SSF Bowzon v2.2

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Dark Wanderer
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midknight wrote:
BearBearderBarb wrote:The latter is majority of the game, especially since you physically can't instakill corrupted druids in scos. She is just annoying to gear because of all the changes to nerf but not outright kill her. The single target skill having 100% non-magic conversion means bye-bye boss sustain (and also a big hit to physical damage on targets requiring high damage output in the first place). Wyrmshot having 25% non-magic conversion for no reason (which is also the source of the bug) is such a passive-aggressive way to nerf physical without benefitting IED.

You dont really need boss sustain when you have decoy and a pretty decent hp pool. if you had high sustain with decoy it would be pretty busted.

Wyrmshot is still probably one of the best farming skills in the game. The irony though was aftering nerfing wyrmshot's, they brought out warmonger which basically leeches through the whole game and has a significantly better package than bowazon and makes bowazon look like a dogshit build. :cry:

Warmonger is the barbarian throwing all the axes?
Looked slow, have to aim, is fat barbarian, ugly, inferior to wyrmshot.

These opinions definitely don't come from a Amazon zealot
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Yeah this is definitely an opinion of an amazon player.
Pit Knight
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Nah u dont really need to aim with warmonger, and its pretty fast because of wolf stance. I was just comparing in terms of gameplay, early on a bowazon still needs to avoid hits because of very low defense and wyrmshot converts damage away from physical which reduces your leech capacity so u need some skill dodging plus labs arent the easiest with low defense builds either. Whereas warmonger requires 0 skill because of higher defence plus leech capacity.
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Dark Wanderer
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midknight wrote:Nah u dont really need to aim with warmonger, and its pretty fast because of wolf stance. I was just comparing in terms of gameplay, early on a bowazon still needs to avoid hits because of very low defense and wyrmshot converts damage away from physical which reduces your leech capacity so u need some skill dodging plus labs arent the easiest with low defense builds either. Whereas warmonger requires 0 skill because of higher defence plus leech capacity.

For sure bowzone is very punishing always really.
Especially if you're new or not some bowzone geek main.

I saw the barb throwing axes just I love bowzone too much so I hate everything else.
Except brokeback widowlicker necromancer

Also good morning hope you his email finds you well.
Rust Claw
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Wake me up when throw barb 0.5 shot a screen full of mobs
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Shadowgate Totem
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It's just a matter of taste, some like to play hot amazons, some bald guys. I hated assassins when they were introtuced with LoD, grew to love to her with Median 2008 and we've been together since then, propably the strongest class still.
17 | 1
And now ladies and gentlemen, only for you.... a new noob question! Why put to the max Fortitude, although my amazon never sees its stamina decline. I had warned before...for the noob question.... thx
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my bad..."always running" is the answer...
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I don' t know how it work , but is it better to prio Min/Max DMG on bow or + 400 cold/fire/etc .... ?
About one bow with 100 Dmg , min max(+100 for example) go on and the bow do 200 Dmg .Same bow +100 and +400 cold dmg do +500 dmg ?
I am looking for optimize my bow (Lv 133 bowzon) , my mastercrafted bow do 277 to 620 , i am very solid on multi dps but in mono i'm .... hmmm ....
it is good ... but .... hmmm ... too low for uber 130+ compared to other class . i have few Larzuk's round shot , so i'm looking for the BIS Bow.
Maybe Reflex bow with more attack speed and Innate dmg is better than mastercrafted bow (with same stats) for mono ?
THanks you , have a good game :-D :salut:
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Dark Wanderer
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jicsou wrote:Hey
I don' t know how it work , but is it better to prio Min/Max DMG on bow or + 400 cold/fire/etc .... ?
About one bow with 100 Dmg , min max(+100 for example) go on and the bow do 200 Dmg .Same bow +100 and +400 cold dmg do +500 dmg ?
I am looking for optimize my bow (Lv 133 bowzon) , my mastercrafted bow do 277 to 620 , i am very solid on multi dps but in mono i'm .... hmmm ....
it is good ... but .... hmmm ... too low for uber 130+ compared to other class . i have few Larzuk's round shot , so i'm looking for the BIS Bow.
Maybe Reflex bow with more attack speed is better than mastercrafted bow (with same stats) for mono ?
THanks you , have a good game :-D :salut:

I prefer just min/max damage, it is physical bowzon build.
tri ele dmg is good (fire/cold/light), and you can grab a bunch through gear, occult effigies on ur quiver, uldyssian trophy, etc.
25% of wyrmshot is converted to random element
We get free pierce and some pierce is on gear we want / or easily obtainable.
Arrow proc, knife proc, javelin proc etc really good for damage.

Our single (mono) target damage isn't the best, we are one of the best farmers our single target shoulndn't ever be top tier.
Your bow is good, a knife/arrow proc on it would of been really good but not necessary.
Attack speed shouldn't matter at 133, you should be capped frames on maiden bow.
I personally enjoy and think
Valkyrie's Prime
Valkyrie's Prime
Two-Hand Damage: (245 - 264) to (362 - 385)
Required Level: 110
Required Strength: 666
Required Dexterity: 666
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Strength)%
100% Chance to cast level 1 Athulua's Wrath when you Die
35% Chance to cast level 15 Arrow on Striking
+(1 to 4) to All Skills
Adds 150-250 Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+(151 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
+10 to Sky Siege
Maximum Elemental Resists +(0 to 2)%
- Athulua's Determination -
Socketed (6)
is better than any roll of Maiden/Reflex Bow, at single or multi target