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Son of Lucion
721 | 14
i use lots of shirines to get this stats mod before , and here he~we go :-]
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shrimp wrote:i use lots of shirines to get this stats mod before , and here he~we go :-]

All that luck just to have a staff comparable to
Aes Dana

Aes Dana

Runeword Level: 75
+(6 to 7) to Druid Skill Levels
45% Hit Recovery
+(30 to 40)% to Poison Spell Damage
-10% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(50 to 60)% to Summoned Minion Life
+(70 to 80)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+50% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(100 to 200) to Life
Maximum Mana +40%
Regenerate Mana +15%
Elemental Resists +60%
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Dark Huntress
11 | 3
Can we get something like a guarantee please? This is seventh full cube,still no 3/3/3/2. I'm losing my sanity. :wall: Still no 3/3/3/2 at least.
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I'd suggest that the charm rolls 1-2 instead and +1 comes from an uber version of kabraxis. Gaining bonus stats for every uber boss version would be too much stacked stats on top of what we already have. Also, I think too much max res is obtainable too easy too early from charms like azmo, kab and riftwalker. For uber bosses, I think the focus should be on 115+ bosses and a couple of rifts like k3k, TA and dunc to make them competitive with higher rifts.
Monkey King
274 | 8
Not even a 3331 poison? I managed to get lucky with a 3333 all, but made due with a 3331 poison before that.
The chance of a 3333 is 1 in 81, so it can take a very long time to hit.
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Dark Huntress
11 | 3
3331 was there, but I'm a damn perfectionist, unable to give up on a task until it looks completely hopeless.
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Sorry, 3 all is reserved only for kills by Assassin.
158 | 16
wrong topic
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Core Lord
395 | 28
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First kill on SSF sin :3
230 | 21
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It's assa so it doesn't count. Do it 100 more times :twisted: