DatDudeJay's Warcry Barbarian - Updated NEW VIDEOS!

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altoiddealer wrote:ANNOUNCEMENT

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Music is crap :p
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blatkill wrote:
altoiddealer wrote:ANNOUNCEMENT

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Music is crap :p

How does that compare to arap, brap, or drap?
Monkey King
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Brap is a nice car sound
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So I’ve got a laundry list of insights regarding what I’m doing for lab setup:
No Runemaster, 1pt Glad Dom
-The benefits of 20+ crafted jewels outweigh the defense bonus. With new energy scaling, get as many 4% phys/mag + 2% energy jewels as possible.
-In 2.0, you no longer get runemaster bonus from 6 runes in Nats Legacy anyway

Eagle Stance
-With 30pts in Eagle, Vizjun Sleep charm (5PR), 2 x 6PR Nebel rings, an Arkenstone (1PR), 17 PR Nats and all other armors lucky for PR (Voice, Lamhas, Eclipse + S.Walker) - I have 63PR. 60PR is required for this to work, so a good Nats legacy is the hardest piece of the puzzle.
-Soft skill levels increase the regeneration rate of Eagle Stance. Therefore, landing +Barb skills on crafted swords is actually very good for this setup.
EDIT mortimer_85 reminded me that you just pre-buff stance w/ weap swap or other gear. IDEALLY: 2 x Feltongue for 14sk boost. OR: Craft a small throwing axe with 6sk for less clutter, and switch it with Berserrker for stance.

Focus on Energy Scaling
-Stuff as many Auriel’s Focus as possible into armors. These are amazing for this setup top to bottom. The psn duration reduction all adds up and is very helpful with how poison works now in 2.0. The bonus to defense also adds up.
-Craft the aforementioned GG jewels to pump up all that flat energy from Auriels.
-Energy Wormhole, only large cycles. Golden cycle is amazing if you can get it.
-With all of the conditions above, the best swords are actually Eerie crafted!

A few last details
-I’ve found that Assassin is much easier to deal with in 2.0, just focus on lifebar and move ASAP when it plummets from Singularity spell.
-Put 1pt into Whirlwind to buzz through Phoboss when he body blocks or gets TP glitched in you
-I found that if you open Inventory to put pots into belt, if you drag mouse into inventory while shouting, you’ll continue shouting even while adding pots.
-Necrobots stunlock. Either damage has to be so good they die w/ 2-3 shouts, or hit max FHR breakpoint. Laz Sleep charm can help a bit but the missing PR in lieu of vizjun sleep has to be compensated… possibly with

Runeword Level: 100
7% Chance to cast Level 5 Lifespark on Death Blow when Below 50% Life
+1 to All Skills
15% Cast Speed
+(20 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Slows Attacker by 10%
+(141 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
+(150 to 200) to Life
Maximum Mana +(6 to 10)%
Physical Resist 5%

-I don’t have 260 stacked resists yet for T9+, since I haven’t decided best solution quite yet. Lotto’d jewels help (Zann Esu ideally). I’m probably going to swap in an Empyrean glory MOd pure resists and maybe mana regen to fill gap in PR
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Heyyyy here I am again with some more insights.

For starters... say hello to my little friend

► War Cry SHIELD

Yes that's right, War Cry spawns not only on Barb One-Hand swords, but also on Barbarian shields.
As of patch 2.0, Barb casting frame breakpoints are the same whether dual-wielding or weapon + shield.

I crafted a shield to better deal with the Red Labs, and it has made survivability much better.
The shield has 5 x Auriel's Focus + Empyrean Touch. Also 1 shop MO for Block Speed.

-The affix pool for shields is apparently much less than weapons, since War Cry has been spawning much more frequently when crafting.
-No stress having to hit Oil of Conjuration. No stress missing Life Leech affix. Really, much less affixes to look out for when crafting.
-I gain 140k Defense with this shield equipped using Eagle Stance and NO runemaster. (374k versus 234k when dual wielding)
-16% Chance to Block
-Hit Recovery breakpoints are significantly lower with shield, and much more easily achievable to get max BP (200 FHR versus 280 FHR dual wielding)
-Auriel's Focus is an amazing MO for War Cry, and the shield is the perfect candidate for 5 of these.

-Considerably less damage due to no Oil of Conjuration, no Arcane Hunger, and no Orb of Annihilation UMOs (Auriel's less dmg but better survivability).
-Max sockets only 4 instead of 6.
-Slight movement penalty

The only regret I have with this shield is that I used Enchanted shrines instead of Eerie.
I would have picked up more damage with Eerie, since I have loads of GG jewels 4% physmag + 2% Energy, Energy Wormhole, Auriels Focus all over the place... big Energy scaling.

When crafting a War Cry shield, I recommend rolling until you get one that hits both +1% Chance to Block, and Enhanced Defense. That's really the whole point of crafting the thing to begin with!! :bounce: :flip: :bounce: :flip:
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How much Vitality should we be looking at if we plan on labbing?
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eurekaaaa wrote:How much Vitality should we be looking at if we plan on labbing?

My advice is…
For yellow labs T1-5, you should be able to just go full Energy.
In red labs, enough that T7 necrobots do not stunlock you. It makes T6 and T7 labs much easier to clear. I don’t thrink it’s possible to prevent them from stunlocking in T8+ which is when crafting a WC shield starts feeling like a good idea.

During attribute allocation I hold shift and click 6 times on Vitality.
Void Archon
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Thanks for the pointers!
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is this build viable in 2.1?
Dark Huntress
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I like this guide setup and was going to try it out. I crafted a warcry Kreigsmesser and it spawned warcry. However when I go to use it it says I cant. I have tried on both left and right buttons and still cant use. Anyone else have this issue?
