Σ 1.6.2 Patch Notes

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151 | 0
This game has lost an awful lot of it's appeal, at least for me. Yes, true, the game is not made for ME, it's made for the masses but I really think there are a lot of peeps that feel the same as I do. (Just as there are elite vets that will not agree also. These are just my opinions)

1. Killed the rush. In D2, and at first in MedianXL if someone wanted to get to 99 quickly, you could get a boost within a couple hours and begin the 'interesting' part of the game. (Cows, Baal run, etc) Nobody cares about the 3'rd (100'th?) time in a season you free Cain or take on the ancients on the mountaintop. It's just the boring slog to get to the rest of the game. So hey, I know, let's take away the speediness of it and force everyone, every single character to HAVE to play through it all 3 times in a row, over and over again. Blah. Done with that.

2. Killed the OP. As others have stated, once you HAVE dragged your butt through the 3 levels of the SAME game, you can farm Duncraig and Fauztinville, etc for that (Maybe) 1 Su per run. A few seasons back, I finally had a character (Necro with the Hwanin's Hwacha specific build) that was FUN! Killing everything on the screen quickly and picking up the loot IS the point of the game. So... Lets Nerf that shiz baby! This has reduced the fun on several of the characters that used to be fun at one point or another. OP kicking ass of mobs IS what makes it fun! Why not allow 1 OP weapon or specif build PER character class for doing power-farming, then peeps can experiment with the gear that drops to do other builds.

3. Blocking areas by level. Ok, understandable that you can't get into somewhere to get a quest item that requires level 105, etc. Why get a 105 charm if only a level 85... Fine. But keeping people from being able to wander the cow zone looking for scraps, or craftables, or even just piles of gold etc just sucks.

4. Making some bosses simply impossible to kill with a character class.

I know there are veterans of the game that will say "lern the game mo betterrr man". True! But I don't want to put hours and hours of time, building up a fire sorc, lightning sorc, bowzon, etc, just to find out that they CANNOT take down XX boss without calling a pally buddy in to kill them for me. Or yes, I CAN make my way through Duncraig to get my 1 SU (Maybe) but I die 5-10 times in process.

I've followed numerous character guides but I strongly believe those guides are used by the Developers to outline the next nerf list which is why there are VERY likely builds (With fighting technique) that will NOT be written, as the players that HAVE figured something out want to make damn sure their fav doesn't get smooshed down in the next release. There are many high level areas of the game that I've not even messed with because getting the exact right gear and slogging through just isn't really worth it, especially when it doesn't perform as advertised because I missed the little message 28 pages in that says (This build sux now due to xx nerf)
2 | 0
Sprow wrote:did you try to change game server?
/gs 1 in chat or other https://tsw.median-xl.com/info

/gs 1 in chat worked, i was trying to add GS 1 in Game descriotion because that's how I'm used to when i was creating new game in other servers -_-
Pit Knight
114 | 6
Ibra1 wrote:This game has lost an awful lot of it's appeal, at least for me. Yes, true, the game is not made for ME, it's made for the masses but I really think there are a lot of peeps that feel the same as I do. (Just as there are elite vets that will not agree also. These are just my opinions)

1. Killed the rush. In D2, and at first in MedianXL if someone wanted to get to 99 quickly, you could get a boost within a couple hours and begin the 'interesting' part of the game. (Cows, Baal run, etc) Nobody cares about the 3'rd (100'th?) time in a season you free Cain or take on the ancients on the mountaintop. It's just the boring slog to get to the rest of the game. So hey, I know, let's take away the speediness of it and force everyone, every single character to HAVE to play through it all 3 times in a row, over and over again. Blah. Done with that.

2. Killed the OP. As others have stated, once you HAVE dragged your butt through the 3 levels of the SAME game, you can farm Duncraig and Fauztinville, etc for that (Maybe) 1 Su per run. A few seasons back, I finally had a character (Necro with the Hwanin's Hwacha specific build) that was FUN! Killing everything on the screen quickly and picking up the loot IS the point of the game. So... Lets Nerf that shiz baby! This has reduced the fun on several of the characters that used to be fun at one point or another. OP kicking ass of mobs IS what makes it fun! Why not allow 1 OP weapon or specif build PER character class for doing power-farming, then peeps can experiment with the gear that drops to do other builds.

