Before the Flood - an Elementalist Barb Guide

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Dark Huntress
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Weird flex @mincer122 :lol:
Rust Claw
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@mincer122 I'd love to see your build.
Probably much better than his beta cuck Elemental Barb guide.

Show us the way you alpha god.
Acid Prince
48 | 1
mincer122 wrote:
PeterHatEater wrote:
mincer122 wrote:Well, it’s a little strange to see a guide from a person who doesn’t quite understand how to comfortably play an elemental barbarian, 3 Phobos in T10 against my 67, and I don’t write guides, since the build can still be improved.

1. I never said my build was perfect and that I have all the answers. The point of a guide is to give players some direction and interest in a build. I also think that the axe is extremely cool and I wanted to play with that, even if there are alternatives.

2. Sure, I have three T10 Phoboss kills to your 67, but you have 270 hours played on your character compared to my 89. You have more than triple the amount of hours played compared to me. If I played an additional 180 hours in labs, I would have significantly more Phoboss kills than you.

3. If you actually read the whole guide, you would notice there is a section that includes your build.

4. Write your own guide then.

It's unlikely that you had more Phobos kills than I did on my barbarian, since my build is much stronger, I tried the barbarian with an axe.

And about the guide, I said that there is still room for improvement in the build.

if you haven't noticed, then I have half as many deaths as you, despite three times more game time

who asked and who cares lmao. cringe gamer behavior. just write your own guide then.
Cow Ninja
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I'm with the peanut gallery here, put up or shut up. :pop:
Azure Drake
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Bone Archer
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Thanks for the guide. I like it.
Bone Archer
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Also, love the biblical reference. Our characters are nephilim.
Dark Huntress
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Any advice on killing Laz with ele barb?
Bone Archer
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Wanhope wrote:Any advice on killing Laz with ele barb?

Laz is very difficult on this build. You will likely need to make some crafts with vit and/or magic resist. You need an item that provides 'cannot be frozen', ideally high block chance, good hit recovery frames, high move speed and a large hp pool. You will be best off rerolling skills and stats specifically for Laz.
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well rolled
Malus Domestica
Malus Domestica
Club (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 41 to 42
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 376
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
Increased Healing Rate from Apples by 100%
Apple Healing Effect While Equipped
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
(11 to 20)% to Vitality
+(1 to 1000) to Life
Maximum Life +3%
Physical Resist (6 to 10)%
10% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (3)
might help too, as good regen is great against Laz. Together with vit/magic res crafts it should be doable. Also, if you are not experienced with the fight, its hard and you have to get used to it. learn what you can get away with and what you should not do. Youtube videos help too.