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weird random premise that go nowhere


Title : Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]
The Ones Within

8 people trapped in survival games scenario. All people have their own backstory and quirk, which required them to work together to survive on a game to reach 1 billion views (all 8 people are various different game genre streamer). And weird part of the games? they are hosted by alpaca-man that seem like the main purpose is to make games interesting, in order to get more views. So here is the interesting twist, some of the games are dangerous that they have chance to die.

But sadly, all in vains because this anime is way too random. You can have more intriguing premise of survival games and a team of people who need to work together. And yet, the story focused too much their random interaction rather than the games itself. While it is good because it increase the understanding of viewers about each of participant background, but i feel it wasnt enough. Not to mention that the series kinda ended in cliffhanger, to a point made me wonder if they remember about plot of the anime in the first place.

This anime no way bad, but it is nothing than seeing good premise / plot anime just got wasted for. There is some conspiracy stories about the games and alpaca-man host, but at the end it is still not answered.

Alternative : This is kinda hard because it feel like Danganronpa (but i dont recommend anime that i havent watched). But if you want to see better alternative probably series like Baka Test, Phi Brain : Kami no Puzzle, No game no life & Future Diary

pick up random loli as my child


Title : Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai.
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

First of all, this is not isekai (thank gods) but it still highly revolved around high fantasy setting with magic and demon tribe. Despite having potential for big expanding world, i dont think it it fully utilize the setting but rather focus on relationship between of MC and his daughter. He found her abandoned and living alone in the forest, so he bring her back to the human town and taking care of her. While there are several action / magic casting scenes, this anime are solely slice of life.

So question is, as slice of life, does it have anything interesting about their daily life? Only some i would guess. Most of the episodes are about her daughter trying to adapt to human society. This is is pretty premise where you can create interesting and fun daily life activities, but sadly I feel like there isnt much emotion in every episode.

Conclusion is, i think it just an average anime about a father taking care of his daughter. Nothing grand, nothing memorable.

Alternative : Usagi no Drop is no brainer suggestion, as well as Amaama to Inazuma. For more quality, i think Barakamon have better dynamic (although different topic) and Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san for health soothing feeling.

No guns no life


Title : No guns life

Studio Madhouse + Seinen tag + Weird character design. Another typical dystopian future city where human and use machine as their body replacement part (hence why our MC pick a big gun as his head). However not everyone are free allowed to modify their body thus some bureaucracy and our MC are going from a mission to another mission to solve any potential crime? At this point, Im kinda put expectation heavily on crime, drama, or something dark tones about human enhancement.

Turn out there isnt much depth in this series either. Our MC have big encounter in the beginning where he met naive boy who think that can use his (boy) harmonie power to control all augmented / robot character in order to save them. So this is kinda initial clash of ideal between "saving" or "destroying" any rogue bad guy. Middle of the season we are introduced with villains.... that feel leading to nowhere. Even with finishing 1st season, i dont feel i learnt anything much about our MC or the society / world they live in.

Decent anime, but i feel like this shouldve released as 24 episodes and the story isnt wrapped up properly. At this point i dunno if it worth to recommend this season as standalone or not.

Alternative : Easy win for me to recommend any similar tags, Psycho-Pass series, Gangsta series (although a bit too short), Ghost in the Shell series / movies as well.

would you like to become my friend?


Title : Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu

Ever wonder how introvert struggle in their daily school life when they started a new year? This is the premise of the anime of the nutshell. Our MC have a promise with her childhood friend that she will make friends with whole of the class (they are school separated). So our MC is on her own trying to "survive" and become friendly. As usual, this is the ripe for genre like CGDCT (cute girl doing cute thing), however i would say that this is mild by comparison, at least it is more realistic take.

Our MC soon will try open herself to her new classmates one by one. Some are normal, some are weird, while some are funny. Mainly because our MC is not exactly "correct" in the head herself. As for anime whole production, i think it is pretty good. Moment to moment are very enjoyable and it have the comedy type ("tsukomi") with minor slapstick here and there. Some people would say this is pretty much recycled topic for many other similar anime, but to me, as long as it make me enjoy the moment, that is more than enjoy.

That said, you wouldnt enjoy this type of series if you hate the genre in the first place. As standard level, this is among the decent one, although i dont say i can recall anime scene to be memorable though.