3. Blocking areas by level. Ok, understandable that you can't get into somewhere to get a quest item that requires level 105, etc. Why get a 105 charm if only a level 85... Fine. But keeping people from being able to wander the cow zone looking for scraps, or craftables, or even just piles of gold etc just sucks.

4. Making some bosses simply impossible to kill with a character class.

I know there are veterans of the game that will say "lern the game mo betterrr man". True! But I don't want to put hours and hours of time, building up a fire sorc, lightning sorc, bowzon, etc, just to find out that they CANNOT take down XX boss without calling a pally buddy in to kill them for me. Or yes, I CAN make my way through Duncraig to get my 1 SU (Maybe) but I die 5-10 times in process.

I've followed numerous character guides but I strongly believe those guides are used by the Developers to outline the next nerf list which is why there are VERY likely builds (With fighting technique) that will NOT be written, as the players that HAVE figured something out want to make damn sure their fav doesn't get smooshed down in the next release. There are many high level areas of the game that I've not even messed with because getting the exact right gear and slogging through just isn't really worth it, especially when it doesn't perform as advertised because I missed the little message 28 pages in that says (This build sux now due to xx nerf)

1) So, you want to power level through the entire game? On every character? This is a great safety net to get people to understand and practice with their characters. It helps mold new players to be accustomed to the new skills and mechanics of the mod. You either want to play or you don't. You got to take the good with the bad.

2) You also want to be easily OP so the game is easy which is what you describe as fun? If you make an OP build for every character, then most/everyone will just play that build. Boring and no diversity? No thanks.

3) You want to be a leech? So your upset you can't live off others work while you do nothing? Again, you either want to play the game or you don't.

4) Variety is the spice of life. I DO NOT want one character that can solo everything better than all the other builds combined. It wouldn't be balanced or make sense. Everyone would just play that one spec. Again, it would kill build diversity.

Yes there will be. This is unchanged since vanilla though. Back when we made Lightning sorcs that relied on energy shield and would get wrecked by Bartuc with lightning immune and charged bolts. Not to mention those nasty black souls that could burn an entire mana build in a single shot to kill you on the way to Baal's throne. Immunes taking a dump on certain builds is nothing new.

Conspiracy theories? A lot of the guides are literally updated with the new patches to reflect both nerfs and buffs. This is proof enough people aren't holding back information just to keep an OP build from the rest of the world. If it doesn't work as advertised, especially those that have video proof, then it may be operator error.

So you want to get rushed on every character,be ultra OP just because, leech off others during this time, then complain that the mod should be changed to YOUR specific liking? Did I miss anything?

I would suggest using the short question thread to ask questions, playing on TSW, and watching video gameplay to learn things a bit better before you complain about how things are.
151 | 0
God_of_Magic wrote:
Ibra1 wrote:This game has lost an awful lot of it's appeal, at least for me. Yes, true, the game is not made for ME, it's made for the masses but I really think there are a lot of peeps that feel the same as I do. (Just as there are elite vets that will not agree also. These are just my opinions)

1. Killed the rush. In D2, and at first in MedianXL if someone wanted to get to 99 quickly, you could get a boost within a couple hours and begin the 'interesting' part of the game. (Cows, Baal run, etc) Nobody cares about the 3'rd (100'th?) time in a season you free Cain or take on the ancients on the mountaintop. It's just the boring slog to get to the rest of the game. So hey, I know, let's take away the speediness of it and force everyone, every single character to HAVE to play through it all 3 times in a row, over and over again. Blah. Done with that.

2. Killed the OP. As others have stated, once you HAVE dragged your butt through the 3 levels of the SAME game, you can farm Duncraig and Fauztinville, etc for that (Maybe) 1 Su per run. A few seasons back, I finally had a character (Necro with the Hwanin's Hwacha specific build) that was FUN! Killing everything on the screen quickly and picking up the loot IS the point of the game. So... Lets Nerf that shiz baby! This has reduced the fun on several of the characters that used to be fun at one point or another. OP kicking ass of mobs IS what makes it fun! Why not allow 1 OP weapon or specif build PER character class for doing power-farming, then peeps can experiment with the gear that drops to do other builds.

3. Blocking areas by level. Ok, understandable that you can't get into somewhere to get a quest item that requires level 105, etc. Why get a 105 charm if only a level 85... Fine. But keeping people from being able to wander the cow zone looking for scraps, or craftables, or even just piles of gold etc just sucks.

