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Since i started this season I've gotten all of my UMOs from K3K. Found my fifth today.
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smartasss wrote:
As far as I'm aware, Bull Prince should still have a UMO bias. I've had more luck with Bull Prince than with Fauztinville, even with extreme clear speed, but I can't say definitively which one is better. Fauztinville, however, will drop many other valuable items so it might be a better option if you plan on playing on TSW (you can trade your finds for UMOs as you farm).

Thx for your answer. What about Cathedral of Vanity?
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stanbsl wrote:Since i started this season I've gotten all of my UMOs from K3K. Found my fifth today.

This my first season. And I cleared k3k about 30 times, and no Umo.( Today i found my first Umo.(Thx to Bullprince on 10 attempt)
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Sorcerec wrote:
stanbsl wrote:Since i started this season I've gotten all of my UMOs from K3K. Found my fifth today.

This my first season. And I cleared k3k about 30 times, and no Umo.( Today i found my first Umo.(Thx to Bullprince on 10 attempt)

I was never lucky with Bull prince. Btw last season I found a pretty good effigy from the Infernal Machine. Image
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Sorcerec wrote:
AzureGladiator wrote:As far as I'm aware, Bull Prince should still have a UMO bias. I've had more luck with Bull Prince than with Fauztinville, even with extreme clear speed, but I can't say definitively which one is better. Fauztinville, however, will drop many other valuable items so it might be a better option if you plan on playing on TSW (you can trade your finds for UMOs as you farm).

Thx for your answer. What about Cathedral of Vanity?

No problem! I would stick to Bull Prince. The Cathedral Priests are more of an inconclusive farming spot that should only be considered if you are also farming for the Cathedral of Vanity trophy. Good luck mate!

stanbsl wrote:I was never lucky with Bull prince. Btw last season I found a pretty good effigy from the Infernal Machine.

Are you sure that Infernal Machine dropped that? If so, it might be a bug since effigies are only meant to drop in the Dimensional Labyrinth ;-|
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stanbsl wrote: Are you sure that Infernal Machine dropped that? If so, it might be a bug since effigies are only meant to drop in the Dimensional Labyrinth ;-|

I didn't do much Dimensional Labyrinths. And I got it long before my first try. 90% sure it was from the IM.
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Updated to Σ1.6

Uninterruptible Attack on armor replaced with +6 Energy Factor
Energy Factor weapon orb replaced with 2% Innate Elemental Damage
Crushing Blow orb increased from 1% to 3%
Flat damage reduction Mystic Orb now provides +4, down from +6
Flat physical damage Mystic Orb is now 0-2, down from 1-2
Crystal of Tears: damage reduced to 5-10, down from 7-12
Auriel's Focus: energy reduced by 5
Idol of Stars: no longer gives vitality
Zayl's Soul: halved reanimate chance
Periapt of Life: vitality bonus is now 4%, down from 5%

*The innate elemental damage orb is probably the biggest deal in terms of buffing elemental weapon builds. Other than that, the crushing blow orb is slightly more viable for farming builds. As for the rest, they are reasonably nerfed, but will still be viable in most situations where they were previously used. Crystal of Tears was probably hit the hardest, and Idol of Stars should no longer be considered for a vitality boost... it is now more offense-focused.

Also, 17,000 views and still no badge?! :lol:
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AzureGladiator wrote:Updated to Σ1.6

Uninterruptible Attack on armor replaced with +6 Energy Factor
Energy Factor weapon orb replaced with 2% Innate Elemental Damage
Crushing Blow orb increased from 1% to 3%
Flat damage reduction Mystic Orb now provides +4, down from +6
Flat physical damage Mystic Orb is now 0-2, down from 1-2
Crystal of Tears: damage reduced to 5-10, down from 7-12
Auriel's Focus: energy reduced by 5
Idol of Stars: no longer gives vitality
Zayl's Soul: halved reanimate chance
Periapt of Life: vitality bonus is now 4%, down from 5%

*The innate elemental damage orb is probably the biggest deal in terms of buffing elemental weapon builds. Other than that, the crushing blow orb is slightly more viable for farming builds. As for the rest, they are reasonably nerfed, but will still be viable in most situations where they were previously used. Crystal of Tears was probably hit the hardest, and Idol of Stars should no longer be considered for a vitality boost... it is now more offense-focused.

Also, 17,000 views and still no badge?! :lol:

Energy factor on armor is pretty big as well.
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Ekital wrote:
AzureGladiator wrote:Updated to Σ1.6

Uninterruptible Attack on armor replaced with +6 Energy Factor
Energy Factor weapon orb replaced with 2% Innate Elemental Damage
Crushing Blow orb increased from 1% to 3%
Flat damage reduction Mystic Orb now provides +4, down from +6
Flat physical damage Mystic Orb is now 0-2, down from 1-2
Crystal of Tears: damage reduced to 5-10, down from 7-12
Auriel's Focus: energy reduced by 5
Idol of Stars: no longer gives vitality
Zayl's Soul: halved reanimate chance
Periapt of Life: vitality bonus is now 4%, down from 5%

*The innate elemental damage orb is probably the biggest deal in terms of buffing elemental weapon builds. Other than that, the crushing blow orb is slightly more viable for farming builds. As for the rest, they are reasonably nerfed, but will still be viable in most situations where they were previously used. Crystal of Tears was probably hit the hardest, and Idol of Stars should no longer be considered for a vitality boost... it is now more offense-focused.

Also, 17,000 views and still no badge?! :lol:

Energy factor on armor is pretty big as well.

They pretty much just moved it over from weapons to armor and reduced it a bit. As long as
Auriel's Focus
Auriel's Focus
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
+2% Bonus to Spell Focus
+25% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Energy
Poison Length Reduced by 5%
+10 Required Level
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
+5% to Spell Damage
Requirements +10%
+10 Required Level
exist, it will only ever be useful while leveling in my opinion. EDIT - energy factor may not be as good as those UMOs, but it is still one of the best cheaper MOs for caster builds.

Also forgot to mention these pretty significant nerfs:

Lacuni Cowl: level requirement increased by 10
Natalya's Deception: required level increased by 25
Henchmen Trophies: removed double Mystic Orb bonus
Edited by AzureGladiator 4 years.
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AzureGladiator wrote:They pretty much just moved it over from weapons to armor and reduced it a bit. As long as
Auriel's Focus
Auriel's Focus
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
+2% Bonus to Spell Focus
+25% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Energy
Poison Length Reduced by 5%
+10 Required Level
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
+5% to Spell Damage
Requirements +10%
+10 Required Level
exist, it will only ever be useful while leveling in my opinion.

Wrong. You can have only 1 weapon, but you have 5 (or 6) armor slots. This change is really big. Sure, UMOs will be the best choice, but most players dont use them.