helzo, ben and the other useless circle-jerking wads. This community is a cesspool

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Joined discord -> Looked for discussion about D2 mechanincs -> "Helzo - Fuck this cunt" After I called him out on his total lack of discussion or literally anything constructive. You are a fucking wad of destructive rot. You are why toxicity exists. You are the cunt. So, fuck you helzo, you cunt.

Next...Ben-> The next useless wad who seemed to jump onto the circle-jerking bandwagon who clearly showed no constructiveness, discussion or literally any points counter acting what I was suggesting. You are a fucking rot waste of pure nothingness with no mind of your own. A mere puppet.

You sorry cunts can't swallow some feedback, suggestions, or any other ideas that aren't your own on a game that is ancient? You can't even put up a reasonable discussion, lmao. How the fuck do you twats conduct yourself in the real? Literally just a cesspool of liberal fuck wads all compacted into the useless idea of communication you host through discord. Pathetic.

Next thing I know, I get timed out, due to the fuck wad who reaches around and gladly circle-jerks his partners on discord. Idgaf if I am banned from this shit. Why the fuck would I want to support you useless fucking cunts? You can't even absorb text on a screen.

I want you to understand something truly beautiful; I am going to continue downloading your mod for Diablo 2. I am going to continue using fully-downloadable maxed out chars on SP to my advantage. There's not a single fucking thing you guys can do about it. Absolute inevitable. I had full intentions to donate and see where this D2 experience goes, but FUCK YOU.

Best part of all, you cowardly useless wads will delete this thread. Because you are exactly that. Useless wads of pure fucking carbon waste.
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explain how hitting twice is better than hitting more times with the same fpa. i'll wait.
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Here we go again
Enjoy folks
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Helzopro wrote::wink:

Come to chat, now that your butt-buddy forced me off Discord? Run and hide huh?
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Just to make sure everyone gets it: Overkill is a hell of a single target skill
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Monkey King
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You seem mad
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MagnuS wrote:Just to make sure everyone gets it: Overkill is a hell of a single target skill

But it haz a big area, how iz it a single target skill?
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Lava Lord
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ok boomer