Hey Guys - just wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread incase anyone was looking for some more information. Quick take aways from my experience this season (my first season)
My Summon PallyI still have not found ANY solid information on Minion Attack Rating - if they need it, if they do how much, etc, so I just made sure mine had some where I could fit it.
The build gets SUPER comfortable when your minions are going about 15k damage - dont worry TOO much about health - you can just recast
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Minion Stats

**Get blood of creation relic ASAP - it makes this build**1) Don't waste your time on a merc once your in rifts - i've tried everything and one bad teleport and he's toast.
2) Lower rifts you will be able to telestomp around and clear pretty quickly - Just make sure that you dont cast too many minions - what will happen is you'll have to many minions and teleport - they'll all stick in 1 spot and wont move.
3) Once you're starting to feel the rift (for me it was 7+) I started changing my play style - instead of telestomping I started casting my Servants out in front of me and using my Champions more as defense that I stood in
4) With patience you can 100% cheese every boss in rifts - I can get phoboss stuck on a door and never take damage - My strat for Anamoly since he does alot of psn dmg - I buff up dive in telestomp stay safe till my minions are overwhelemed then run - rinse and repeat - his poison dmg just crushes my minions - just make sure you run FAR away and regroup.
I don't think Rathma boots are worth it - I'd use the +2 Paladin Boots or something else that's fun (I'm using Zak boots for the wolf

I hope this helps anyone and if you'd like to talk about the build feel free to reach out