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I just finished main storyline of Assassin Creed Origins, which took me 62h. Couple of locations left on main map (and 2 dlc), about 93% cleared.
Im not sure if I can 100% achievement it, since most of the times it required skill and grinding, but im sure gonna 100% all map markers and clearing DLC afterward.
For this review, I need to break down again to several part, because AC Origins such a big jump from traditional AC series that have several features that made me enjoyed this game so much.

The world, setting, characters:
AC Origins is such a gorgeous game to look at that I feel like I wanted to take photos every couple minute playing this game. It feel like a real lively old egypt but filled with peoples and environment. Additionally, it doesnt have only egyptian cities, but include several other civilization such as roman and greeks as well as vast area of sea and desert. Our main protagonist, Bayek is probably most interesting character in AC series ever where he got a simple goal to find killer of his son while protecting whole egypt as Medya. Sometimes you also controlled his wife Aya in some of the story missions, including several ship battles.

One key feature changes from traditional AC is the combat. It is now more action based similar to Dark Souls series rather rhythmic combat like batman arkham series. You have dedicated button for ranged bow, light attack and heavy attack. You also can weapon switching depending on your playstyle. Parkour have been simplify and doesnt need many button presses. A good addition stuff in this game is probably the eagle vision (not just the one that do sonar pulse) with you can view your surrounding from your eagle pet view. It can be used to detect specific target, treasure or display your objective. Last part that was interesting in AC Origins is treasure hunting, which similar to tomb raiding to get some upgrade for your skill.

Additional stuff:
Because the world are most vast and open world compared to previous AC Origins, you no longer feel cramped with too much markers on the map from the get go (AC Unity issues). Although most of the treasure markers are felt useless (since you always can upgrade your favourite legendary gears) there are tons of other side activities that made it much different than AC before. From detective / murder mystery, clearing encampment's captain, fighting a WAR ELEPHANT! as well as helping other civilian from being oppressed. One of the negative stuff i keep hearing is the game gating player from accessing certain region because of player level, which is not a problem for me since i will always do side quests and clearing map marker first.

AC Origins is fun and new formula that Im looking forward in AC series. Although sometimes I feel like there are a lot in game system can be made deeper and more complex, but at least it nice world to casually walk around.

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Kraken Guard
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Warhammer Chaosbane.

Its garbage.

Best point of it is how diverse every piece of gear is, at least when it comes to helms.

But its garbage. Pathfinding is shit, you will get stuck in between walls and barrels a lot. AI is trash, nothing but bulletsponges , including the caster enemies who tend to go close quarters with you for some reason to cast spells.

Avoid like the plague.

Fuck you Games Workshop for licensing Warhammer to everything that waves money in front of you.

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Onyx Knight
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Played some Rage 2, very fun combat cause it's made by id software, but open world stuff is generic and boring, and dialogues and story are cringy even for an action-focused game. It really is the combat that kept me playing, because getting from one bandit camp to another is boring as shit but at least there's a fun fight at the end of it.

Wouldn't recommend buying at full price, maybe like $20 if you can turn off your brain for the "driving from point A to point B" parts(later on you get a little flying thing, it speeds things up greatly) and just enjoy the shooting. Right now though, don't buy it, wait for discount or get the, ahem, non-Steam version. I kept my money cause I plan on getting Doom Eternal on release, no way they can fuck it up, it's gonna be great.
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Just small update for my Assassin Origins completion.

I completed all of stuff that being track in games:
1. Finishing main games with 100% progression
2. Finishing all achievement
3. Finishing map progress for both DLC to 100%
4. Only 2 ubi club challenge which is community event that reset in 3 days called Trial of Gods

This game remind of witcher 3 so much, but mostly the open world and combat part. The 2nd DLC added so many new bosses that fairly tricky as well as decent big chunk of map areas. Took me 92 hours to clear them all. Although I admit that if you dislike walking around clearing map markers, you probably wont enjoy the open world part of this game.

Time to clear all backlog and maybe prepare for PoE Legion. Not confirmed if i want to play PoE before 4.0 to be honest, but those melee rework really made me more excited for some reason than the legion event itself. Which i pray will make it better than d3, combat fluid wise. D3 also look tempting, but iam fatigued with ARPG this year atm (grim dawn didnt impressed me much sadly)


Random finished Simulacra

It is simple game where you found a phone of missing person and you trying to figure where she was gone missing. The game pretty much use navigation similar to phone like chatting messenger, dating matchmaker, web browser, phone call and writing email. Just like a detective, you trying to follow a trail and chain of events that bring your closer to the truth.

