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claymore might have produced the fictional character i hate the most in life
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need more fluffy

My Neighbour is a Vampire

If you check the anime based on tag alone, this shouldve been big win for me. Loli, yuri, comedy, and... vampire? Basically template for usual "cute girls doing cute things". However, it is not easy because you need interesting characters among the cast, funny / interesting interaction between them, a proper punch line for comedy and maybe something that made you said "MOE!~". Sadly this series didnt have much in it.

From the setup, it seem like it tried to go more in depth in vampire lore especially about them unable to go any area in the morning because vampire will turned to dust under the sunlight. But then the story / character pretty much went flat throughout the season. It didnt have anything strong that made it enjoyable for me.

This series is flat from beginning to the end. Sure, there are many activities that they done together through episodes, but it also something you have seen in many other similar anime.

Alternative : Kiniro Mosaic (AYAYA!~) & Yuru Yuri came first to my mind when watching this series. A stronger entry is probably Non Non Biyori & Azumanga Daioh (still my top anime). As for cute girl with supernatural, probably Gabriel Drop out & Ika Musume fit the criteria.

EDITED after more than 24 hours since this post.

buddy cop series with loli + character designer i like? count me in

Cop Craft

the main reason i wanted to watch this is because the artwork in the stream site, which is made by range murata, one of the artist that i starved for more content since last exile / shang ri la, but it turned out that he was only illustrator for the light novel. That kinda disappointed me a bit since most of the character design here aside from the loli arent his artstyle design at all. Beside, I also kinda want to find more serious tones series since i have watching cute / fantasy genre so much recently.

Cop craft is a weird directed anime, not just from story point (one of strongest arc in the first arc and final with many filler in the middle) as well as the direction on how the story flow and transition inbetween scene. Usually i dont mind much, but this anime used to weird camera angle, fade transition, as slightly high emphasize on CGI (which remind me of early day of gonzo). EXCEPT it used in small scene / not in grand way (ok there are some chase scene i give point for that). The world have some sort of people coming from other world and main plot are in the city that located beside the world portal, which perfect for not just racial discrimination but problem like drugs and red district. So our MC is pretty much just a cop would want to solve mysteries and taking down criminal pretty much.

The series is good for story / world department, but the artstyle direction is a bit horrendous at some time. But since this is 12 episodes only, dont expect anything grand aside from solving 1 big case. I was hugely disappointed because of the character design though.

Alternative : Pyscho Pass & Dimension W came to my mind when watching this. Another similar probably Kekkai Sensen and Black Bullet. Oh if you really want more darker theme then Speed Grapher & Darker than Black (no pun intended) fit nicely.
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Absurdity of middle school girls life

Asobi Asobase

It have been a while since any absurd comedic anime that made me chuckled or laugh like crazy since Nichijou. From several review i saw, this anime is kinda like hidden gem that people brushed off because of how pure & innocent the OP the series (setup like yuri drama anime). This anime will subvert your expectation from 1st episodes with sheer amount of absurdity that you dont expect.

One key feature of this series is probably the way series is being animated (you can see on thumbnail above) which tend go various weird face just to enhance the emotional impact of the joke / shock. It might turn off some people because it kinda look scary once a while because of the distorted face design. As for other aspect, there is nothing good aside from maybe wacky personality of all girls / side characters. This is pretty staple 4 koma (4 panels comic) where it deliver joke in short jab.

This is absurd, although i will say that it didnt retain full comedy through the series like i wanted (meaning there is couple of parts of episode that is really heart warming). Regardless, i had a good laugh through out the series.

Alternative : Nichijou & Azumanga Daioh pretty much. If you dont mind pervert joke, probably Detroit Metal City is similar style. As for grounded school life comedy, D-Frag and Love Lab came to my mind.

13 hours since first posted.

Ghost with boobs~~

Yuragi Sou no Yuuna-san

Straight from get go I will clarified that I specifically search for ecchi tag (nudity / suggestive / fan service) anime and stumbled upon this. By genre although, harem ecchi is pretty much trashy genre so you pretty much put much lower standard when trying to watch them. And i dont mind watching them as long as fan service not getting too much in the way into plot or story progression.