Alternative : A better quality probably Hinamatsuri with a lot more polish and drama. Alternatively i think LoveLab is very similar and more funny. Watamote is more extreme of the introvert issue and Gabriel Drop out is another one (although i do remember more slapstick in this one)
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CGDCT + HEALING = Iyashikei


Title : Koisuru Asteroid
Asteroid in Love

As many subset of CGDCT, this is more toward of feeling good anime where you will be able to see group of girls interact with each other. The group of girls are assembled on the get go, thus focused on more of the interaction rather than deep backstory of each girls. So, if you think something like a group of girls having to work hard toward their dream, you are not that far.

Focus of this anime are the members of astronomy + geology group, where they will involved on several activity related to this field. The story might feel flat for many people, but it is kinda expected this genre. If i put the focus of the anime, those are about learning stuff related astronomy, doing several slice of life staple in anime, while having girls feel mesmerized in every episodes.

Somehow this anime got much lower than usual (on MAL), but i guaranteed you that it is fun & relaxing anime. At least it is not bad production wise, maybe aside for series' lack of focus (i mean, they dont need to focus on anything tbh)

Alternative : Finally i can suggest series i watched long time ago called Sora no Mani-mani. If i focused solely on all girls adventure, probably series like K-On and Sora Yori mo Tooi Bashou
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New post since it have been several days, i was waiting for this series to end before binge it.


Title : Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu.
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.

Light novel + VRMMO anime adaptation, sound familiar & cliche at this point amirite? So the question here, on what aspect would this series focused on? To tackle this genre is really easy, just give a weak player for viewer to root on, and watch the growth of the character and the challenges the character faced along the series. This anime pretty much passed in many aspect at least for several episodes in the beginning. But this anime shown the big fundamental flaw that happened in type of anime.

First flaw is unreasonable power growth. I can kinda can expect if player become stronger in fantasy world because of weird circumstances, but in this anime because it based on a video games, then it is broken balanced wise. I mean, imagine having a newbie player that almost as powerful as the best player in the server by merely several days playing the game. Worse part of the anime? Because we for sure know that our MC is super OP, there is nothing to root about, and the plots of series is meaningless throughout the series.

Probably i put wrong expectation and being too critical when watching this, but as someone who played MMORPG this anime didnt potray the game properly IMO. However, if you take it is a happy go lucky anime, i guess it is quite good.

Alternative : To me, a realistic take on the game part would be Log Horizon & NetoYome (trust me, despite low score, it resonate more with me). At this point, similar anime with this probably Tate no Yuusha & Reincarnated as Slime (google properly for full title)
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Work hard toward your dream!
Title : Runway de Waratte
Smile Down the Runway

It have been a while since a good anime resonate so well with my current feeling atm. With negative and stressed out because of the lockdown in real life, this anime is perfect and exactly what i needed atm. Sometimes people will say that your dream is impossible, but it shouldnt be always the case. You can work hard and strive to better a person and running toward your goals. This is the concept of this anime, that execute quite well as we follow several characters chasing their dreams.

Main theme of the series is about fashion design, this include aspect of industry from becoming a model, a fashion designer and being both! Each characters have their own set of challenges and working hard to overcome it. You have no idea how many times i shed my tears watching this, all because they being rewarded for their hardwork. All characters story have unique circumstance making you wanted to root about them. There arent much fashin design technical stuff and dont expect something grand like world class fashion design event or something.

This anime is not exactly the best, but the setting and feeling resonate so well that made me much more positive surrounded by negative feeling all this while. It didnt go full weird shoujo trope either, pretty much balance and encouraging.

Alternative is : Shirobako & Bakuman is more long episode and more feeling, For another series with feeling is Chihayafuru and Your Lie in April.

EDITED 18 hours after first.


Title : Joshikousei no Mudazukai
Wasteful Days of High School Girl

Highschool anime is one of the staple genre in the anime, usually combine with slice of life, drama or going for full blown fantasy. One of the funnest genre is definitely comedy, and this anime are full of them. As title said, this anime focused mostly on daily life of school girls that full of mundane stuff and if you combine with eccentric characters and weird combination, you get this series. It managed to turn a simple stuff into overdramatic comedy sketch. However, like many comedy type out there, it will be hit / miss depending on your taste.

