Pokemancer (Summoner Necromancer Walkthrough/Guide)

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Right now I'm running with the "Gear build 1" from the Endgame section.

What are the MO recommendations for this stage? Minion DMG? Res?
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Hi guys! I made video of doing lab 8 with cheap one set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzViuxEEQfg Soon i`ll do videos for 9-10 labs, they are pretty doable)
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Hi again! I made video of lab 9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smpnj3Dsmeo Soon i`ll do video of lab 10)
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Nothing this patch affecting the build yet again. But I'll do a new re-run and add clips of the bosses as I come to them for the first time.
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Would highly recommend adding stag/reflex bows to the list of merc weapons. Our rogue scout can use all amazon stuff, so you have a bigger pool for weapons/armours

PS: Loving the build, such a good starter!
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Rust Claw
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earthenlady wrote:Would highly recommend adding stag/reflex bows to the list of merc weapons. Our rogue scout can use all amazon stuff, so you have a bigger pool for weapons/armours

PS: Loving the build, such a good starter!

Thank you!
Ah yes:) Good point, added it now

Also, sorry for the slow time it takes to add new videos, a lot of school work these days. And it takes some time to farm levels:]
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thank you so much for this guide Zartok. Honestly without you i would be level dead. i am now 106, and doing my first hell challenge with the butcher. however. i made mistakes on the way. I did not understand certain things then i reread your guide several times and im like oh well im a dummy arent i. the point is without u median XL would not have happened..... now if only i can stack runes and gems. and get a group of guys to play with. and farm normal to get my new merc in tier 4.

Long story short i wanted to thank you and truly a masterpiece without this guide i would not have gotten this far AT ALL. AT ALL. I am still learning. and I do have some noob questions but I wont bug you with them.

my biggest challenge right now is to farm normal for unqiues enough to make a entire set of tier 4 for my merc. and my rune words for me, am i suppose to update them as i go i suppose? like when i get better resistances i guess i need to reroll some of my items to min max them better. ( MORE GRINDING UNIQUES)

necro summoner has a speical place in my heart as a teenager buying diablo with my mother at the age of 15 or 16. then going home no lod yet and i was on the ladder at lvl 93, hardcore, summoner necro and id farm chaos runs all day. for xp. so thank you for bringing some joy from the good ole days. also i know this is nothing like vanilla but. its still a very speical place in my heart. <3 @ Zartok.
Edited by madgar29 1 year.
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DimasKarabas76 wrote:Hi again! I made video of lab 9 Soon i`ll do video of lab 10)

is the class set better than what is suggested? forgive me i have not read or gone through last hell act 1 yet. PS. i have a hell of a time casting bane on my mouse wheel button 3. its so weird. ill spam it and once in awhile it will cast . its so odd.
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madgar29 wrote:thank you so much for this guide Zartok. Honestly without you i would be level dead. i am now 106, and doing my first hell challenge with the butcher. however. i made mistakes on the way. I did not understand certain things then i reread your guide several times and im like oh well im a dummy arent i. the point is without u median XL would not have happened..... now if only i can stack runes and gems. and get a group of guys to play with. and farm normal to get my new merc in tier 4.

Long story short i wanted to thank you and truly a masterpiece without this guide i would not have gotten this far AT ALL. AT ALL. I am still learning. and I do have some noob questions but I wont bug you with them.

my biggest challenge right now is to farm normal for unqiues enough to make a entire set of tier 4 for my merc. and my rune words for me, am i suppose to update them as i go i suppose? like when i get better resistances i guess i need to reroll some of my items to min max them better. ( MORE GRINDING UNIQUES)

necro summoner has a speical place in my heart as a teenager buying diablo with my mother at the age of 15 or 16. then going home no lod yet and i was on the ladder at lvl 93, hardcore, summoner necro and id farm chaos runs all day. for xp. so thank you for bringing some joy from the good ole days. also i know this is nothing like vanilla but. its still a very speical place in my heart. <3 @ Zartok.


Read it through. you can disenchant, create and uptier Tiered Uniques, also you can rehire mercs near to your lvl. As you are already 106 you can run pretty much anywhere in main campaign, I can't imagine Hell Nihlatak causes too much trouble.
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Rust Claw
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madgar29 wrote:thank you so much for this guide Zartok. Honestly without you i would be level dead. i am now 106, and doing my first hell challenge with the butcher.
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Awesome:) Warms my heart to hear <3 I wish you the best of luck with progressing. If you need to farm uniques/crystals, go to normal nihlathak and kill him for 2x uniques