4. Making some bosses simply impossible to kill with a character class.

I know there are veterans of the game that will say "lern the game mo betterrr man". True! But I don't want to put hours and hours of time, building up a fire sorc, lightning sorc, bowzon, etc, just to find out that they CANNOT take down XX boss without calling a pally buddy in to kill them for me. Or yes, I CAN make my way through Duncraig to get my 1 SU (Maybe) but I die 5-10 times in process.

I've followed numerous character guides but I strongly believe those guides are used by the Developers to outline the next nerf list which is why there are VERY likely builds (With fighting technique) that will NOT be written, as the players that HAVE figured something out want to make damn sure their fav doesn't get smooshed down in the next release. There are many high level areas of the game that I've not even messed with because getting the exact right gear and slogging through just isn't really worth it, especially when it doesn't perform as advertised because I missed the little message 28 pages in that says (This build sux now due to xx nerf)

1) So, you want to power level through the entire game? On every character? This is a great safety net to get people to understand and practice with their characters. It helps mold new players to be accustomed to the new skills and mechanics of the mod. You either want to play or you don't. You got to take the good with the bad. Nope, I didn't say EVERY CHARACTER. When a new ladder opens, then a 'normal' playthrough is going to happen, with whatever someone's typical play style entails. There isn't anyone to be able to do a rush, so the normal game just happens. What I'm talking about is 2 months later, you have 2 or 3 of your favorite builds that have gathered a few items that you have never played before. That is when I'd want to try out a new build with an Assassin because I found something that looks like it would be really fun to try. I do NOT want to spend a week playing the same 3 levels (And likely BUYING the supporting gear on the trading floors) just to find out that it was described a lot better than it really was to play. BTW, I've never played assassin because it just doesn't 'feel' fun to me, and that's OK, because that is my thoughts. But you add the long slow slog and I for sure won't give it a go. Just not enough time in the day. (

2) You also want to be easily OP so the game is easy which is what you describe as fun? If you make an OP build for every character, then most/everyone will just play that build. Boring and no diversity? No thanks. Again, no, I don't look for ALWAYS playing the one same op build. I DO however want a build that will gather the 'treasure' to be able to play the OTHER builds. THAT is where the diversity comes in. Instead of giving a build a try that maybe sux up until level 90 when you can open up the reward skillz. But think about what you just stated... most/everyone will just play that build.... Hmmm, that should tell you something right there. It's fine for YOU to play with the diversity you want, but I'm talking about choice here. You can play whatever skill/character YOU want, and I have no problem with that. It's forcing everyone else to change that I don't understand. I want to power-slam mobs reliably. That's what I like. You want to play lots of different characters it sounds like, and I'm perfectly fine with YOU doing that. I'm not asking to try to change the game so that You CANNOT do that.

3) You want to be a leech? So your upset you can't live off others work while you do nothing? Again, you either want to play the game or you don't.
Again, you are taking the all or nothing approach here. I'm talking about really needing to find the XX mundane item that has not shown up after a few days of playing that I want to craft with. I also need gold to do the crafting for buying potions, etc. Sure, I will follow a cow-level cleanup to try to find the xx level 4 ethereal sword. But I would NOT spend the entire 6 month season doing nothing but following. What is the real difference between doing this or buying/trading for something in the trade forum? YET, I'm ok with someone ELSE who is perfectly ok with always following along after a crowd. That's what they want to do, then that's fine with me. (I will say however, that it would be nice if the made it so that SU drops could only be picked up by the one who got the kill. I HATE it when someone IS following me on a run and they do a speed grab of the high end gear. I do not play that way when following. Also, yet again, you and buds can make a private game to keep leechers away. I've had a great time on the other hand, leading that level 20 through the cows to give them a boost. Yet another optional gameplay that is perfectly fine for those that like that kind of thing. You don't have to do it but it is an option.)

4) Variety is the spice of life. I DO NOT want one character that can solo everything better than all the other builds combined. It wouldn't be balanced or make sense. Everyone would just play that one spec. Again, it would kill build diversity. And I am TOTALLY OK with you playing it that way. And Again, if someone WANTS to build that diversity and play 3 different styles with every character out there every time a new ladder comes out, then GREAT! Let them do that! IF... Oh I don't know, someone has a regular job and wants to jump into a game after a long work day or week and kick some mob ass without having to spend 3 or 4 weekends building up to finally be able to kick some ass.. That should be fine also. You are just as wrong to say I HAVE to play YOUR way as I would be to say YOU have to play MY way.

