always), but weaker (short duration sor), but also scalable by strength and ewd, kind of double dip synergy, as these stats both add damage and with tectonics will also increase duration of procs. There is also new mechanic, that causes it to spawn on top of target, not our character, which could be fairly significant, depending how sor procs centered on barb were really hurting the dps, and "real life" dps where mobs are moving around.

Overall this looks fairly interesting, and should be stronger than before, also stronger in QOL sense, as procs will be more consistent, so aside from raw numerical power, build should feel better to play.

I ran this couple of patches ago with 1h, as 1h+shield was buffed some time ago to be 6fpa, and this helped to proc tectonics. Now with tectonics being 100% chance, there is no downside of using it with slower 2h axe. However problem still remains, shields are good, tons of defense, useful stats, there is

Barbarian Swords, Barbarian One-Handed Axes
Except Barbarian Two-Ha

Runeword Level: 100
+(3 to 4) to Barbarian Skill Levels
Adds 5-10 Damage
Adds 120-115 Damage
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
Weapon Physical Damage +(60 to 80)%
+(81 to 100) to Strength
+(225 to 250) to Dexterity
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
really cheap high runeword, makes it difficult to compete for 2-handers.
I'd still do conquest helm + immortal combo to run over 50% avoid while standing still.
Angelic items could change things, depending how realistic it is to get good one, high new affix rolls, could be competitive to runewords.
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EQ or Shower of Rocks work with Life on Hit or Life Leech?