Σ 1.2.0 Patch Notes

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And thats why its have to feel like gamechanger so great job on the change.Good luck all i go paladin for sure
Rust Claw
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Bonus magic damage at level 1 reduced to 10% of dexterity, down from 30%
Each nova is now 13 projectiles, down from 16

Full Dex assassin be still playable? ;D
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I was hoping to see ewd on bowzon passive, but i guess physical bowzon is still just a dead build.
Bone Archer
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Honestly, I've been wanting Frozen Orb (My favorite skill) to come as a skill to Median for years now. I'm seriously so excited for this! I really hope the set makes good use of the skill. Thank you guys very much for the hard work you put into these updates.! I look forward to playing it!
310 | 2
Wow, Act1 mers now has Heroic Strength based on Dexterity, great stuff. The change in skill also looks amazing.
Future patches prediction: Act 3 mers will have Heroic Strength based on Energy and Act 2 mers will have Heroic Strength based on Vitality (need to add this stat to them as they have zero now, though)
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Im so exited.
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I'm ready :D
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Blood Golem
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What the reason of this effigy:
PATH OF BRUTALITY: now makes item class specific to your current class. For example, cubing with an Amazon will make the item Amazon specific

It doing nothing but making item bound to your class which is practically useless since doing/giving no any bonuses but limiting item from being used by other classes. Or will it be possible, for example, make amazon only by default shield usable with other class (Danmaku on Trap rat :roll: )?
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Bone Archer
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Scalewinged wrote:What the reason of this effigy:
PATH OF BRUTALITY: now makes item class specific to your current class. For example, cubing with an Amazon will make the item Amazon specific

It doing nothing but making item bound to your class which is practically useless since doing/giving no any bonuses but limiting item from being used by other classes. Or will it be possible, for example, make amazon only by default shield usable with other class (Danmaku on Trap rat :roll: )?

Pretty sure the above effect is in addition to whatever it already gave, which is:

Converts Every +1 to All Skills to +4% Deadly Strike
Required Level +10
17 | 6
Why is the ladder start time so inconvenient?
What time zone is it optimized for?
Uswest: Friday 10am
Useast : Friday 1pm
Must be for another country? Only complaining for those of us on uswest with work :).