To be honest, this anime comedy manage to make me chuckled a lot of times, but most of the time it is quite basic because it is emphasized on mundane stuff. There are several girls trope here, everyone have their own punchline that for sure will tickle your funny bones couple of times. Not enough with the students, even the teacher also deliver small punch line in it. Because this is a comedy anime, dont expect anything grand or heavy plot throughout the series.

Im a fan of slapstick / tsukomi / cute type of anime, so this anime not exactly my taste, but i do appreciate it for several jokes that managed to make me laugh. It is just most of the times i feel like "meh" mainly because anime production feel flat.

Alternative : Asobi asobase & Nichijou is over the top equivalent of this anime. If you wanted male counter part, there is Danshi no Nichijou, and lastly MY SUPER DUPER FAV COMEDY HIGHSCHOOL GIRL ANIME : Azumanga Daioh which is perfect many aspect to me.

EDITED : 4 hours after first edit.


Title : Senryuu Shoujo

How would you show an affection and emotion without words? With poem and face gesture of course! This anime is fun comedy anime that revolved around a girl who shy to talk because her mental state (she not a mute, afaik), thus she use a long board to write down what her feeling in poem. Additional note about this series is that it is quite short, with only 12 minute per episodes, hence it focused more about meat of story (romcom + slice of life) and rarely about deep plot.

Unlike most other shy girl out there, she managed to "voice out" her emotion to a friend (more like boyfriend to me) who joined her in the poem club. Together with the club president, there are a lot of funny and cute moment in the anime. The fun and cute moments are the strongest point of the anime, especially when they introduce more eccentric / weird characters. As usual slice of life anime, there are many moments like going to pool, interaction in the club room as well as meeting new people.

This is short sweet and cute anime that i really wish is a bit longer. Some might dislike because of heavy narration (since she technically using monoloque describing her feelings), but the animation is a plus to me.

Alternative : If you wanted more similar romcom feeling, i guess Chuunibyou and Tsurezure Children fit the criteria. But most closing relationship, i think is Midori no Hibi (quite old series at this point). Might as well throw D-Frag as random similar comedy style.

EDITED 10 hours after previous edit.


Title : Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard

Do you know that there many type of precious stones? Do you know that every each of them have its own meaning that might affect / not the value of said stone? This is an anime who tell about story of jewellery prospector together with his helper. So we will be able to learnt a bit more about precious stones while seeing our MC and his partner daily life. Hence the genre of this anime is mostly drama, mystery and slice of life.

Pattern of the story is always been a person will come to store for our jeweler to inspect specific precious stones. Every episodes will show that person is not what it seem, hence there will be a reason / mystery on why they met the jeweler. Additionally there are plenty of human drama with interaction between our MC and the jeweler, which are the focus of the series in last couple of episodes. There is several misunderstanding as usual, thus the story also revolved around accepting other's weakness and ask for forgiveness.

I will say that several first of episodes is kinda intriguing, but as the series goes and goes, it clearly moving toward shounen-ai (GAAAAYYYY) storyline, hence i got bored. Regardless, it didnt tackle deeply about human interaction as i thought it should, like in the beginning.

Alternative : Death Parade tackle subject matter much more serious although sometimes is abit scary. Another similar is probably Beautiful Bones (google for full name). Another 2 mystery solving anime that i loved is Hyouka and Gosick
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Girl und Plane


Title : Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai
The Magnificent Kotobuki

Cute girls + Military stuff is one of the easiest stuff that make thrilling stuff, especially if it involved airplane fights that focused on dog fight. And yet, this show failed badly as I get bored for lack of punch and progression. Despite using fully 3D CGI to animate the main girls, somehow the series tried to put some 2D art once and there, especially for side character. Does this bring the score down? Not really, because it fully utilized 3D for those dogfight, which probably one of the intense in the anime.

So where was the pitfall of the anime? Mainly to me because i feel like the character feel lack of depth, combine with robot-like animation, this is make it look more severe. We didnt learn much about the girls aside from couple of episodes, as it is focused mostly on encounter / case of the week. Because the anime series is short with 12 episodes, this series suffered greatly as it have 6 main girls squad, the whole team member / helpers, other party, enemy etc, thus not enough time.

