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Eh, idol anime is just sports anime for girls.
Season 2 MAL Link here

After low stake / mundane slice of life anime i watched, i think i will go to my root to watch the usual moe / slice of life anime, which i picked with music. I made a terrible mistake, because this is 4th Love Live entry which i skipped 3rd one. Since this are 2 season back to back, i will separate between paragraph.

If you are a fan of this franchise, you pretty much know what to expect from the anime. But lets just i say that season 1 is pretty good since it just focused on 5 characters and story started pretty good with challenges for starting a club, struggle to find member, and practicing for competition. As small team, there are alot of emphasize on character development, especially the main girl which struggled to sing in crowd. As episodes goes, it fun & happy with some drama thrown in once a while.

Season 2 started with story that they failed to get number 1 in preliminary tournament to represent tokyo, thus they need to scout more girls which increased whole team to 9 peoples total. Again as usual, there are challenges scouting new people and now there are even more girls with quirks and weird habits. This story focus more on the side characters with 1 key rival which are lacking in first season. Throughout the season, the girl bonding more with each others toward final competition.

I will be honest to say that i didnt much expectation from this anime since the beginning, since I aware of Im getting into when I started to binge this series. Season 1 is pretty good, although you need to understand that nowadays most of idol anime will use 3D animation for the dance / singing concert so it can feel jarring to look. Since usually the concert song are only partial of full song, so you will ended up with only 2 or 3 minutes scene without much hyped moment.

However, season 2 is what i considered as "too much side quest" compared to first season 1 main quest. Most of the time are spent with activities with characters without much focus on competition other than last couple of episodes. If season 1 is more serious, i felt season 2 is more goofy especially characters with quirky can get annoying. 9 characters are pretty much hard to juggle for character development, thus why it felt weaker although the rival existent is good.

Im not sure if you want to give this anime a try if you are not fan of idol anime. Season 1 is super excellent but season 2 is just above average to me. Worse part, there are upcoming season 3 that i didnt realized. Maybe better for you to wait and binge all 3 seasons (first time in this franchise to get 3rd season)
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This is just wacky races the anime?!

Im picking random genre again and this time is racing. Rarely anime to involved racing that interested, then i saw this anime original by P.A Works which usually known doing solemn slice of life or anime with wacky premise.

The series from the get go is kinda crazy. Protagonist is someone who is like mechanical genius able to repair or built crazy machine. The fate bring him and another samurai to land of freedom where they learnt there are super fast automobile. Then you have groups of racers which start to race in extreme long distant across hostile land. Just like trully western movie, there are crazy betrayal and sabotaging each other that lead to bloody result. Those mechanical / steampunk designed vehicles are freaking awesome.

Howerver despite potential premise the story had, we have main character that i feel boring with lack of growth from start to finish. Side characters, especially the buddy samurai is more interesting. Story is also i felt mess since it was set everything about the races but then had to switch half way to story about evil villain that causing issue to everyone. Sadly, this studio also arent experienced to do the racing nor action scene a justice which felt like laughably below average despite it couldve been high stake story.

Interesting premise, bad execution. I didnt get the thrill of racing, comedy isnt funny for me, nor i felt hyped with the drama / action scenes. Slightly above average anime i guess.
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Just a shadow of former self

For this time around, I picked mystery as genre to watch. Somehow i found this title which i remember is kinda have unique premise. I have no expectation since I have no idea what the story even is all about.

If you saw the picture above properly, you will noticed that each master with black face have its own living doll servant. Both of them are very similar to each other since they are supposed to be a mirror. As story going forward, you will learn more about the shadow being. The higher noble of the shadow family actually have a very dark secrets revolving around the living doll as well as how they treat low class outsider citizen. The dynamic between main character and master also quite interesting.

