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Stone Warrior
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Cool trading forum guys. All this drama over 10 tg. Yikes.
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and how old are you piezo?

by just pure guess I'd say your not a generation X so 80's baby, my guess is late pre-millennial if not millennial for when you were born

if you are older than that I apologize for being incorrect but the only reason I came to that thought is that you completely missed the true intention of what the post was about. the post had nothing to do with the difference in cost of TG. Hell, I'll give away the 10 TG for all I care or the extra pair of boots I ended up finding 5 minutes after I purchased mine.

Where I have an issue throughout the post is the constant disrespect from the other user who was goading me by acting as if he hadn't read my post to repost what's been said previously. Then to make it into a big deal about the difference of MS when I told him in the first place, once again guessing you didn't even read the convo, but not even 3 lines down I tell the guy basically thanks but no thanks, and he continues to drag it on and on til where it got now. So you need a scapegoat for others idiocy and ignorance as well as pure incompetence, then by my guest, blame it on the guy with a vocab larger than majority of the gamers here who probably actually has a college degree while I'd say a portion is working at a burger king spitting on your onion rings but whatever, I'll be the villain it makes no difference to me. Those who know me know who i am, those who don't, if your this judgemental, then I'm almost glad I don't know you because we would never get along.

there is a hidden easter egg in here though. if you can not only find what it is, tell me where it's from, and when it's from, therre will be a gift given to the winner. it's 9:20am EST at the moment. By 9:30 contest closes.
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Do you guys understand that you are having public argumentation and trading insults just for virtual equipment and virtual currency? with same amount of energy you would have allready gotten those boots from duncraig :D *crabs popcorn

"Hell, I'll give away the 10 TG for all I care or the extra pair of boots I ended up finding 5 minutes after I purchased mine. "

i rest my case 8)
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Im sorry, I've dealt with people like that my entire life growing up in a middle class family where my dad felt that our "image" equaled our "wealth" so spent basically everything we had to own a nice house but shopped at salvation army for clothes when i was in elementary school. The last personality type I will ever take any sort of flack, disrespecct, attitude, or ANYTHING from is people who are either bullies, arrogant narcicissts who just enjoy making people feel horrible about themsleves, and worst part is its because they hate their own lives so much that the only joy they get is from ruining others......

as i said before, hate me if you want, but thats the reason why i can't sit back and watch shit like that happen even if it wasn't me directly that got effected by it, I still would have reacted the same exact way because people like that need to be silenced across the net, we need to stop promoting trolls and promote love / kindness. Then maybe elementary and highschool shootings wouldn't happen nearly as much anymore, but hell, who knows, and for that matter, what is it even I know? Our livevs have all been lies thanks to government coverups and secrets and classic smoke/mirrors to create issues large enough to drag our attention away from the serious shit thats life changing news to the "kim kardashian broke a nail at the oscars last night and cut kanye's dick giving him head instead".......because that's all our society cares about anymore is what millionairs are doing with their lives instead of trying to better their own
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i dont play games to make friends which is why i could care less if you love me or hate me, and im sre after this it'll be split about 50/50. half will agree with me completely and the other half (most likely conservatives instead of liberals) will b ash me as much as they can saying im the antichrist and belong in hell. To me those are the people that i record the conversations they have and read them when i need to laugh like ive never laughed before and feel better about the shitty day i had that day.
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piezo wrote:Cool trading forum guys. All this drama over 10 tg. Yikes.

It's just sad man. I didnt know I could just report him. Now its done

ty all and sorry

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feels good tho