Sigma PC Demand

Discuss Median XL!
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With the launch of Sigma and the resolution increase, is this going to cause median to be a lot more demanding on my PC? Unfortunately I don't have a gaming PC and I've been really enjoying this mod due to the game running with the D2 engine which ran on practically anything. I know I can run 2D graphics which I can resort to, but I would like to use glide if compatible. Any info helps!
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i just wonder my self to 2c 4t and hd 520 integra shudl be ok ?
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I'm pretty sure MXL Launcher uses more resources than the game itself.
It's really unlikely there is going to be a performance drop. On the contrary, seeing how many "spammy" effects were reduced (along with chance to proc those effects) you may even gain some performance!
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Awesome! Thanks! Looking forward to tomorrow!
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You can run several instances with your hw. Increasing resolution does not bring any dramatical hardware requirement increase (talking about D2).
Lags you can have in current Median (a lot of spell animations running on your screen) are caused by graphic engine limitations.
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Bone Archer
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The PC demand shouldn't´t be much bigger as the Base game. But i wonder if Sigma supports Ray Tracing.... :lol:
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They also fixed some CPU power consuming loops that the original D2 has so I am pretty sure your pc will run the new Sigma :)
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Proxallity wrote:With the launch of Sigma and the resolution increase, is this going to cause median to be a lot more demanding on my PC? Unfortunately I don't have a gaming PC and I've been really enjoying this mod due to the game running with the D2 engine which ran on practically anything. I know I can run 2D graphics which I can resort to, but I would like to use glide if compatible. Any info helps!

It should actually be less demanding than the current iteration of median xl.