Hard to say the bad part about the series without spoiling the whole story. I would say that series is overall is a mess or at least not enjoyable for me. Cute design & slice of life tone seem like contradict with mystery & dark secret of the mansion they are working. I also have a hard time to enjoy because all of the master are painted black for story reason. While the premise of the story is interesting, i feel like anime production is sloppy especially the final 3 episode which seem rushed, while other episodes are super slow.

I still puzzled why this anime got a very high score on MAL, maybe because i personally have issue with shadow concept in general. Still dont let me stop you from watching this anime though.
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Expecting harem, but i got wholesome instead.

One of the reason i have been watching anime alot lately is because im filling my attention while grinding last couple of achievement on stardew valley which im playing atm. I picked harem genre, and i noticed this farming anime on the list.

Story is pretty simple power trope isekai OP MC but instead of going for adventure or defeating monster, the MC just simply want to start a farm. Reborn near the great tree, he then began to do the groundwork until he found some creatures lurking around. Then he made a shelter and from then on, they lived together. As more episodes goes, more creatures & girls from different races came join to his land. Every episodes are pretty much chill to improve their farm structure to accommodate more people.

As typical slice of life, the story is much low stake. The power he got us somehow beyond what other creatures able, yet it being played as comedic / misunderstanding throughout the season. As the amount of girls increase (like more than 20 people), you will have hard to time to track, thus you only remember like several key person while others are just remembered by their races (elves, dragon, lizardman, demon etc). Not exactly love harem either, it just other girls like the help the protagonist for no reason.

As fan of slice of life / chill anime, this is pretty fun albeit it couldve been done more properly. Thus, it just slightly above average for me. Maybe because Im playing stardew valley and im kinda have same mood.
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Dang it, I wish i can be lucky like that boy.

After a letdown for harem anime that i watched previously, i thought i will just go full blown ecchi harem because it is kinda one my staple for once a while. This anime is rare nowadays since most of them are rely too much on isekai / fantasy.

So the protagonist is a young boy whose house caught in fire, with no money & no place to stay, he brought into a girl dormitory to work as caretaker. From the get go, he accidentally stumbled into the girl bathroom and hilarity accidental moment ensure. As the story go forward, he will meet more girl tenant which everyone have its unique trait & personality. Sadly, he always been bullied for most of the time for comedic purpose. They hang out together and become bonded to each other.

Hmm, if you know the meaning of ecchi you probably can find the issue. Some reviewer on MAL said this is bad because the boy is young while the girls are adult, so this anime could be a turned off for some people. Im kinda ok because that how old ecchi / comedy work in the past. That said, sadly the anime is kinda forgetable as it would be considered generic. While there are some wholesome moment between them, at end it just a series about abuse the boy while trying to live a normal life.

Despite it check all the boxes that i needed, at the end i think it just an average anime. Its ecchi is bad, comedic stuff didnt make me laugh and i dont think i care about girls aside from maybe 1 or 2. But, that is kinda expected for any ecchi / comedy anime.
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Circle of revenges will never end.

I have been sucker for time travel story, and the first season of this anime is pretty good. If you look aside the time paradox, it bring a nice combination between time travel, drama as well as fighting among gangster, which expected to be better in season 2.

Without spoiling 1st season, lets just say that our protagonist plan to save his girlfriend in season 1 didnt work and it lead to even darker time line. Despite how many attempt in the past, it kept getting worse and worse. This time it revolved around 1 gangster that said to influence the future so much, so our protagonist will have to jump again. This the story is a bit more personalized with trio siblings trying to settle their personal issues that lead to even bigger gang war.

Season 2 personally i felt weaker. Mostly because we dont see the typical looping between future & past much this time around since there are only 13 episodes. However, despite the focus on story building for several new characters, it left the important characters of series on the sideline until last couple of episodes. Despite the protagonist is kinda well known trying to save everyone lives, it just boggling my mind how bad some of the characters motivation or able to standup after beat down. Like, they shouldve been dead after punched so many times.