Yes there will be. This is unchanged since vanilla though. Back when we made Lightning sorcs that relied on energy shield and would get wrecked by Bartuc with lightning immune and charged bolts. Not to mention those nasty black souls that could burn an entire mana build in a single shot to kill you on the way to Baal's throne. Immunes taking a dump on certain builds is nothing new. Yup, there are some builds that won't do as well, and that is understood. That is why I suggest that each character have at least one build that will complete the game in full without having to get someone to beat xx for you.

Conspiracy theories? A lot of the guides are literally updated with the new patches to reflect both nerfs and buffs. This is proof enough people aren't holding back information just to keep an OP build from the rest of the world. If it doesn't work as advertised, especially those that have video proof, then it may be operator error. That's what I am talking about... New patch comes out and I am FORCED to change what made the game fun for ME. I refer to the original sentence in my post. It 'sometimes' takes the fun out of it. Why not introduce a really nice buff that will make more characters fun to try instead of nerfing that which works great now. I state yet again. You can still build the tricky-difficult character and fight the good fight. I'm not asking YOU to change what makes it work for YOU.

So you want to get rushed on every character,be ultra OP just because, leech off others during this time, then complain that the mod should be changed to YOUR specific liking? Did I miss anything? Hopefully I conveyed that this sentence is nearly entirely wrong... No, not EVERY character rushed. NO, not ultra OP just because, and not every build, just have those options if one wants. Leech occasionally as opposed to just buying something in the trade forum, sure, it's a gaming way to get items and not as a way of life either. AND Top of the list here, NO, NOT change the game to MY liking.. I'm asking that some things be left the SAME from patch to patch as a reliable baseline, while changing other builds to YOUR liking. That is what you missed, which is pretty much everything. Not mold the game just for me, but make it work for those who want to constantly try different builds while allowing those who like the classic proven style to also flourish. Again, you said that everyone will only play the OP builds... Fine! That won't stop you from doing your thing, will it? Last I checked, this is a game, with the underlying theory that it should be 'fun'. Let people have their 'fun' in the manner they are wanting. We have to work, pay taxes, drive speed limit in our real life, so this is a way to be able to break out and have FUN. My original sentence was that this game has lost it's appeal for ME, and here is why. I didn't say I want the game CHANGED to keep YOU from having fun, just leave a few things that used to make it more fun for me.

I would suggest using the short question thread to ask questions, playing on TSW, and watching video gameplay to learn things a bit better before you complain about how things are.
Done all these things.

Have you ever watched a movie more than once, read the same book more than one time, or played a legacy game for the fun of re-experiencing it? I've gone back to the original XCOM game from back in the 1994 era numerous times. Guess what, it was fun each and every time, even though I now know how to play it efficiently. I've read the Dune book series (original 6 books) probably between 5 and 6 times in full. Great to get nuances that I missed before, but the ending is still the same. Watched groundhog day many times also. BUT, I LOVE the New Xcom games also and buy them the moment they come out. Same with "They are Billions" and Don't Starve games. Unique, and great games.
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ImmortalPhoenix wrote:A vessel for holding belladonna extracts would be convenient, similar to those of shrines and arcane clusters. A cube recipe for creating belladonna extracts as opposed to finding them would be even better! I can't tell you how many times I've been low on tradeables (or run into newer players) who screwed up their build and desperately need a belladonna but can't seem to find one...which puts them in a "chicken and egg" situation.

RequiemLux wrote:This point has been argued during the years already multiple times, the discussions brought to the current system. Anyway keep in mind that there are already 3 free respec, one for each difficulty, and bellas are not that rare in the first place. Normal difficulty is a joke and it's pretty rare for a player to ruin a build to the point of being unable to complete it; worst case scenario you could just restart since you're still in Normal and breeze thru even faster. The case for Nightmare is similar but even if you used your free-Normal respec you have now a new one again as soon as Act1. By the time you reach Hell you might encounter quite the resistence before you can use the additional free respec but, being in Act1, if you have completed Nightmare with a not fully functional build then you should not have huge problem completing the quest on the first act. If you do a mistake once again, by this time the chances of not having dropped a bella are not high, so in most cases you should be covered. In case you're not, there are trades and the friendly community at your disposal.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I kind of want the respec recipe back in some ways. Maybe after killing Kabraxis or Astrogha or Baal and he has like a 2% to drop a belladona then it'll more than suffice for me. I'll surely beat the crap out of him till he drops it.