Turn out I was totally wrong. This is pretty your basic harem protagonist that "accidentally stumbled" and put into awkward positional bare naked lady. There are a lot of girl type, which is the usual typical harem cardboard cutout template from ghost, ninja, cat girl, normal school girl, a loli, military / samurai and big jugg milf type. A big saving grace though, this is active protagonist. He basically a walking gary stu (invincible OP male) who can beat any evil spirits with his punch (seem similar to another character). Most of the story isnt about ghost hunting, i would say that this is pretty much typical school life type anime with many fantasy and ecchi elements added to it.

Again, if you dont like harem & ecchi, you might turned off by this. After so many trashy isekai anime around, it is kinda nice to see a famous genre from back in 2000s to pop up again once a while. Although dont expect something grand, it is just simple anime with decent MC & main girl.

Alternative : A better version is probably To Love Ru series (although first one quite bland) and maybe Monster Musume. As for onsen harem comedy similarity, probably Love Hina (very old anime) pretty close. As for MC who beat enemy with punch... that pretty much To Aru series (not ecchi, but a lot of embarrassing moment as well)

Edited after more than 24 hours since first posted.

Dont click on spoiler if you cant handle horror image
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Junji Ito Collection

As usual, im always search new anime to watch by setting several filter (mostly finishing 2017 - 2018 anime atm) and a genre tag. For this i choose horror, which lead this infamous anime adaptation which.... if you know the original source material, you will be very disappointed. At first i thought that horror is one of the hardest genre to be animated, so maybe i will watch this with much lower expectation.

But it wasnt enough, because this adaptation didnt bring the original to justice. I dont mind for anime not able to animate the intricate and detailed artwork from source material, but it done the worse job in adapting by CUTTING THE STORY SO SHORT. So if you have enough chapter for... lets say 24 episodes, you dont simply shorten everything to fit into 12 episodes air time. Because it will ruin the story telling and pacing. There are many short stories in whole season that didnt feel resolve and cliffhanging ending at the part it became much more interesting. Quality > Quantity.

Sure, there are some part of the anime that is genuinely creepy and horror, but majority of it arent worth the time because there isnt much pay off from watching them. Since it is anthology of many short story, there isnt any overarching story that it can build up into.

Alternative : I dont watch horror, but if you really wanted some long term horror, there is Ghost Hunt and Shiki (infamous for weird artstyle though). If you wanted something is more episodic, i think Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) and maybe Kaidan Restaurant (horror kids story) might be better narrative wise. But if you wanted something supernatural, i think Mushishi and maybe Shinsekai Yori fit the bill.
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Blood is thicker than water

Eccentric Family 2 (Uchoten Kazoku)

This is continuation of series about weird family world in modern / fantasy world. Basically the japanese mythical creatures are living among human, blending through society and trying to survive. However the main focus of the series isnt about human vs creatures issue (well there is some small part) but mostly it is about how they wanted to keep their family safe while interacting with other creatures. Mostly focus on tanuki (shapeshifter racoon) and tengu (not sure, but i think it is kinda like bird clan that control wind / weather).

The story is kinda straight forward and feel like slice of life for most of the episodes. There are several build up that threaten to their family lives, but isnt the same like any action movie. As usual, some clashes happen in between family and it is MC goal to find solution to peacefully resolve any conflict. Character are quite lively and full of personality which made you genuinely care about them despite some of them are really not like-able. The series also continuing the tradition of wackiness / weirdness in their character, although not as crazy as absurd comedy tend to do.

This series however though, felt a bit weaker to me compared to 1st season. Seem like it treading on same formula so I think it such a letdown despite being better production wise.

Alternative: Hard to suggest anything without going off rail to weird absurd series, but this remind me a lot of Kyousou-Giga and Pompoko (Ghibli movie)
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Rivalry among prodigy

Kuroko no Basket

The main reason im watching a 2012 anime is because this is only top 100 popular anime on MAL that i havent watch yet (aside from super long running series). This probably one of pleasant sports anime that balanced between animation quality, story and pacing. Despite having only 26 episodes, it wrapped up several "arc" in the whole season pretty neatly without fluff or unnecessary (although they still cheat with about 2 minute recap at beginning of each episodes).