This style of games is not something new, but if you somehow have free 3 hours and i managed to finish this in one sitting. There are a lot of multiple branching paths throughout the game, although I not planned to run it for all achievement. This game is quite bizarre on certain part of it, but best part probably figuring out on how to move forward with minimum info (i have to google some stuff / solution). I dont want to spoil any, but better if u can play this game blindly.

If you want unique experience and some simple detective deduction games, I suggest you play this game and experience yourself. Technically you could watch youtube playthrough and experience it that way... for free.

Alternative : For all similar bizarre incident this game, i recommend Pony Island and Orwell. But if you want full blown murder mystery then I can recommend Painscreek Killings (not exactly the same, but it a detective games) and Her Story.

Random Trivia : I forgot that this game was made in my country. Made me kinda proud a bit and kinda shame because i havent made game reach this caliber.
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While technically not a game, been reading the Grisaia trilogy VNs. Finished the last part last night at work. Overall its pretty good, one of the best stories ive read in a VN. Muv Luv Alternative still master race ofc, but this is pretty good as well, also having an MC that isnt a complete idiot generic teen guy is fresh. Sadly there's not that many of the same type of main character in anime, let alone in VNs.

So yeah, pretty good. Might try some untranslated j-rpg VN next. Maybe the next Rance, or just some other obscure one. /shrug
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finished the untranslated euphoria VN.

pretty standard degeneracy, but with serious undertones unlike other VNs like Starless which is basically scat most of the scenes. which is fine. the plot is a big more complex than what it seems at first with the whole death game going on but the villain twist was a bit predictable granted.

its decent.
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Spice & Wolf VR right now.

It's ok so far.
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Have been a while since i was on holiday, i just finished Just Cause 3

I gotta admit, rushing to finish 2 open world games in same times is bad move on my part. When I checked all achievement list in JC3, Im know for sure that dont want to spend hours grinding all challenges and multiplayer stuff for this game. It is already quite tricky games, i dont i have the skill to master it. So i do what i do best, clear all map markers, finish all DLC and then rush story missions.

Just Cause series is simply said, a sandbox open world games with tons of vehicles and explosion. This time around, there are several new traversal method added to the game, mainly the wingsuit and booster rocket. You have also wide variety of weapon from standard assault rifles, sub machine, sniper rifles and rocket / grenade launcher. The goals of the games is pretty simple, you free town by destroying the dictator propaganda stuff, take control region, do challenges for skill upgrades and then unlock new toys to play with.

If i want to judge the games, i would say that the DLC added tons of fun stuff while normal part of the games feel slow and mediocre. The story arent that interesting, at least compared to JC2. There are some nice set pieces / missions, like riding a nuke missiles, standing on a big flying plane, taking bases with help of rebel friends etc. It just game feel shallow unless you find your own fun (you have to remember, i cleared all markers of several big open world games already, mad max, arkham knight, shadow of mordor's DLC) since it is feel 1 dimensional.... destroying big red target.

I dunno if i can recommend Just Cause 3 or not, it sandbox and more focused on causing mayhem, but too weak on my other department of the games. 1 thing for sure, all vehicles are fun to play with, assuming you have controller (keyboard is such a nightmare). I was for sure want to get at least 50% of all challenges, but toward the end it just feel draggy and i rushed story missions instead.

Alternative : Just play any open world games that not made by Avalanche studio, not that i dislike them but they is kinda known for open world busywork simulator games (just like Rage 2).
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Just finished Dandara

This is very weird game. Simply said, it is a metroidvania where you cant walk, but instead you jump from specific spot to another spots. Game only take about 5 hours, although i did refer to guide once i felt stuck and not sure what to do next. The game have all traditional metroidvania where there are tons of spots that you cant progress, until you unlocking specific upgrade. There is also some small upgrade system where you can update your health or your energy, which powerup you secondary weapons.

By design, this is not exactly an in depth metroidvania but isnt that shallow either. I probably put it around 2/5 of metroidvania. Mainly because I dislike how unlock work in this game. A good unlock system should be something you integrated to normal gameplay (double jump / air dash or weapon for specific door) but tons of upgrades are only useful maybe in small area where prevent your progress. Although there is some sort of progression for 100% map or chests, i just cant find a way to monitor it unless i check each area one by one, making this game a chore if you want that achievement (usually i prefer a radar system once you beat the final boss)

Do i recommend it? Yes, especially if u want something unique / different from normal traditional platforming metroidvania. I think it is not that difficult but quite challenging if u want to speed run this.

Alternative title : Metroidvania i have played, Shantae and the Pirate's curse, Bunny Must Die! and Momodora Reverie under Moonlight. If u a masoschist and want more difficult platformer, then play 1001 spikes.