The reason for this is because last season I played a Druid. Well, believe it or not but from level 1 till the day that I quit playing (somewhere mid season 24) I myself found only 1 belladona. I remembered it vividly because that was my first find ever in that season and I was level 136, well, talk about luck. I couldn't recall how many time I ran Frauz and Dunc and K3k and other places but to no avail. Well, I streamed last season so if you guys want to validate it then be my guest. But the point here is, somewhere in the middle of the game I got stuck. I understand that they sell those pots on the trade forums and my viewers also consolidate me with their own belladona, but I felt really sad when I played aimlessly looking for the belladona instead of getting to another build and doing the designated boss. The anger and frustration built up days after days till one day I decided to quit.

Well, every season I peeked on the forum to see the change log to check if they change anything about the oil of absolution and every season I got disheartened. I understand fully well that there are lots of people who don't need belladona as much and they feel it's a redundant thing to keep in the game but for me it's a feature that I treasure, more than the stamina bar, more than the run walk changes, even more than the new boss. It's like "here here, come play the game, even if you messed up don't worry, we got you covered", and I feel assured and confident to play. After all, isn't the essence of the game are the fun of applying all your calculations and the satisfaction of seeing what you've plan works out?
16 | 0
brackans wrote:
ImmortalPhoenix wrote:A vessel for holding belladonna extracts would be convenient, similar to those of shrines and arcane clusters. A cube recipe for creating belladonna extracts as opposed to finding them would be even better! I can't tell you how many times I've been low on tradeables (or run into newer players) who screwed up their build and desperately need a belladonna but can't seem to find one...which puts them in a "chicken and egg" situation.

RequiemLux wrote:This point has been argued during the years already multiple times, the discussions brought to the current system. Anyway keep in mind that there are already 3 free respec, one for each difficulty, and bellas are not that rare in the first place. Normal difficulty is a joke and it's pretty rare for a player to ruin a build to the point of being unable to complete it; worst case scenario you could just restart since you're still in Normal and breeze thru even faster. The case for Nightmare is similar but even if you used your free-Normal respec you have now a new one again as soon as Act1. By the time you reach Hell you might encounter quite the resistence before you can use the additional free respec but, being in Act1, if you have completed Nightmare with a not fully functional build then you should not have huge problem completing the quest on the first act. If you do a mistake once again, by this time the chances of not having dropped a bella are not high, so in most cases you should be covered. In case you're not, there are trades and the friendly community at your disposal.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I kind of want the respec recipe back in some ways. Maybe after killing Kabraxis or Astrogha or Baal and he has like a 2% to drop a belladona then it'll more than suffice for me. I'll surely beat the crap out of him till he drops it.

The reason for this is because last season I played a Druid. Well, believe it or not but from level 1 till the day that I quit playing (somewhere mid season 24) I myself found only 1 belladona. I remembered it vividly because that was my first find ever in that season and I was level 136, well, talk about luck. I couldn't recall how many time I ran Frauz and Dunc and K3k and other places but to no avail. Well, I streamed last season so if you guys want to validate it then be my guest. But the point here is, somewhere in the middle of the game I got stuck. I understand that they sell those pots on the trade forums and my viewers also consolidate me with their own belladona, but I felt really sad when I played aimlessly looking for the belladona instead of getting to another build and doing the designated boss. The anger and frustration built up days after days till one day I decided to quit.

Well, every season I peeked on the forum to see the change log to check if they change anything about the oil of absolution and every season I got disheartened. I understand fully well that there are lots of people who don't need belladona as much and they feel it's a redundant thing to keep in the game but for me it's a feature that I treasure, more than the stamina bar, more than the run walk changes, even more than the new boss. It's like "here here, come play the game, even if you messed up don't worry, we got you covered", and I feel assured and confident to play. After all, isn't the essence of the game are the fun of applying all your calculations and the satisfaction of seeing what you've plan works out?

i found 8 bella this season and im just lvl 125...
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updated with 1.6.2 notes
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So what we should do with items ruined by idol of stars ? For melee chars its ussles rolled all energy and item is melee item but got a lot of energy so its usless for melee and for casters.... :roll: Like roughe forsight with + 72 to energy....
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Does anybody know if the separate sources of damage from poison runes on triunes blessing has been addressed?
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good ....