I think you can just watch first season first and hold off until 3rd season come. It being told that s3 was supposed to the best arc and cliffhanger ending now made me cant wait for it to come out (if it get adaptation in the future).
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The one creepy boomer uncle that people afraid of.

One of potential anime that I have been waiting for awhile. Apparently the anime production had issues & it took almost a year to finally finish adapting to 13 episdoes. So I kinda know what to expect from this parody of isekai anime.

Anime started super strong, which our protagonist woke up in hospital and taken care by his nephew. Knowing that he still able to use magic in real life, they settled together while trying to make money via being youtuber. While doing daily life stuff, he also shared his story in another world via video player which able to replaying his memory. The series is pretty fun, managed to make fun chuckled couple of time especially with real life parody. Alot of unexpected stuff happened, despite he is typical OP isekai MC.

Despite the strong start, especially you think about the consequence or potential of what they can do with the premise, i felt betrayed and letdown with stories in the middle, which all revolved around replaying his memories in fantasy world. Instead of fun "magic in modern world", we get a series of stories where the protagonist always get misunderstood and dislike him. Despite he got his own kindness, his twisted mind always put everyone around him in very awkward position. Lets just say I think the fantasy world stuff is just above average.

Maybe you could enjoy the fantasy part abit more, despite i disliked that part exactly. Just like typical parody anime, if you havent got experience with other isekai anime, you might unable to find what so funny about it.
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I went in completely blind on anime tags and downloaded Spy Kyoushitsu batch off the animu torrent site i use.

turns out, its another "cute girls doing cute things" anime , except they get taught how to do spy things among all the comedy and uWu~~ness.

what a horrible night indeed. i guess if youre into the whole "cute girls doing cute things" trope its a good anime to watch, i just cant stomach paperthin selling points in anime like that.
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Wait, why there are idols during war time?

Browsing through genre, i noticed i havent watch military for while. Then i saw weird combination of scifi, military & music, so my mind spark bright because of potential stories to be told, especially once i know this is from witches franchise & made by studio shaft.

At beginning of the stories, you will start to get introduced to several girls (10 total) that all come from different background. Trying to create a new music band unit which is considered unorthodox, the team gathered girls that considered no longer fit to become military personal. With goal to perform around the world, the team work together hard from making song, cheographing dance & performance air manuvre. Once a while, we will some background story on some of the girls making it heartwarming character driven.

However, as a standalone series this anime had many issues. There are just too many moments that i felt bored or felt the girl are too quirky (similar to many other large cast idol anime). While there arent many "slice-of-life" stuff, many of drama felt like childish and some of the characters doesnt even get proper development. My issue is that i feel like this anime have sub par production, relying on usual 3D CGI for the dance performance. I do like the air show performance though.

On MAL, this anime quite low score probably because it is niche anime. For me it is just average because all the good stuff brought down heavily by the boring part. I dont think i can recommend this unless you are really fan of witches universe.
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I shall deliver best song of the century!

After previous disappointment with sci-fi + music genre, i thought why i just go for the good one instead. At first, i only know that this was made by Wit (attack on titan studio) and it is anime original series, heavily focus on music.

Nothing prepare me for the shocking aspect of the anime, which the sci-fi element in first episode that i need to spoil abit. After the war between AI and human break out, a professor have sent an AI to the 100 years in the past which hopefully able to alter the history before it became worse. As the singer AI lived through the century, she will need to change outcome of several events which involving various key person that related to human & AI relationship. Usually it follow with decent fight scenes as well as awesome song.

Hard to pinpoint the bad of series aside from several rushed scenes that seem more focused on delivering spectacle or shock factor, which is kinda feel off now i think about it. There is also some story in middle about split-personality which our singer switch between program, making it harder to follow who is inside the character at given arc. Also, the AI that was sent from future apparently so powerful that it managed to do alot things as well as sometimes felt very annoying to listen to.

This is definitely a must watch anime. While it is not perfect, I praised the studio for coming up with unique concept. If the story too hard to understand, just think it like the terminator anime.