Aside from super intense dog fights (especially the sound effect) there isnt much interesting to say about anime. There isnt military tactic much, not much characters and there arent much background story of the world either.

Alternative : This remind me greatly of Last Exile which much more superb. Another more popular girls and military tactic is Girl Und Panzer. Lastly this also remind me greatly of series Princess Principal which have more indepth cast. Oh, another series that was favourite of mine that really close to this anime is Arpreggio of Blue Steel series.

EDITED 14 hours after first posted

School of despair inducing.


Title : Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Danganronpa: The Animation

I heard about this series about quite awhile now thus im kinda away about the source material at least. Thus, despite that, im probably watching anime blind and wouldnt know if the anime are truly follow the source material or not. One thing for sure, i love anime that focused on survival games, but the question will be, can it make a thrilling scene that made you pumped to watch every episodes. I also know that this anime only have 13 episodes thus it will be on shorter side.

This anime started with a bang with weird absurd animation, which will be playing whenever someone are suspected as guilty. The animation is fluid and it is kinda scary & weird sometimes. As for the characters, since there about 15 characters in the between, there will be no character development at all. As for the survival games + mystery itself, i would say sometimes it feel bullshit because the clue arent shown earlier in the episodes, thus you can only how murder happen only during the trial, at least that what majority of what i felt.

Disregarding the source material, i think this anime is quite good for single cour of 13 episodes. While there are much for character development, the suspense in every episodes alone is nice. Too bad that we didnt learn much about the world either.

Alternative : I feel llike if it adapted 2 cour like Mirai Nikki, it could be better.Another mystery room anime is Rokka no Yuusha. Lastly if you wanted survival games, Btoom and maybe Deadman Wonderland fit the bill.
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New post because this required special type of review.

To explain abit of why, i need to explain abit of background of timeline for Danganronpa Universe at least based on small research I made. The Danganronpa just many different VN series out there, tend to have weird timeline and alternative take in different media of form. After first danganronpa, there supposed be a 2nd game, which wouldnt be adapted to anime. Thus it create anime specific only which covered prequel, sequel and conclusion of the first game. Prequel seem like to explain abit about incident happen in 1st & 2nd game, while sequel is set in the future where the clash between despair and hope at its height. Thus, this complex review, as a whole set, since i watch them in intended order.


Title : Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School

Which consist of : Mirai-hen (Future arc, sequel), Zetsubou-hen (Despair arc, prequel) and Kibou-hen (Hope arc, conclusion)

First i would like to explain abit about my feeling watching the intended. EVERYTHING IS CONFUSING! The main reason because now it is required me to juggle between 2 main series with huge amount of casts that introduced immediately in the first episodes. Yeah sure some of the characters does have background explained in prequel (hence why it required you watch them 1 by 1), but i still dont agree with it.

Now i have to break down series with prequel first. It tell you on how the incident happened in first game, which isnt truly explained at all. It is more like explained backstroy about the villain from the first game, the characters setup for 2nd games as well as some backstory for the character for the future arc. The series started with colourful / playful stuff just like normal high anime, until the mid turning point which become much more heavy and despair. Regardless, i think this is good part of the anime series.

As for the future arc, this is super confusing as heck, mainly because it didnt explained much about the current situation the world but straight throw the audience to another survival games. Yes, this part of anime is more serious, more despair and more bloodier, but arent much plot progression aside from character fights of the week. However, i think the biggest flaw would be how the story is progress and being wrapped up which lead to many unanswered question that i have in the series.

For the last hope arc, this is major spoiler for 2nd games i guess as they introduced several key members from 2nd games. This supposed to be the conclusion for all of the Danganronpa franchise, but im truly disappointed with it because it leave with more questions and no proper conclusion. It was supposed about the world, about how villain team of despair versus hope of future foundation. Yet it was another cliffhanger.

Conclusion, this is way confusing series that required you to play the game. As anime watcher only, i think you better just watch the despair arc first, then move to future arc and and lastly hope arc. As i didnt play the games, it failed to bring any satisfied conclusion and the series felt meaningless (except the prequel).

Alternative : To expand your anime, serious they needed to do better. Just watch Steins Gate 0 or Fate Zero to understand what i meant. As for another similar feeling anime I feel like the future arc in Hitman Reborn fit very similar.

