Pokemancer (Summoner Necromancer Walkthrough/Guide)

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Splargh wrote:
Notiam wrote:
ixvid_ wrote:Is there a way to use orange mechanic from
Back To The Abyss
Back To The Abyss
Demon Head (Sacred)

Defense: 1448 to 1766
Chance to Block: 2%
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 445
Item Level: 120
Abyss Knights Die After Being Summoned
+(2 to 3) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+150% to Summoned Minion Damage
+(101 to 150) to Energy
+200 Life Regenerated per Second
Decrease Maximum Life -10%
Physical Resist 20%
50% Magic Find
Socketed (4)
as a offensive aoe spell? Because at first I thought it is for this use - max chaos nova to get 100% to cast on AK death, but the damage is very low, so what is for instead? The skill text also shows "130% weapon damage"? This means my necro weapon right? So equping powerful one-hand weapone (for ex
Hand Axe (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: (316 - 331) to (420 - 435)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 376
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
25% Chance to cast level 13 Shockwave on Melee Attack
25% Attack Speed
Adds 250-350 Damage
150% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(80 to 120)% Enhanced Damage
30% Gold Find
25% Magic Find
+(3 to 5) to Light Radius
Socketed (3)
should increased this damage. I try it but the output is insignificant :/

Another useless item, knights casts chaos nova even when resummoned.

well, it converts the chaos nova into a spell you can aim (since the knights now die after summoning directly at curser location instead of killing your existing knights which might be located anywhere on the screen)

And the 130% dmg refers to knight damage. not your character dmg.

Does chaos nova have ND? For example if you had Soulsplitter circlet (Summon One Extra Necromancer Minion With Each Cast), would that double your chaos nova damage because you summon 2 Abyss knight?
Also, what if you also had he 3 summon relics that give another extra summon per cast, would you triple your damage? Or does ND ruin everything?
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Rust Claw
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Changes in 2.6:

Mold the Flesh: removed, effects moved into embalming

Resurgence: Now has half the hard point scaling and a maximum base level of 10

So.. Not easy to interoperate the resurgence change, but from my understanding we will have to spend twice the amount, to get the same amount of damage from the talent.
It went from 5 point max, to 10 point max.
Damage scaling per point is reduced by 50%.

This means the total from 10 points would net the same as 5 points.
Overall a super minor nerf as we now have 1 less skill point to play around with.

Always fun times to see the changes and love necro summoners get each patch.
Have a great time summoning in 2.6
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I have a question for after lvl 135 (after fautz)

Do you go in scosglen for farming ? if yes, do you use Laz set?

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Rust Claw
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vartazs wrote:Hi,

I have a question for after lvl 135 (after fautz)

Do you go in scosglen for farming ? if yes, do you use Laz set?


I haven't gotten that far yet sadly. Maybe this season I'll get above 130+

The Laz set is strong if you have the currency to trade with other players to obtain it. If not Satanic Mantra summoner set is OK
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Skill point sections is updated to match with the new minor tweak in 2.6
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Is there a reason your guide stops before 125+ content, or am I missing something obvious?

I'm trying to farm the Fautz key but the cold elementals just absolutely melt all my summons. Im about to hire help, but trying to do this SSF. My minions yet haven't gotten rolled this hard yet.

PS - thanks for the guide.
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I noticed in the guide, under the mini farming act 1-5, you mention "PS: Don't go level up more than to level 53!" but don't give any explanation as to why? By the time I got to this point, I was already there, so I had no choice. Just wondering if it screws me out of something important or not.
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Pit Knight
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Delerium76 wrote:I noticed in the guide, under the mini farming act 1-5, you mention "PS: Don't go level up more than to level 53!" but don't give any explanation as to why? By the time I got to this point, I was already there, so I had no choice. Just wondering if it screws me out of something important or not.

Because u will need to pay in crystals for challenge 1 that should be done by lvl 50 i guess that what he ment
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Bearded_DooD wrote:
Delerium76 wrote:I noticed in the guide, under the mini farming act 1-5, you mention "PS: Don't go level up more than to level 53!" but don't give any explanation as to why? By the time I got to this point, I was already there, so I had no choice. Just wondering if it screws me out of something important or not.

Because u will need to pay in crystals for challenge 1 that should be done by lvl 50 i guess that what he ment

You don't need to pay crystals for that until level 60, which isn't even a real challenge. If you go through all story quests up to that point you should only be about level 58 or 59 so the only way you'd need to pay crystals is if you stop and actually farm in the early game for some reason.
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Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the guide, first time I got to very hard quests and actually already cleared most of them, tried mana sorc before and it was a nightmare (played like an mmo with all the buffs and I couldn't target anything with the singletarget spell because it would miss 90% of the time), this in contrast is buttery smooth and even in fauzt I or my minion rarely die, not sure what to pursue next after very hard quests, probably try to farm baal for relics to get some more power, or do you have any other ideas? Playing SSF in singleplayer btw.