Late game ubers vs SSF xbow necro

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Xbow necro with items I found. No SU, enchanted RW or end game charms.

Uldy fight
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Spirit world
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Scosglen clear
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Short guide trough of character playtrough:
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Edited by ziigii 3 years.
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Please write a guide if you have the time. This is a build I used to play a lot and would to see how its changed and give it another whirl.
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Blood Golem
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Great! I love such SSF on-point vids alot more than meta/OP/relicstack/UMOoverdriven builds facerolling everything in seconds.
36 | 6
Thanks for the comments guys!

Added the void fight. Trying to beat spirit world.
Edited by ziigii 3 years.
36 | 6
Added Spirit world fight and Scosglen clear.

Ishkabibble87 wrote:Please write a guide if you have the time. This is a build I used to play a lot and would to see how its changed and give it another whirl.

I wrote a short guide of my playtrough. The build din't change much in the last few years. From what I have read, fire dmg stacking and playing around frag shot is quite bad. Death shards remain clunky since you need a corpse and flametail is too weak since it can't multihit. Phys dmg widowmaker is the way to go and the only new thing is tantrum from the quiver.
21 | 0
Is it worth going for pierce, especially fire pierce for this build, to 135/170/199?

I see Dragonflame Oil quite a bit of fire damage, which makes me think of pierce. But on the other hand, I think investing in physical dmg is more efficient. Since the xbow Necromancer apparently is not quite adept at dealing elemental damage as a dedicated fire Sorceress.

I can theorize about using ideal items like Quov Tsin's talisman/Bad Mood/Hellfire Plate/etc for pierce, but even so will an elemental-pierced-based xbow Necro be as good as a physical xbow Necro?
36 | 6
megametalman wrote:Is it worth going for pierce, especially fire pierce for this build, to 135/170/199?

The answer is no in 99% cases.
You should either go full phys or full fire dmg. Full fire dmg seems bad since the only skill that supports it is frag shot and it doesn't do much weapon dmg. If you go full fire dmg and play only with frag shot then it could be worth to go for 135+ pierce but only after you get all lvl 130 charms, have end game gear like the quov/bad mood and are lvl 140+.

If you go for phys build like I did, ignore pierce. It's nice to have on a rare ring but not very usefull as other rings are better.
Dark Huntress
13 | 0
can play this build under 115?
If not, can you share ur totem necro for early?
36 | 6
nubbs wrote:can play this build under 115?
If not, can you share ur totem necro for early?

You can play this build comfortably from about lvl 90 onward.

If you play this build from lvl 1 but it will be slow and painful. You would go with standard leveling rw for items like
Except Necromancer Daggers, Assassin Claws

Runeword Level: 8
5% Chance to cast level 9 Bloodlust on Kill
+(7 to 9)% Bonus Damage to Bloodlust
20% Attack Speed
+5 to Maximum Damage
+0.125 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
1.5% Bonus to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)
+(24 to 35)% Enhanced Damage
-1 to Mana

Runeword Level: 15
+5% to Spell Damage
+(6 to 10)% to Summoned Minion Resistances
Regenerate Mana +(5 to 10)%
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
(6 to 8)% Magic Find
+2 to Light Radius
and so on... And transition into tu items from there.

If you would preffer to level with totems here is a guide I used viewtopic.php?f=40&t=57709

Leveling was made quite hard and I would advise against leveling with a weak starter like this one.