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Hello all, a few updates:

The Forum Rework

As you might have noticed, the forum was reworked. Some honorable mentions:
- New dark theme with a more reduced color scheme
- Modernization of buttons / icons
- More simplistic structure, some features have been removed, texts shortened
- Date format was changed from the ugly "Sep 29th, '16, 23:30" to simply "one hour ago"
- Some forums have been merged
- New global site header with dropdowns
- The Portal has been merged to forum index. Some features like streamer list will be back in an eventual homepage
- Some performance improvements and bugfixes

Staff Mentions

We have a new site administrator, Rishab. Additionally, suchbalance has joined the development crew to speed up sigma release, and is doing some impressive rework on items. So far his work is worth at least a month of development time, so make sure to thank him because you will get to play sigma earlier.

Median XL: Sigma

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding regarding the release time, so I figured I would clear this up right off the bat. There is a closed alpha release planned for october. Only a select group of people will be chosen to join the team, so don't bother volunteering. As soon as this expansion starts to get a better shape, we will be releasing some beta-keys to the public to get more people involved, so everybody will have a chance.

Regarding the public release - all I can say is that we are working extremely hard and it will be done when it's done. We plan for a 2016 release, but it cannot be guaranteed. Both players and developers have great expectations so the game will be out when everything works and we are happy with it.

Multiplayer / The Sin War

You can expect a new ladder announcement very soon with a new realm-patch. More details to come. Once again, your ladder characters will not be removed, but moved to non-ladder. Additionally, we are looking to increase the realm infrastructure, so we are probably going to get a couple of extra paid servers in the US and europe.

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Thank you Suchbalance. And gratz to Rishab. Other news - meh.
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Kraken Guard
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This is amazing, thanks to everyone involved.
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Polar Worm
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Eventual homepage Hype!!

no wait..

Suchbalance's reworked items HYPE!!

no wait...

Closed alpha HYPE!!

no wait..

Ladder reset and new servers Soon™ HYPE!!
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- Gandhi
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Marco wrote:
Regarding the public release - all I can say is that we are working extremely hard and it will be done when it's done. We plan for a 2016 release, but it cannot be guaranteed. Both players and developers have great expectations so the game will be out when everything works and we are happy with it.

this made me smile. reminded me of the typical blizzard statements, from the time when they actually produced awesome games. (and not something unfinished like d3....)
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Will the "last trade post" box come back with new ladder? I really liked it and iit was making things easier :P
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Bring the new ladder ...
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Astral Guardian
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Rishab wrote:Eventual homepage Hype!!

no wait..

Suchbalance's reworked items HYPE!!

no wait...

Closed alpha HYPE!!

no wait..

Ladder reset and new servers Soon™ HYPE!!

12 year old girl, pls calm your tits.
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Congrats and thanks to my fellow Admins! :clap:
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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nah Everythings HYPE..