2.7 Summon Paladin Guide T9 labs+ & phoboss

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Pit Knight
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BearBearderBarb wrote:Blood of creation is a special relic which drops from the turboendgame boss, so for the purpose of this build it's TG-only. Damage jewels are +%minion dmg crafting affix from the catalyst of jewelcrafting + the natural +%minion dmg spawning on jewels. And yes, just landing minion damage is pretty rare, let alone having other useful mods on top, so you are going to burn through a lot of crystals to craft a full kit. Until then stick to Hel/Hem runes and

Required Level: 30
Item Level: 40
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items
+5% to Summoned Minion Life
+5% to Summoned Minion Damage
+5% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+5 Life after each Kill

got it thanks so much :D

now only open question is why the wolf companion boots^^
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Pit Knight
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Having huge trouble with Uldyssian, any tips? :D
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Is this an exclusive Paladin guide? Because it is labeled as for all classes. :hammer:
Stygian Watcher
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il-vendetta wrote:Is this an exclusive Paladin guide? Because it is labeled as for all classes. :hammer:

Yeeee, i noticed that too. There is no remarks that the guide written to median xl even. It can be any game! Or is it a guide to real medieval paladin?
Monkey King
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Pisunchic wrote:
il-vendetta wrote:Is this an exclusive Paladin guide? Because it is labeled as for all classes. :hammer:

Yeeee, i noticed that too. There is no remarks that the guide written to median xl even. It can be any game! Or is it a guide to real medieval paladin?

geez its common knowledge that the 1400's Paladins knew very well how to battle with a stray phoboss, if it appeared out of knowhere. Just summon up the lawyers lol 8-)
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Pisunchic wrote:
il-vendetta wrote:Is this an exclusive Paladin guide? Because it is labeled as for all classes. :hammer:

Yeeee, i noticed that too. There is no remarks that the guide written to median xl even. It can be any game! Or is it a guide to real medieval paladin?

What is real and what is not? Did paladins even exist? Maybe your guide is another distraction to keep us inside the Matrix. :-] :-] :-]
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Thunder Beetle
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in stuck with xazar, my servants can't tank him, tips? didn't got the blood relic yet, only lvl 125 ATM
Son of Lucion
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In the light of new mechanics - summons inherits chars pierce - sanguine covenant from the pally - It is a BUFF. Does it has any effect for summons ? Probably worth a point, just in case. Also there are nice reworked items
Vizjerei's Folly
Vizjerei's Folly
Short Staff (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: 53 to 55
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity: 188
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Demon Blood Aura
You and Undead Minions: Maximum Life +6%
26.6 Yard Radius
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
+(6 to 9) to All Skills
+(40 to 80)% to Summoned Minion Life
+(40 to 80)% to Summoned Minion Damage
Poison Length Reduced by 50%
Socketed (3)
being one of these.

Also very questionable behaviour. Champions frm the sun drop like flies after a while BUT 2 of remaining stay up. I mean, even at nightmare level CoS have like 30K life, 8 from 10 summons simply cannot die after a couple of minutes exploration.

HAve others experienced the same ?
Son of Lucion
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As usual, summons and its gimmics:
Laser Focus Crystal (Heroic)
Laser Focus Crystal (Heroic)
Required Level: 121
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Maximum Life +3%
Maximum Mana +10%
+10% to Experience Gained
Death Projector (Heroic)
Transmute with a Thal rune to receive two quest entrance scrolls
Transmute with a Mark of Victory to double the stats of this charm
: for this upgrade summons attack officers, not so much that machine. And kill officers.

But for some bossses ( upgrades) and for farming, this build is great !

And tested a couple of times, not intentionally : summons inherit char's pierce from sanguine covenant BUFF. Sooo...200 (fire) pierce for summons is easy thing to do .
Pit Knight
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How to know if summons res is maxed out? Thanks

Edit. Thank you! Answer in next age
Edited by TecD1 2 weeks.