EDITED about 6 hours since first posted.

Love from high school maiden is pure and innocent?


Title : Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
O Maidens in Your Savage Season

Teens school girls is one of the most fragile age in their life. This usually the time when they started to follow trend from their friends and try something exciting. This include many things such as joining a club, doing hobby or falling in love. The focus of this anime is exactly to tackle that issue where we will be able to see transition this pure maiden school girls into their uglier form. As different people have different mindset and understanding of what the love is, thus this series tackle several girls romance story and their waving journey.

The girls started as something simple as reading romance in their literature clubs, then started to exploring to getting relationship and finally having sex. Each girls have their own problems and challenges especially with their potential love partner. Not everyone are the same, thus not all relationship are straightforward. As the story progress into mid points, the series get much more darker and serious as they realized that their deepest feeling arent exactly pure like what their think. Hence, the struggle until the last episodes.

The plot twisted so much that made this series seem like pure and innocent at the beginning, but it transition toward more darker drama in the midpoint. Each relationship feel realistic and story conclude nicely.

Alternative : For variety of romance, this remind me of Tsuruzure Children. For the darker part, this remind me of Kuzu no Honkai. As for several girl discussing about love, this remind me of Love Lab and Hatsukoi Limited.
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Boys pretended to be hero.


Title : Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy + OVA
Outburst Dreamer Boys + OVA

Do you remember the early game of watching any comic book or super heroes series on the TV? Have you been ever dream that you can one day be the hero that you admired since you were kids? How about going to extreme to a point where you physically manifest it while you with your friends in the school? This is the main concept of the series, where several school boys are work together in Hero club to help other people with their problems and fight any potential bad guys.

Series introduced us with a female character which will be the only character with common sense in this series. Her roles pretty much is kinda straight man for tsukomi, except there arent any tsukomi jokes in the anime. As many times i said before, there are very specific genre of comedy that i enjoyed the most, mostly cutely girls, innocence, tsukomi or slapstick. The comedy that emphasized much in the series are obnoxious, laugh, annoying that doesnt have much punch line. There arent any "lesson of the day" to get from whole series episodes either.

The series is exact example why sometimes i dont enjoy specific comedy in anime. Despite potential with flavourful characters, most of the stuff are just forgetable series.

Alternative : Whole "helping others club" feeling is exactly i get similar to Sket Dance anime. Whole boys in school remind me of Free! and Daily Life of School boys (danshi something something nichijou). Lastly it also remind me of series that i liked much with similar obnoxious tones and settings like Nanbaka & Grand Blue.

EDITED about 5 hours since first posted

Sea! Girls in Swimsuit and Volley Ball?


Title : Harukana Receive

If the title image alluring you, just take note despite this seem like a genre take on sports + mostly female cast, this is not exactly serious sports anime. If I wanted to describe the genre, this is pretty much CGDCT (cute girl doing cute thing) and a bit hint of Yuri (lesbian doh). But generally the story are lighthearted with several sports genre element like rivalry, training, joining tournament, getting good at the sports etc. As the beach volleyball games are played on the beach, so you pretty much can expect what the outlook of the anime.

If i want to list the focus on the anime, i think it is focused a lot of characters development, inner struggle and overcome the challenge they are facing. There are a bit of technicality of beach volley ball rules, but it is not that depth since it is only like 12 episodes. The artstyle are very pretty, especially combined with beach / sea side environment. Although dont expect intense sports match like usually appear in shounen. Outside of the match, again it focused more on daily life of the characters.

Seem like this is very low score on MAL, but i think this is kinda niche anime of combining cute girls + sports. Just because it almost like a slice-of-life presentation + focused on relationship struggle between cast, i guess this is not for everyone.

Alternative : One of my fav girls + sports anime definitely Saki. I guess if you really want more intense shonen volleyball, Haikyuu is not brainer suggestion. It is also remind me of Free, which is boys swimming club counterpart. Lastly, closest feeling i got from this series is another "sport-ish" girl anime called Ao Kanata no Four Rhythm

EDITED : 15 hours since last edit

Promising setup that didnt deliver.


