Rename Bird storm to Raid and add a description that it "owl druid skill sending out mltiple WDM projectiles for short time"
Clarify that Carnage is a heavy-damage single-target
Charged strike usable under melee devotion (have no indicator for it)
Same for Claw tornado
- Devastation - Screen-wide pulse dealing heavy weapon damage
- Egg Trap - Owl Druid skill, lays an egg that explode in 4 WDM novas after 3 sec, converting 50% of damage to lightning
- Flurry of javelins - Shoot javelins out of killed target (as it is only appear as proc) in different directions (alot weaker barrage)
- Heartseeker - druid hunter (bow) WDM skill shooting multiple homing arrows at enemies on short range
- Impale - Amazon javelin skill that hit target multiple times and have a chance to reduce enemy physical res for 2 sec
- Nova shot - old druid bow skill, shoot out a nova of arrows converting 100% damage to fire, multihit at close range.
- Screaming eagle - Barb throwing skill, throws an axe that shatter and sends out a nova weakening enemies by reducing their speeds and elemental damage resists (not a WDM skill btw, debuff)
- Shockwave - old Barb melee skill, send out a wave in front of char that dealing WDM+some magic damage based on str
- spike nova - Shooting a nova of small slow spikes around char
- Split arrow - old bow dru skil. Shoot an arrow that split in two when hit enemy, which split in two, which split in two.... and so on
That's all for WDM. Squall wave is not sure - never used this OP sword..
PS: Not actual skill descriptions but explains what the skill doing.