Aby1 update? Its seems very nice build on this patch
We still need 1 h weapons witch fast atak speed ? low move speed?
When i put 2x same weapons they dont stack ( atak speed etc.)
Robeezy91 wrote:My buddy has a 135 phys ww. Get the barb blood of creation for then100% deadly strike. Eth Yaggai's is grrat for a wep, but even the t4 swords with the relic one shot every trash mob.
Never go above 10% movespeed or the build doesn't have enough damage. Yaggai's with 3 gul runes puts you at 4fpa attack speed... that's 12.5 hits with ww PER SECOND. 25 hits in 2 seconds.
Low movespeed is absolutely mandatory for this build. You want under 10 if possible