This series is your typical shounen + sports anime that made your blood pumped anticipating the outcome of each matches. Although scope wise,while it pretty small compared to many other shounen anime it still have nice interaction in between main characters through out the series. The characters pretty much emphasize on the 6 prodigies which separated into different school when they enter high school. Hence rivalry between those schools and their team.

Watchi this if you want awesome sports anime. Sure 26 episodes is not enough, but there are already several season and i heard they already wrapped up the story nicely with several movies as well.

Alternative : Haikyuu is pretty much the closest one, as well as . Another alternative is Yowamushi Pedal although it is kinda a bit ridiculous. But if you really want more ridiculous, then Prince of Tennis and Eyeshield 21 is your best bet.
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Intriguing loli spies

I cant remember which term i was searching for, but im pretty sure i was searching for mystery tag. Thus, here im watching spy thriller with cute lolies as main character. Production, it is quite superb especially on world setting which is kinda steampunk-ish (tbh, i think it might be 1930-ish era) with old car and steam train. The story revolved around plot of spies who get together to with princess (hence the title) by forming a special club. Despite sounding like high school anime, it isnt much focus in this anime, with 80% of the anime are full pack actions and mystery.

Character wise, everyone feel lively with some of episodes focus on each girls' backstory. It does have overarching storyline that not reallyresolved in the end, but most of the episodes are standalone case-to-case basis. However there is 1 negative part of the story which i think they reshuflle the storyline a bit, hence there are some weird jump point inbetween episodes (feel jarring when they already met in 1st episode, but reetablish their meeting in 2nd episode). The anime have all full sort of stuff that i liked, but i cant pinpoint why im not exactly enjoy as i thought i would.

I really wish for the series to be longer. it have many enjoying moment although i feel that story part is abit more elaborated. The story reshuffled was confusing at first, but it getting linear near the end. Probably a bit more slice-of-life stuff in their school could bring more contrast to action scenes.

Alternative : Baccano have similar story / world setting. As full team of action packed loli. Gunslinger Girls and Madoka came to my mind. Despite many loli anime i watch, not many have same tag as this (mystery, action).
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Blender of emotions

Title : March came in likes a Lion 2nd season

Some slice of life focus on mundane daily stuff, some focus on comedy while some focus on heart warming feeling. This series added one more by more focusing on being emotional. While some of the anime tend to toward melo-drama (over exaggerated drama for sake of tense) this anime really focus on inner struggle of several characters when facing over hardships in their daily life. Added to formula is that our MC is super pro shogi (japanese chess) player that struggled with his inner feelings, but became much stronger because of people around him.

As the season focus more on other side character, it feel like the series didnt focused much on our MC and his shogi tournament. Although there are still a lot of inner monologue questioning about his life throughout the season. The series indeed tackle several big topic such as school bully, person who get bullied, surrounding people, the teacher who handle the bully case and even the bully itself. Thus you kinda get sympathize with all characters that was focus of the episode. The series also kinda awesome in delivering tone shift (emotion / mood switch) that made it less boring to watch through.

If you wanted to give it a try, i suggest go watch 1st season first. Personally i think 1st season is more solid, although it seem like many review gave it higher in 2nd season.

Alternative : There are many other good anime with drama / slice of life tag i have no problem recommending. There are : Clannad After story, Barakamon, Koe no Katachi, Your lie in April, Honey & Clover (same mangaka), Bunny Senpai (just google full name), Oregairu (again, google it).
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COP Craft was suprisingly good

gokudou-kun manyuuki
Amazing fantasy-comedy anime from the 90s, defently worth a watch 9/10
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Grand absurd comedy on the beach.

Title : Grand Blue

I gotta admit, i watched this solely because it being spammed on several funny anime moment on youtuber. So pretty much i saw all those comedic moments without context. Problem is... even with context, it is still not exactly funny. Mainly it depend on your tolerance on comedy, specifically the type of comedy genre. If you ask me, this is kinda very close to usual gag anime / manga style which im not exactly fond of. Im easily enjoying slapstick comedy, that seem stupid pure & innocence, while these anime are more toward obnoxious and annoying.

