Trade Center Authentication

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If my opinion matters to anyone I'll just say that the trade system in Median is ridiculously time-consuming and inefficient, I think it'd be fair to say that 85%+ of players do not list their trades. I hate to say it because I prefer Median over the other D2 mods, but Path of Diablo has an incredible trade system that Median can learn a lot from.

Here is some recent patch notes from Path of Diablo which explains what I mean:

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I authenticated myself but still cannot place a bid on auction when i click hammer icon and nothing happens it just refresh page, i still have the same amount of tg and my name does not show up as highest bidder (tried two browsers)
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JustinSymbio wrote:If my opinion matters to anyone I'll just say that the trade system in Median is ridiculously time-consuming and inefficient, I think it'd be fair to say that 85%+ of players do not list their trades. I hate to say it because I prefer Median over the other D2 mods, but Path of Diablo has an incredible trade system that Median can learn a lot from.

Here is some recent patch notes from Path of Diablo which explains what I mean:

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This would be great for us, the ability to search items based on parameters reminds me of the system. Also not having to update a trade post every time you trade something away is nice.
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*** Changed my password to one with less than 12 character's and authentication worked. Even though i was only using the first 12 when trying to authenticate
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Acid Prince
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i input wrong "TSW username"
how to change it?
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I started playing last friday, and i'm typing in my tsw username and password correctly (tried with/without caps). my password is 8 characters, i'm not sure what i need to do to get it authenticated. Is there a delay between account creation and it being able to be authenticated? Are there any restrictions on the types of characters one can use in a password?
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Hi guys, I have been trying to do a trade online but every time I try to go to the trade center and enter my account for authentication it keeps say it's already claimed by someone. But I'm the only one with this account, why does it say this?

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probably because you first joined our forum year ago, created account jphomie and claimed that TSW account - TSW realm stats (& Quests, NotArmory, HC chars)
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Oh okay I suppose that would make sense. How can I change it or make my account work?
Because I tried using my forum account from a year ago but couldn't log in, and then I made the new one because I didn't know how to get into the old one. Is there a way I can retrieve the old one and delete the new one, or what would be the best way to do it?
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stranger-1 wrote:How can I change it or make my account work?
Is there a way I can retrieve the old one and delete the new one, or what would be the best way to do it?

there was no trade history on old forum account so I removed your tsw account from it so you can claim it on this account - TSW realm stats (& Quests, NotArmory, HC chars)