Bat Lady Guide (SSF, Summoner, VIT assassin)

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I think batssin will remain good for speedfarming boss trophies. The only other thing she is good at is labs - she lacks aoe for all other farming areas - and I have my doubts her dmg remains high enough for labs without Zular switch.
Son of Lucion
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Zula- Khan was icing the cake but a slight and jusitficable nerf, this bat lay stil remains as a cheap and reliable bosss charm and trophy farmer.
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Sand Maggot
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Neyhanis wrote:
I've tried it when I first started the build, but...

I see, ty :)
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Okay, so the hammer hit, and it.HIT.HARD.
The nerf hammer, if that wasn't clear. Was expecting it, but not this hard.
Let's summarize what happenned :

► patchnotes for batstrike

So, what did we win?
- Reduced Delay, possibly a nice attackspeed/damage upgrade? or only between different actions, making them more responsive (I suspect the latter, a nice QoL upgrade)
- Shadow dancer damage passive for bats. Kinda meh, costs points and only boosts their bad and hard to scale phys damage (most of the damage comes from ways).
- A bit of QoL (no need to hit twice then autoattack before summoning), easier to use other skills like shadow refuge etc

And what did we lose
- Can't use naginata anymore by using the skill on fang and proccing on naginata-autoattack. Losing the nagi is a big damage nerf, but was quite expected and warranted (made little sense to use this nagi on a claw skill). Still a big damage nerf.
- Ways efficiency. Since Elemental Fangs got removed, we lost the "200% efficiency" for ways, meaning DAMAGE GUTTED.
- Having 5 bats now require level 24 batstrike, so if you wanted to only put a few points there, now not only you need to max it but you also HAVE TO PICK SPECIALISATION, losing more points and a mastery skill choice. ouch.
- Winged Calamity nerf is also quite the nerf : velocity (50% => 40%), bats base attack rating (10 000 => 8000) and damage reduction too, all nerfed.

Conclusions :
...Sorry guys, I felt like being truthful to the guide and starting as batsin, but the future looks very bleak. More stretched in points in a build which already was, and a thorough GUTTING OF DAMAGE, which is about the ONLY THING this build had for itself. Because no matter the nice little QoL, this is STILL :
- A melee temporary summoning skill which only lasts a frigging small 30seconds (tiring and risky summoner play)
- Bad aoe/clearspeed build

Perhaps they wanted to remove the clunkyness, which feels nice, but it's still not a great build to play and on top of that lost all of it's damage, so yeah I think I'll pass unless I feel a sudden masochistic impulsion rising from my gut at some point
Stone Warrior
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This build is completely dead tbh. Losing 100% ways efficiency + a bat + accucracy. It's probably an 80%+ damage nerf on an already mediocre build. Not sure why they spent so much time fixing the QoL for bat summon (I doubt you can use batstrike as a main skill with 1 sec cd) to just completely delete the build. IDK.
Son of Lucion
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2.1.0 Additional Notes
- Summon Familiars: nearly doubled skill % weapon damage to compensate for ways level reduction (they already attack faster too)

not so bad nerf evetually but stil a nerf as a pure bat summoner.

bats inherit claw damage and claw masteries now and ways SOFT SKILL levels. Therefor a compromise: no hard points (not enough points simply ) for ways but to claw passives.

As a result better all around claw char, and weaker bat summoner. Closer to jack of all trades, master of none.
Stone Warrior
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I spent a ton of time this season (about to end) trying to make a claw char good. It's just not. I'm not sure what a better claw character looks like tbh. Maybe there's some world where you can get enough damage for your first strike of batstrike to clear...but it's on a 1 sec CD. If you do that, not sure why you'd want to use bats. In some sense they're "free" since summon familiar will only take 1 point, but they require you to put points into bat strike, which you likely don't want to do. Also, you'd need a ton of +skills on your claws (for bat ways)...but that's not the kind of claw you want for a pure claw build.
Stone Warrior
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Important to note, it looks like the patch notes are wrong. You get a bat every 5 levels, so you can get 6 bats now. That's a bit of added damage. Still not sure how you can ever make up for the penetration loss though.
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also bats already inherited soft skill points into ways and already converted them into base levels.

We went from base level 180-200 ways with the naginata (150-170 without) to level 70-80 base level ways. this is not only a HUGE flat damage nef but also losing roughly ONE HUNDRED PIERCE !
Attacking a bit faster and higher skill %damage doesnt make up for this humonguous nerf (not to mention less velocity, less ar, less dr.... and way more points-stretched wit hthings such as specialisation requirement)
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Okay, considering
- Marcos comments that we still get 5 bats with max batstrike (6 with Specialization)
- bat wdm modifier (almost) doubled and attack speed increase
- 20% nerf to AR and dmg reduction (winged calamity)
- 50% ways nerf (elemental fangs)
- shadowdancer inheritance
- loss of Zular (this one I was expecting)

ways base lvls 190 to 75 sounds bad. 1 extra bat and double wdm modifer + attack speed increase might make up for it in flat elemental dmg numbers, but losing 115 (190-75) pierce hits hard.
70-80 pierce is not enough for bossing, so using Beacon over Phase Bomb will no longer be an option. Even with Phase Bombs pierce (is it 20? don't know for sure) we are still missing some. Only options left for more bat pierce are relic oskills like Mythal which you can realistically only get by trading.
Even with Phase Bomb and Mythal relic you would be sitting at 110 to 120 pierce, which are farming numbers, not bossing numbers.