Title : Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana
Special Crime Investigation Unit - Special 7

Out of many anime im binged this for getting more serious series inbetween cute girl / simpler anime. From title alone you know that this will be a detective / police story either about crime drama or murder mystery. The question would be on how the intriguing the story will be consider that this topic rely a lot on that feeling to keep watching the series. Lets just say that this series have awesome 1st episode that show all intricate relationship between cast to handle difficult stuff like terrorism.

As i said, this series have quite flavorful characters all with quirk ability and purpose in the team. The problems with that is lack of character development for every character aside from our main protagonist maybe some of the members. Thus the plot are mostly revolved around the team going around the town to solved problems related a big terrorist group. The series does have over-arching story that tied up nicely in the end although there arent much story on how the team is being assembled in the first place.

Im really surprised on how low score the anime got in Myanimelist. Yes the anime generic and didnt use all potential for premise and setup in the first episode. But considering this is kinda one of the anime resolved everything properly,, i would give it at least average score. I think if they tackle the theme properly it would be nicer thing to watch.

Alternative : Remind me so much of Kekkai Sensen and Cop Craft. Similar police / military anime that are much better are psycho pass series and ghost in the shell. If you want over the top fighting i guess Black Lagoon and Jormungard.
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Apparently this is a prequel of a spin off?


Title : Phantasy Star Online 2: Episode Oracle

So, apparently i already watched a first adaptation PSO 2 which apparently focused more on real people playing PSO2 games. However, this is slightly different by focusing in the game world itself. Thus there are 0 video games element in the anime, but focused mostly on the story line from couple of episodes in the game itself (i assume this is like an expansion or something). Question is, can it adapt long video games story that usually focused on gameplay to an anime?

The biggest issues with this anime is they are trying to throw viewer to established hostile world, with blank slate characters that have full of exposition. Thus, the anime is using mystery box which slowly open as more plot unravel, the question would be, will it answer all questions properly in whole runtime as well as wrapping up the story properly as anime ending. Speaking about the plot will be spoiler, but i will say that another issue with the series are the inconsistent of plots, which seem tend to have super climax in the middle that lead to mediocre ending. I assume this would work nicely as video games end game bosses, but i think for the anime to work, it would need much more episodes to flesh everything. Thus i guess the anime biggest issue is the pacing.

Based on MAL, the score is pretty low. The anime is just.... mediocre but i think this another poor attempt to cram a lot of stuff from games into shorter runtime anime (which is fine if the production are good). Not a bad anime, but probably you would watch it only once you finished most of other good anime i guess.

Alternative : This remind me heavily of dot.hack series, specifically the .hack//Roots. If you want another depressing-ish anime i guess something like Schwarzesmarken as well as God Eater and Black Bullet. Might as well just randomly recommend Owari no Seraph for minor human in-fighting.

EDITED 2 hours since first posted.

3rd time the charm?


Title : Psycho-Pass 3

For a while, i have been watching this anime since it reached the final episodes. Despite for it supposed to be better than 2nd season, i really couldnt push myself to watch it until the end. I mean, crime drama series is not hard to do. As long as you have intriguing plot, interesting casts as well as proper world building, it can easily became good series. More over, if you can introduce more interesting concept about people living in the future, much more easier for the series to be entertaining.

At the end, they changed all casts compared to previous 2 sseasons. Ok, maybe the characters can have interesting dynamic that made more realistic? Not really, in fact i dont even care about our MC at this point. He tend to have hallucination about dead people as well as trying to be pacifist not killing confirmed criminal. Aside from some story about refugee as well as terrorist bombing, there arent much deeper concept introduce here compared to first 2 seasons. There is no clash of ideology between human and collective machinery.

Perhaps, i shouldve watched 3 movies that came before this series, but i still believe that a series of anime should be standalone on their own. Thus i can only recommend this if you a fan of psycho pass or crime drama. But to my eyes, it is still mediocre to me. At least it was only short 8 episodes season.

*I just checked MAL database, apparently it have it conclusion in a sequel Movie. Gosh i hate that type of anime release...

Alternative : Im running out of suggestion unless you want me to go for super old anime or mediocre option. I assume you can just read my previous review suggestion (not that anyone reading all the reviews anyway)
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I have been watching some 90s animes
In case ur intrested theres 3 things i would suggest for you
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Jubei !!! Gemma !!!

Started to watch Golden boy. For the plot. Because youtube suggested it.