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Oh yes, just didnt't realize the name! Propably shouldn't post videos like that though.

I can't stop. I just keep on and on, always getting in trouble. Thinking about rehab again to get myself seriously clean, if I stay just at home I hit it again and same thing over.

Just wondering what do I tell at work...
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Taem wrote:I think one of the hardest things to let go was smoking it in a glass.

Word. I just have to ask, do you still miss it? You've been clean so long and even though it disgusts you there must be a small piece that misses it still? I don't mean to tease you or anything, just curious.

Had to "escape" rehab, I couldn't stand it in there. In group-therapy if I had heard one more "when I was young" -story I would scream. I don't see the point of group therapy, I saw so many people lie their mouths off there... and I'm supposed to trust my stuff with those people? No thanks.

Back to topic again: Guitar and music generally, finally got my old healthy addiction back. I started playing again after ~6 years break and it feels so good, would play all the time but my fingers haven't gotten used to it yet. And kinda annoying that my middle-finger joint is broken so have to improvise a little.
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Happy new year! Let's get shit-wasted and everything to our veins!
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I heard that there is a tendency in the USA to replace dependence on booze and weed with CBD as the latter is perfect for those guys who aspire to benefit from the medical merits of weed, but wouldn't like its psychoactive effects. Have a look here at the wide range of the options available for CBD neophytes.
Ice Clan
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Pretty much what I said 2 or 3 months ago. Just this time from a professional with a soothing voice. The pictures in the video may or may not trigger unwanted desires to consume, so it's best to not look at the video, but listen to it only instead.

Aside from that: I managed to stop smoking. 3rd week and counting. I used Desmoxan (banned where I live, but the neighboring country has it for sale without prescription) It's basically a pill that replaces cigarettes which you then slowly stop taking. The first 2 days you take up to 6, 1 per 2 hours, then you take 1 per 2,5 hours with a limit of 5 for the next 3 days and so on. I took 6 the first 2 days then only took one when I felt the itch, 2 a day max. These past few days I've been taking none. So I guess I'm free of cigs now. :top1:
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Great video! I don't see why would watching it put some desires, at least it didn't for me. And it actually was pretty much what you wrote a few months ago, true words.

For cigs I have not much experience, just drunk-smoking now and then. But I hear it's a real pain to stop and if you somehow relapse it starts all over again.
So good luck for you. :)
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Well, because they show a J right in the beginning. Might cause some triggers in some people is all ;)

Yeah, I accidentally started again over a year ago actually. But I gradually stopped it. First I stopped smoking at work, then at home. It was harder to stop smoking at home since I'm usually busy at work but not so much at home.

The new found daily coffee also helped me not even thinking of a smoke. Still, it took me over 9 months to actually stop. I assume one of the main reasons was not meeting with friends in the past few weeks anymore due to the total lockdown. My friends all smoke. It's like what other people go through with other drugs - When people around you consume it all the time, it's a lot harder to stop. Especially when done in closed rooms.

Another one of my friends stopped smoking as well over the past few weeks. And another one took some Desmoxan as well, but I haven't talked to him since. At least I know he had the desire to stop, too.

Anyway, thanks! I'm in a good position right now, so I think I'll be able to manage!
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Edit: damn i write too much....
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Augustos wrote:I heard that there is a tendency in the USA to replace dependence on booze and weed with CBD as the latter is perfect for those guys who aspire to benefit from the medical merits of weed, but wouldn't like its psychoactive effects.

I believe that there are near zero medical merits of weed, my opinion.