Found azurewrath on day 2. Was already playing throw barb, so put together another gear set for azurewrath and swapped.
Azure is good, but I think it does quite a bit less damage than the conventional ele barb build with dawn rw crystal sword/hellfire plate/nasrudin rw helm/svalin.. I tried with both vit and dex stacking. Dex stacking was considerably more damage, so that's what you will see in the footage below. Azurewrath build also does not work with Nephalem Spirit Reward skill which further hurts damage. The life spark proc on helm enchant seemed to help me in combination with the conquest buff.
If anyone can tell me how to improve the azurewrath build I would love to hear suggestions. Likely will make a svalin and try that out. Helm has +conquest on it which is a buff that gives ~80% move speed and 50% damage reduction from all sources, so would prefer to keep that. Might consider trying nasrudin rw with new dark power enchant. Not sure what more else can really be done outside of UMOs and effigies.
Hope you guys enjoy the footage!