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Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku

The main reason I watched this series was the cute character design from the poster. Then I accidentally saw the tag on it with word "thriller" then I keep thinking "oh no.... magical girl thriller" which remind me one the anime I liked "Madoka" which was among the best anime for me. I kinda can imagine how the plot of the series will go forward.

Just like another similar anime with same concept, there will be betrayal of trust around the cute magic girls concept with dark tones once you go deeper. Just imagine like normal game anime that they have to compete with each other for.... reason which doesnt get explain much except they suddenly need less magic girls as quota is limited. While Madoka strong in sense to put viewer in blind while make us attached to the character until certain important part, this series is a bit loose on that as it straight start the shocking stuff in 2nd. It also have problem too many character and couldnt go deep enough into the each character motivation. The series was kinda meh at start but it get more tragic / darker as more episodes into the series. Lets just say, since this is survival games, there a lot of death of the characters that you might / not care.

Overall the series is entertain me enough although it kinda hard to recommend this to others as the score is quite average on MAL. The series probably better if it have more episodes (like 24 episodes) to properly explain all characters as I really like the dynamic in between each of them. Could be nice real games (remind me of neptunia series)
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Knight & Magic

With abundant of normal real human come to fantasy world (issekai?) anime available on the market, it is quite hard now to get surprised with any new concept of it. For this anime, it is more about mecha and improvement, more than everything else in the series. Probably it is one of the anime I watched that focus more on technical details on various aspect of mecha building. Battle is dang nice with decent 3d cgi for most of the scene.

However, while it have nice combat scene it failed on other aspect like characters building (characters and interaction is nice though), world building is a bit limited but biggest problem it is main is ....Gary Stu, which basically remove all of the stakes and tension throughout the series. Not to mention and series feel like fluffy world with mecha fighting rather than dark & gritty like gundam series.

This anime probably would be much better if pace is a bit slower (i read that anime removed way too much plot point / world building) as it got too much time skip and lack of focus on side characters. Anime is feel like on super turbo charged engine from the get go and remind me of mindless summer block buster movie. I liked the anime, but i do aware of all the issues with series.
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At first episode of this anime, it gave strong impression of game club anime similar genshiken or other after school club. But at end i feel like that the series title is merely just a hobbies that all main character (4 gamers, 1 is not) that lead then to spinning wheel of fate. There are several character are introduced (the club part) but only to be discard afterward as it focused on the main 5 characters instead. Video games do become main discussion inbetween them, but i still think it is kinda a bit shallow.

The series genres is rom-com so you pretty much can judge / expect certain plot points of the series. As relationship inbetween characters is not straight forward and simple, only similar other series i can remember would be School Rumble (but with less absurd comedy). Misunderstanding and getting way of certain love relationship happened throughout the series, which sometimes made me ....cringe? and annoyed.

Overall, I dont think i can recommend this as it probably weak in both romance and comedy part. It got chance for quite interest and dramatic character relationship development, but all got undermined by middle ill-timed joke (as usual rom-com). This anime could consider fun if you are ok to see it as normal comedy anime, but I dont it is the strength of this series either. This highly remind me of anime that is...melodramatic. I wonder if I can call them melocomedic instead.

*Maybe i should put suggestion to watch other than this anime instead:
1. Baka to Test
2. School Rumble
3. Nozaki-kun
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Hajimete no Gal

From the series poster and score alone should be a big warning to other on about quality of this anime. To be honest, I finished this series with feeling of "ok-ish" rather than feel bad or boring series. Since ecchi and harem tags are present, so you gonna pretty much gonna get cookie cutter type of anime. Additionally, related to main plots, you will be stuck with "friends of pervert weirdo" throughout the series.

Ok, the series start quite boring and meh at the start. Then after introduction of several girls, it become normal typical anime teenager in school with various activities with minor (or maybe major) ecchi thrown into the mix. So personally i think the middle part is fun with slice-of-life thingy although it is not something new.

Major exception weak part for me would be the usual drama and "lover fight" at nearing the end. It feel forced and somehow their chemistry are totally gone. I guess this it what people said melodramatic. Finally, I guess I would put this as meh / average / normal just like various other series (although MAL score is much lower). The series doesnt have much strength either in ecchi, romance nor comedy part. Compared to Gamers, at least it feel more "dramatic" and only focused more on main boy and girl

As for alternatives of series:
1. Golden Time
2. B Gata H Kei
3. Sora no Otoshimono
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One Piece manga and anime have become the same now, both alot pictures without story
finally a good chapter again
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Kraken Guard
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Killing Bites.

Seinen+Horror tags led me to start watching it. A bit of mild "gore" starting right from the first ep, but the rest of the anime started being very generic battle tropes. Also one of the most beta male main characters i've seen in an anime for a while.

Edit : Just finished Killing Bites. That ending tho, wtf. Definitely a type of ending that you dont see in every anime thats for sure.
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one piece manga .....
no content nothing happening for decades and now a sudden jump like this ....
for people that have stopped following, read chapter 903
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I paid 10$ for this.
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Jaedong wrote:one piece manga .....
no content nothing happening for decades and now a sudden jump like this ....
for people that have stopped following, read chapter 903

lol I just read it and wanted to make a post about it too.

Though I disagree. A lot happened in this time and I can think about why this sudden jump came.
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HechtHeftig wrote:
Jaedong wrote:one piece manga .....
no content nothing happening for decades and now a sudden jump like this ....
for people that have stopped following, read chapter 903

lol I just read it and wanted to make a post about it too.

Though I disagree. A lot happened in this time and I can think about why this sudden jump came.
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I paid 10$ for this.
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Jaedong wrote:
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