As for the settings, it is bunch of college students who joined a diving club doing fun stuff in college and beach. My biggest problem with is.... it heavily usage of nudist macho guys that seem stupid in many way (typical japanese gag anime). It does have several suggestive stuff which usually used as our character's stupid motivation, but most of the time they are quite mild compared to most ecchi anime. Characters are lively, and there are variety of characters, but of those stupid characters, i not exactly fan of it much. Oh i forgot to mention that they also have some story about going diving, but it is not exactly the main focus.

This anime is comedic gold, but not the type that i personally enjoyed. I appreciate what they wanted to do, but i feel like they could just go for more serious story with more comedy thrown in once a while. If you a type of person who easily laugh at random meme, then this is perfect anime for you.

Alternative : Remind me a lot of amanchu and Free (although this is swim club rather than diving). As for similar comedy style, there are Prison School (more ecchi), Nanbaka (more stupid), Danshi Kokousei (more school) and Beelzebub (more shounen). As for similar college life / club, this is kinda like Genshiken and Bokura Minna Kawai-sou.
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Captain America in other world.


The Rising of Shield Hero

This is kinda infamous anime was that was super hyped because of treatment of one character. Sadly it didnt live to my expectation. I will say that i have to show the main character's party so that you can adjust your expectation accordingly. First of all, the first 4 episodes of this series is probably the highest part of the anime because it play around with shield hero as weakest among 4 heroes summon to that world (isekai trope anyone?). As a character without zero offensive capability, how will our MC evolved and become one of the heroes among the 4?

The anime feel downhill after episode 4 because it straight go toward typical isekai anime in fantasy world. Surviving monster encounter, helping villager, doing some trading, leveling up, political stuff, rivalry between 4 heroes etc. One of the main point of the series how our MC transformed from being underdog shield hero into one the best. As for characters, surely it is have variety and pretty neat character design. It is just that loli character feel annoying once a while, and those other 3 heroes are stupid as heck.

This series is a bit overhyped IMO, it is decent series although it suffered for typical long running adaptation where the season ended at not the strongest point. Go watch it if you wanted simple good isekai anime, but doesnt expect anything deep.

Alternative : Similar isekai anime is probably Log Horizon, Re:Zero and Overlord. If you a fantasy anime with some economic, i think Spice & Wolf is good candidate. Other similar anime are : Goblin Slayer, Grimgar and my favourite..... How Not to Summon Demon Lord.

EDITED 22 hours after first post

A certain someone from a certain franchise.


A certain scientific accelerator

This is a spin off from a popular light novel series that was adapted by same company that adapted 5 previous series. The first 4 series was good, but the last one was a major trainwreck. So where do this series sit in that list? Fifth out of six. The series have several glaring issue that made it inferior compared to other. Despite how likeable and powerful our MC, it will failed if the other aspect have lower quality in general. Oh, in case you are first time watcher, no doubt there are a lot of stuff to filled in, but i would say that this series have slightly more beginner friendly compared to other 5.

The strength of this franchise is simple, the intriguing world with political war between science & magic, variety of characters from both aspect of the world, as well as the strength of where event took place (Academy City). While other 5 series have 2 cours season (25 episodes), this one instead only have 12 episode, which lead to less room for story adaptation. But that doesnt mean you cant create a design series with proper anime production. First problem is characters, while our MC got introduced in other series, there is nothing new we learnt about him in this series (despite series named after him). So the story is pretty much about dark secret stuff that happened in the city which pretty much about hidden organization, evil group and forbidden research project. Problem with them? Not as interesting as other filler in other 5 series. Thus i pretty much dont care about character in this series at all.

This is mediocre introduction to the franchise IMO. You better off watch the old 1st season of index or railgun. Everything are much better and this anime feel a waste of the character.

Alternative : Seriously, go watch main index / railgun series first. As for anime with similar setting, i think you better watch any anime series that tackled dark subject like Tokyou Ghoul, Attack on Titan, Parasyte and Psycho Pass.