Poison Whirlwind Barb; A Comprehensive Guide (with 135 uber gear)

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Nheleo wrote:
Berkabus1 wrote:
Nheleo wrote:Image

SP no cheat, awesome!

Hoooooooooow ??

i use dominane instead of runemaster, it add 100% duration more for bass Snake Stance, i dont worry about def with Tyrael, ~40k life & 1000+ Life on attack.

Damn… what gear, skills u use ? Tought i would make a ww next :)
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Berkabus1 wrote:
Nheleo wrote:
Berkabus1 wrote:
Nheleo wrote:Image

SP no cheat, awesome!

Hoooooooooow ??

i use dominane instead of runemaster, it add 100% duration more for bass Snake Stance, i dont worry about def with Tyrael, ~40k life & 1000+ Life on attack.

Damn… what gear, skills u use ? Tought i would make a ww next :)

The big increase in dmg is likely due to maxed out buffing gear i.e. Atomus in all sockets to maximize + skills as this is from SP.
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Like he said, it’s from the high duration bonus. The sheet value is based on the full duration. The increased duration doesn’t directly increase dps… but it does make it more likely to have high rolled poison hits.
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Siosilvar wrote:only 44 IAS is required on a Demhe flail for the best whirlwind frames

this is more than you can get with store MOs, it just means you can make up 1-2 missing IAS jewels with MOs

Thanks, I already went ahead and made the weapon without the jewels, but I'll make sure to collect everything again and make it with IAS jewels this time ;)
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Still good as of 2.5 right?
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With the changes to whirlwind, lower damage but 3hits per attack instead of 1, you think this build is gonna rock 2.5?
Rust Claw
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Redemption wrote:With the changes to whirlwind, lower damage but 3hits per attack instead of 1, you think this build is gonna rock 2.5?

I think that buff benefits physical WW more. Poison WW has been so good already.
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With the current endgame setup I have nearly 190% pierce without any poison runes, which is way overkill, as Scosglen needs 145%. Sure it helps getting 120-130 ubers done, but for general farming, perhaps some other gear could be switched in? I don't know how much Amatoxin levels help, but I feel like dropping Wyrd set belt and boots for Lilith's and something else would be smart. Other than that, the build is great, turn off brain and spin through everything
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Regarding leveling and early game;
I've found that maxing snake first, maxing conflux second lvl 1 Earthquake and lvl 1 Whirlwind to be completely OP.
Once you hit level 50 you get big AOE on whirlwind and Earthquake isn't so necessary.
Later you can spec into wolf companion aura, ancient blood or mountain king, depending on what stats you need most.

I have ~ 300 life per attack from Conflux and Snake stance does plenty of damage, could easily add another 150 life on attack with MOs but its not necessary at the moment.
Whirlwind + 300 life
I'm completely facerolling nightmare with T1 and 2 unique items only.
I'm actually only leveling as poison WW and switching to another build later, but I tried speccing into about 4 other builds, while they can clear, none come near this one for damage and sustain.
Dark Huntress
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ashvin_ wrote:Regarding leveling and early game;
I've found that maxing snake first, maxing conflux second lvl 1 Earthquake and lvl 1 Whirlwind to be completely OP.
Once you hit level 50 you get big AOE on whirlwind and Earthquake isn't so necessary.
Later you can spec into wolf companion aura, ancient blood or mountain king, depending on what stats you need most.

I have ~ 300 life per attack from Conflux and Snake stance does plenty of damage, could easily add another 150 life on attack with MOs but its not necessary at the moment.
Whirlwind + 300 life
I'm completely facerolling nightmare with T1 and 2 unique items only.
I'm actually only leveling as poison WW and switching to another build later, but I tried speccing into about 4 other builds, while they can clear, none come near this one for damage and sustain.

what weapon du you use for this? must be an elemental weapon...